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Show MAN OF FAITH AND LEARNING Orlgen Considered' One of the Qreat- it of the Early Church Fathers Upheld Christian Faith. ' Orlgen, surnamed Adamantlus, who lived from 185 to 254 A. D., Unconsidered Uncon-sidered by some authorities as the greatest of the early church fathers. Alexandria, In Egypt, the great seat of learning of the time, Is thought to have been his birthplace. He was a teacher and deep student of phi-' phi-' losophy and of the ' Scriptures, and he became a great defender of the Christian faith. His literary productions produc-tions were numerous and several have come down to the modern world, among them being a treatise on theology, theol-ogy, a few sermons or discourses of that nature, parts of commentaries on the Gospels of St. Matthew and St. John and St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans. His greatest work Is his defense of Christianity against the attacks at-tacks in the writings of Celsus, an Epicurean philosopher of the Second century. Celsus' work is not extant, but the character of It Is made clear In Orlgen's refutation, which contains many quotations, and Orlgen's line of argument Indicates clearly the line of attack followed by Celsus. The attacks at-tacks upon Christianity by many critics crit-ics are simply repetitions of Celsus' objections, which Orlgen answered about seventeen hundred years ago. |