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Show SECRET PANELS IN THIEF'S HOME Plunder Hidden Behind Wains-, Wains-, coting in Various Rooms in Detroit Robber's House. DODGES MANY. TRAS It Caught in tha Act of Robbing Po-liceman'a Po-liceman'a Horn and la Hit on Head by Brick Whlla Shooting at Police Old Offender. Detroit, Mich. In Fred Lemhagen, forty-two, who was felled with a brick and captured while firing his revolver at Patrolman William A. Emllng and the letter's brother, Ell, when they surprised sur-prised him in the act of robbing the patrolman's home, the old-timers In the police department recognized an old acquaintance. , They said they "remembered Lem-jhngen Lem-jhngen as the burglar who had terror-: terror-: ized the East aide over a period of several sev-eral years prior to 15 years ago, but since that time he was believed to have "gone straight." His Peculiarity. When he was lodged in Receiving hospltai, under police guard, suffering suffer-ing from a severe, laceration on tho head and possible fracture of the skull from the brick, the veterans of the force said they remembered Lem-hn Lem-hn gen's peculiarity In the burglary line during his career almost a score of years ago. Inspector SChuknecht went in person at the head of a squad to search Lemhagen's home. They found a false panel in the linen chest covering a cubby hole, which disclosed $87 In bills when they slid the panel aside. Behind the wainscoting In various rooms of the house they found pockets pock-ets for plunder drilled and cnt Into the walls and out of them they took a Wgar boxful of rings, wrist watches, men's watches, cuff buttons, pencil and one revolver. Jawela Scattered About'. The Jewelry was scattered about In 'small consignments, two or three rings or other pieces of Jewelry being found in the various "woodpecker nests" that Lemhagen had made to hide his plunder. Rings and diamonds were found In half a dozen other recesses. Police declare they are satisfied Lemhagen Is the "East side burglar" Felled With a Brick. who has perpetrated Job after Job within a radius of a mile of his home, dodging dragnets and plans laid for him. He made a clean "getaway" with thousands of dollars' worth of Jewelry anJ cash. lie U a canwuttr ar.J locksmith. lock-smith. Ills home is In the fashionable fashion-able Indian Village district. |