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Show MEET IN PRiSdll AFTER 14 YEARS ij ' ' . ' '. ;':.:.' " Brothers, Long Separated, Land - in Detroit Jail,: Both Held on Criminal Charges i - Detroit. Raymond ' Nolan, Bllat Walters, twenty, held In the county : jail as an 'automobile thug, heard ' deputy calf upstatrn for a ' prisoner (o come down to.talk with his lawyer. " "Fred , Nolan."". ,'t'hV deRu'ty 'calledi'j "Fred Kola n, coriie t on, down. Fred Nolan Is , held awaltirf!,'' sentence fori forgery. , ' . ' ' . '" ' r'Rajmond Nolan" later spoke to a deputy. "Wonder If that's my brother i Fred?" he asked. "I have not seen him In more than ten years." i Turnkey Brooks sent for Fred, j ."How long since you thave seen your i brother Raymond?" he asked. I "Raymond? Why, It's all of four-j teen years. Be was just a little kid In Met In the "Visitors' Cage." short pants when I left home," said Fred, who Is now twenty-six. Brooks sent for Raymond and the two brothers broth-ers met in the "visitors' cage" in the jail office. The deputies declared that Raymond cried, but Fred, who adopts a "hard-boiled "hard-boiled attitude," said: "Ah, nothink to talk about I hadn't seen him in fourteen four-teen years, that's all, and we met here." , ' |