Show UTAH STATE NEWS i The engineers and surveyors o of ci Utah county have laken taken steps to or 01 I Jv J. population of ot for lor Salt SaIl Like is the estimate made from the th city dire directory tory just issued S Blood poison the Infection starting from an all ulcerated tooth caused the death at a a. Salt Lake hospital of Henry Poster Foster of Vernal Thomas 18 iS years of age ages committed suicide in Salt Lake by drinking a solution of canh cyanide e of potassium Ill was the cause Pioneer day was generally celebrated ed throughout the state appropriate and elaborate programs having been prepared in nearly every city c ty village lage and hamlet hamlot Kate Gorley 21 years of age employed em cm- at a laundry in Price had her hand drawn Into the mangle injuring it so badly that the doctors are afraid amputation will be 1 During a heavy thunderstorm at Plain City lightning struck a barnon barn barnon on the farm of William Kenley an anthe and the building was completely destroyed by fire entailing n a loss of W. W B. B Hammond proprietor of the Lake botel hotel in Salt Lake was perhaps S fatally Injured when his automobile turned turtle and he was pinned un un- tier the machine his back being eing S broken The year six son of Mr and Mrs James McNaughton of Heber while playing with a revolver shot and killed himself the boy being found in a dying by his mother James Cooper believed to be insane in- in sane Bane attempted suicide In a cell inthe in inthe inthe the Salt Lake city Jail sawing at his throat at with the lid of a l toba tobacco co can but was discovered discO in time to prevent prevent pre pre- v vent nt serious injuries being inflicted Charles Ch rles Cropin about 20 years of age employed in the Knight Woolen mill at Provo had his left lell arm caught in the mixing picker with the result that the hand and wrist were crushed and parts of the hand entirely cut off otto S Robert Jobert McGregor a rand hand 24 years years old was landed in the count county jail at Randolph after he had single single- handed robbed the Bank of Randolph of 1500 and led a posse o of thirty men a merry chase over the mountains mountains mountains moun- moun toward Wyoming X Eight houses were wrecked their x contents swept awa away and J.-d the lives of S 1 forty persons imperiled at 3 o'clock We Wety aY afternoon when a cloudburst cloudburst cloud cloud- burst sent sent-a seni wall a vall of water and thousands thousands ands of tons of rock and earth down Freemans Freeman's gulch in Lower BIngham I After three fifty days of or fasting lasting I during which time nothing but water and medicine passed her lips Mrs Kate Simmons s Hunkin lied died at at PaySon Pay- Pay Son eon in her sixty-sixth sixty year Her illness Illness illness ill ill- ness was such that she could retain no food since shortly after Memorial day S A A serious stabbing affray occurred at nt Price on Wednesday The victim F. F L. L Metcalf Ts in the hospital with witha a a. deep knife wound in his throat another on his head and his assailants are in jail Metcalf sayche says saye he was robbed r of 55 by the two mer me who stabbed him F F. W W. Chambers state fish and game commissioner accompanied by five deputies will leave Salt Lake August August August Au Au- gust 1 I for an extended inspection trip of f the state Outside the fhe city other deputies will join the party and fit fir fifteen teen days will be passed in combing tie the state for lawbreakers A. A C. C Cooley Coote- a Salt Laker and a 1911 1111 graduate of the Utah Agricultural Agricultural tural college has been appointed farm demonstrator for Colorado This is isa isa isa a position in which that state cooperates co op crates with the federal bureau of ot farm management with the object in view of aiding agriculturists I Ian C. C H. H Ingham Jr 49 years of age an of- of the of-the the city str street t. t depart depart- ment was fatally injured at Salt Lake when the team attached to the flushing flushing flush flush- ing wagon he was driving ran away way One of the horses kicked Mr Ingham in the face and he fell Cell under the wagon t the e wheels crushing him Two highwaymen held up and robbed John H. H Hammer former pro proprietor proprietor proprietor of a gambling house of 2500 worth of diamonds within a block 0 ol the main business district of Ogden On Hammers Hammer's refusal to hold up his hI f hands one of the thugs beat him ovex ovel the head with witha a revolver butt Representatives of the Utah Fuel Fue company are looking for skilled labor to assist in building seventy coke ovens at Sunnyside in to the nov noy now novin in operation then therb The company also has in course 0 oi 01 erection ten room eight-room cottages tc accommodate the increased increase i lion tion I C. C F F. Nelson time old-time resident oi ol Brigham City committed suicide Sunday Sunday Sun Sun- day afternoon by shooting himself Inthe in inthe inthe the mouth with a 38 caliber revolver The deed was committed at his home S and It is thou thought ht he be was temporarily insane S Following an Illness of three weeks week I from om typhoid fever fe James Jamen l Franklin Fender Pender 68 ye rs old former chief oi ol of the Ogden police Ice depart 5 it t died Sunday He was vas formerly General Gutters Gutter's scouts an anest anest ani est jest known detectives ir States tates |