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Show THE BINGHAM NEWS, BINGHAM. UTAH . Engineering Feat in Building San Diego Dam iwnin 'iji, I i ii i.iiijiiii "7 j j j .hi ;i f ir if ' ' tw-"w- wumvfw cHirj :tA-h:- feat of constructing an Impounding dan. in the face of rising water Is here shown. ecimDHBZrHydSic Engineer I . N, Savage In the building of the Barrett dam for the city of San Diego, Cal. CoffSms. the waters rose above leve.s .on which derricks were working, carrying concrete lha derrick woSSTlVused build up on each side of them; then be lifted from the holes to fill them up and u d SeJ Iri t llfteJgaht In the foreground of this photograph is seen one of these spaces, at the abutment, protected by a cofferdam and far below the level of the water. J I Pithy Mews Notes : I . From AW Part of I (FA '- -- Lui5srt Price finery County Commission- - ers favor " tyullding of bridge over Price river at Woodslde. Salt Lake; interallied. Poppy, Day was generally observed by all biwU ni'BS houses. y j , , gait Iake. Senator Snioot lias been advised by the public road bureau that " the war department haH allotted to the Utah highway, department two five-to-n and ten ten-to- n tractors for use In highway construction. " Ogden. Manufacturers of Ogden, have 'agreed to have 200 window die-plu- In Ogden for the "Made-l- n Ogde-n'"- week. " Ogden. Owners of vacant lota In Ogden ure being' urged to join In the fight against noxious weeds at oner. Ogden. One of the greatest Flag day celebration in the history of the . Hlk's lodge of Ogden will be held Sun-day June 11. ; Salt 1 4i ke. Damages of $1,000 were jiven Ituth Matkin, old daugh-ter of Mrs. Mabel Matkln, by the Utah . Power & Light company in the Third , . district lcourt for injuries suffered - "ept ember 2, 1921, at Hyde Park-whe- n the gial came in contact with a high tension wire. Gold Hill. In the barnyerd of Jae-a-h Gerster, postmaster of Gold Hill, one may see many any afternoon a night giving sweeping credence to snake stoiiew, however lurid. Of his mvn initiative a great ball snake stages a little circus dally aid id by tiny .'hicks and a fretful Plymouth Rocle hen but is its expected he may eat them someday. Provo.- - James Stewart nd Alice Lee were bom on the same uny in December twenty-tw- o years ago. The boy was born on the Kansas side r, the state border and the girl came to the Lee, home, on the Nebraska s:n of the line. Ust week Ihey met In Provo and cot a marriage license. j Suirar House. W. O. McNalr." 42 years of atresias boon returned to trie aate prison by Judge N. II. Tanner ha ,i!t v --uiArP fulirL This n( Hon rt'as taken after McNalr wis convicted n iMlice court of assault and battery on Mrs. McNalr, his wife, whom lie married after release on parole fron the state .prison. - .... vv".-- . Salt lAke One hundred PhilaiV'l-phl-reul estate dealers visited '.lift city several days ago. Salt like. Rotary Internal! nal convention at Los Angeles wllf 1kj visited by a special train of CUb and Idaho delegates. Bingliam.-4w- . M. l'u.t sues Utah Copper Oi. for $25,(KH) damuges rlalui-a- d for nlleged acid injuries. Salt Lake. A survey of Utah needs hi recreation. and leisure time activi-ties in being made by I. II. Weir, rep-resentative of the Itetveutlou Assocra-:lo- n of Amertcar The rccommenda-Jon- s to he made to the next legisla-ture by the state welfare commission, created to study recreation problems, will be based on Mr. Weir's report. Salt Lake. The thirty-nint- h annual Utah Baptist State Convention wa held here. Lnlt Luke. Discussion of the Denl-o- n blue sky bill at the regular meet-ing of the mines committee of the Commercial club resulted in opposi-tion developing to the measure which has already passed the houso of rep-resentatives. Members thought that the bill passed would greatly handicap development of western mineral re-sources. ' Salt George H. Gardner has Deen convicted of the murder of Dep-uty Sheriff Gordon Stuart, and must go to his death July 14th. . Iogun. A music memory contest . conducted in twenty-seve- n of the coun-ty schools by Miss Margaret Wortcy, music supervlsof for the Cache county schools, has Just closed with excellent results, it was the first ever attempt id In the county and its purpose wa - . 1,1 ...... me aavaucerat;ai ui iiiubjv. num lensen of Hyrum, an eight-grad- e pupil, won first place in the contest. Out of a possible 200 points in the score, Ihe turned In a perfect copy. ' ,, ( Salt . Lakv; Clty.Graiation exer-;lse- s for more than W students, which Uie largest class in tbe history of ''z the state Institution, will held on fune 6 at the University of Utah. , Salt Ioke. Nlbley Park was fonh-tll- y annexed to Salt Lake City when ledicatory cermonies were held oh the municipal golf links presented to the jlty as a Christmas gift by Charles VV. NIbiey. ' i Ogden Definite steps ate Defng , taken by the commercial ' organiza-tions of Salt Lake and Ogden Utr a billboard campaign for three year ror the purpose of urging automobile tyw-lat-to come to Utah. . i . r- . .v - . ..' . ;- , , ,, ( A Complete History of What Hu Iken Happening Tbouiota A. the World. .; , ' ,s WE8TERN ,;i The Ku Klux Klan has Mvoked the commission of every kleagle in the king kleaglS down,' A-fter a preliminary inquiry into alleged lawlessness in that state, and has ap-" pointed William S. Coburn as king kleagle In charge of the klan's inter-ests in California, it was announced by E. Y. Clarke, Imperial klallff, or supreme vice president of the order, Forty-fiv- e special trains carrying more than 10,000 Shrtners and Itotar-ian- s to their convention In Los An-geles and San Francisco, will be used on the Santa Fe system, according to an announcement by officials. Pas-senger and sleeping car fares will aggregate $1,000,000. When Edwin Denby, secretary of the S navy, joins citizens of San Diego at a luncheon arranged In his honor on June 8.' hA will tltut n-h- thn mm. WASHSNSrOrl , I An alien woman who married a" eltl- - ten of the United States wol!d not be-come a citizen herself by virtue of f such marriage under a Mil Introduced by Representative Cable, Republican, Ohio, providing for the naturllzation of women aliens. The bill also pro-vides that a woman shall not become a citizen by reason of the naturaliza-tion, of her husband.' The right .of a woman to become: naturalized also, would not be denied because of her sex or because she, was ..married. A straight 10 per cent 'reduction In' Existing freight rates to be effective July 1, was ordered" by the interstate commerce comimsslon, this reduction to be applicable throughout the United States, except as to a few special rates, such as hny and grain, livestock and some ore rates which have already been reduced by special orders of the commission. The lntennouuntain states took a strong stand for a reduc-tion in rates at the general hearings conducted before the commission ear-ly this year, at which H. W. PrlcKett, manager of the Utah Traffic Service bureau, represented the 'governors of eight western states, various commer-cial bodies of Salt Lake and other Utah cities as well as industrial or-ganizations, v The senate has passed the house amendment providing for the appoint-ment of a sucalled "dirt rarmer" to 1 mittee in charge believes will be the longest . table on record. It will ex-- , tend the entire length of the marine J barracks, about 2.100 feet. I E.J. Burke has purchased the I Robert N. Staufield wool clip at 35 I ' cents a pound at Portland, a figure j 100 per cent higher than the price puld 1 t for wool one year ago. The deal In- - for wool one year ago. The deal in- - volves approximately $000,000 and calls for wool in various sections of Idaho and Oregon. Louis Babe of Grldley, Calif, is de-fendant In a civil court suit which he believes Is out of the usual run he I has been sued by his former wire for I , $2,000 he received as damages In a : suit against a man who he cnarged f alienated the affections of his wife. The wife, who subsequently obtained 4 fx diveorce, now seeks the $2,000 on the ground that the damage award I was made prior to the divorce pro-- I codings and was part of the communl- - ty property, title to which was granted ' her with the divorce decree. The Dallas office of the Missouri, 1 Kansas & Texas railroad has announc- - ed the purchase of new equipment val- - 'J ued at $5,500,000. The equipment con- - .1 slsts, of thirty steel passenger couches and 200 freight cars. - IJ The Rev. Father Domlnc Pantanella, founder and builder of Regis college j of Denver and said to be one of Uie oldest Jesuit priests in the west is ; dead at 90 years of age, Five members of an alleged $500,000 fradulent oil lease gang, Indicted by Representatives of five of the Inde-pendent steel companies considering a merger, were understood to have In-formed Attorney General Daugnerty at a conference that the projected con-solidation Would not be consummated until the department of justice had been fully advised. Complete arrangements for receiv-ing and caring for the Philippine mrs-sion- , due to arrive In this country shortly to .plead for Philippine inde-pendence, were made at the Wtilte House in a conference betwen Presi-dent Harding and Representative Towner, Iowa, chairman of the house committee on Insular affairs. Louis Borno the new president oi Haiti, in a message to President Hard-ing, sent upon the former's lnstallat'on in office, declared his "desire of de-voting my constant care to rendering each day more efficacious and more fruitful the loyal cooperation of our two countries." War time frauds on government of-ficials are to he investigated by a special grand jury. All , Indictments an to be given special rush attention by the courts. FOREIGN Mayor W. T. Blake and two com-panions are engaged in a 3,000 mite airplane, fight around Jhe world. . ( The Polish foreign minster,, Constan-tin- e Sklrmut, was pelted with rotten eggs at Vienna as he was going into a dinner he had arranged for. the representatives of the foreign press. His face was bruised and his clothes tne April .recieral grana jury on ; charges of using the mails with Intent J to defraud, have been placed under i arrest at Chicago. r GENERAL in American indus- - I ' try in preference to bureaucratic gov ernmental control was urged at Wash-ington by Secretary Hoover speaking to representatives of lumber manu-facturer's associations from various parti of the country meeting at the commerce department to (Mseuss means of standardizing grading of lumber and other economy problems. Approval of 23 advances for agri-cultural and livestock purposes, ag-gregating $985,000, was announced by the war finance corporation. Distri-bution of the loan Included : Arizona, $79,000; California, $250,000; Colora-do, $71,000 and Idaho $10,000. Considerable property damage was done by a tornado which swept' Wal-nut Springs, 62 miles north of Waco, Texas. " Slaay strsngo. fatSents have ftcen , brought into Bellevue hospital, New York in the years it has existed, but the strangest of all is General, a fat, squat, ugly and inarticulate turtle. The turtle was brought In" to gratify earnest plea of Ike Brown, 80 a Civil war veteran, whose pal and pet the turtle has been for eight years. ruined by the attack. The Austrian cabinet, headed by .Tohannnn Schober, chancellor, resign-ed owing to parliament having reduced credits asked for by the government. Budget proposals put before the Canadian house by W. S. Fielding, mm-iste- r of finance, carry substantial in tariff duties on many ar-ticles imported from the United States. Duties on mowing machines, binders and reapers, seed drills and plows are reduced 2l per cent. There is 5 per cent reduction on practically all other agricultural implements. Implements and materials used In dairying, lum-bering and mining are listed for re-ductions ranging from 2 to 5 per cent. The conference of the socalled com-mittee of nine, composed of delegates from the three Internationales, at Ber-li- n has ended without arranging for a worlds congress, one of the main purposes for which it was recently appointed. Scores of royal guards and fascist! were wounded In a street battle tn the crowded San Lorenzo quarter of Rome. American farming machinery com-panies again are doing business ro Siberia after a lapse or five years, during which .business generally has been at a standstill. Warehouses are being restocked with farm machinery A regular system of radio warnings of the sudden and terrifflc storms on the Great Lakes which every season cause loss of life ind shipping Is nn-- J nounced by the department of agricul ture.' Radio reports from the weather bureau- twice a day will ke ep mariners j bn lakes constantly Informed of lm- - ! pending changes of wind and baromet ric pressure. . '. i A reduction of from A cents "to 2 j cents an ounce on mail to. Argentina, i Spain and the Cnynian Islands of the British West Indies is announced by the postoffice department. 1 Immigration authorities are invest-''igrttiii- g the condlfons niou which Hannah Chaplin,, the aged and shell-shocke- d mother of Charles.. Chaplin, motion picture iw tor, ; ; and .Sidney Chaplin, ' Is allowed to renin in in the United States." ; -- from the United States, and agents are seeking trade throughout Man-churia, Korea and the maritime pro-vince, in parts of which modern mach-inery heretofore has noj been seen. Acting Secretary of the Navy Roose-velt announced he had declined appli-cation of the national women's party for use Of naval facilities in broadcast-ing addre8e :"' A conference between the Irish lead-ers and the English government is being hold at London.- - The allied military occupation of Upper Silesia is likely to come to an end by the last of July, according to the report of the allied commission for the district, which was considered by the council of ambassadors. Fourteen j thousand men of the allied forces ars still in Upper Silesia. Of these ltW are French; ';..; " ' ; V ., Boston Now Has a Fire Cat PSJ!S "Bozo," the banner member of Engine 2. of Boston, Mass., has taken the place of the spotted fire dog. He's only a cat. but when the gong rings he knows that hU place Is right on the tank of chemicals behind Driver Joe and here he perches himself immediately, all ready to go and help save the city from destruction. ;, ; . . - - CANADIAN BREAD LIKED A - I It " . ' Revenue officers on the Canndlnn border were at a loss for some time to explain why Americans living near the border bought their bread in Canada, but an examination of sev-eral loaves cleared up the mystery. The photograph shows a "bootlegger's loaf," containing a pint bottle of whisky, seized by revenue officers. Amateur Champion Radio Receiver Theodore R. McElroy of Sommerville, Mass., who won the worm s ama-teur championship In the wireless code receiving contest held at the Boston Radio show, being presented with the championship cup by Manager S. H. Fairbanks of the show. McElroy received 51 1-- 2 words per minute, better-ing the former champion, Joseph Seron of New York, by 2 1-- 2 words. BOUGHT FAMILY FOR $1 V-.- '' Beydeu Kaunas of Detroit, " ho, hearing that a friend was hard np and needed one dollar, purchased a wife, eighteen-year-ol- d boy. nine-year-ol- d girl, and a baby In order to help out. The eighteen-year-ol- d boy, how-eve- r, confided to the police. Result: Bannas loses the family and the dol-lar and Kolczynski, who made the sli. will have an opportunity to con vince a deportation board that he doesn't deserve a trip to Europe. In Bed 29 Years; Runs Big Business " '" ' W-Cr- ' " ' " SniYi5 ' ' 'v 1 r ' - A I (ji '''' ' i 1 ill Vrf - ; 'w'X; Vr";;' " ' ' ' r v ' V n ' Mra Emma S. Brunnell of Hammond, Ind.i has been flat on ber back, With death always hovering neur, for twenty-nin- e years. Her spine Is broken, a, cord controlling much of the nervous system is cut in two, and her heart and other Vital organs of the body are out of place as the result of an accl dent. Yet Mrs. Brunnell from ber bed has built up a large real estate bustnest and ha also started and Is operating a taxlcab business. She la fift,y-- yean 14 , .' " '. Cure for Locomotor Ataxia. Tbe Vienna correspondent of the London Daily Express sayk that a claim to have discovered a cure for general paralysis and locomotor atax-ia was made before the Union of Ger-man Doctors at Prague by ""Professor Fischer, a leading physician in the Czechoslovakia capital. professor Fischer has been experi-menting for fifteen years,' The princi-pal element of his new medicine, phlo-geta- n, is nucleln ncld (found in cell nuclei). It Is Injected Into the muscles of the bock. Professor Fischer stated that it was an absolute cure, and suggested that it should be used as a prophylactic In the same wanner as ealvarsan. , Another doctor said that he had used phlogetan . against colds, which after one injection Instantly disap-peared. ' |