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Show TOOK THREE ENEMY SCALPS,- Exploit of Indian Girl Made Her Fa-mo' Fa-mo' Among the Tribes of he , , . . Northwest. One of the most warlike of India maidens was Hanging Cloud, a- Chip pewa girl, the daughter of Na-nong-ga-bee, chief of a branch of that tribe hlch occupied the territory around Rice Jake In northern Wisconsin, some , 75 years ago. In her hair Hanging ' Cloud wore three eagle plumes, algnl-fylng algnl-fylng that she had slain thut muny braves In battle. This exploit she performed whea n party, Including herself and her fa--" titer, were ambushed by a force of Sioux, the Clilppewus' traditional ene- mies. Her father was slain, and Hanging Cloud, feigning death, wult-ed wult-ed until the Sioux came to secure the scalps of the slain Chippewas, and then, seizing her fathr's rifle, killed one and, In the pursuit which fid-lowed, fid-lowed, succeeded Id killing two more. She scorned to marry one of her own tribe,' "for she coul 1 not espouse herself her-self to a lesser warrior than she, and so she finally ourr!ed a white man, with whom she ,Ived for many years near Rice lake. ( i |