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Show In Bed 29 Years; Runs Big Business W-CrS ' " " ' " '" ' SniYi5 ' ' 'v 1 r ' - -A I (ji '''' ' i ! 1 ill Vrf - ; 'w'X; Vr";;' V n " ' ' r v ' ' ' Mra Emma S. Brunnell of Hammond, Ind.i has been flat on ber back, With death always hovering neur, for twenty-nine years. Her spine Is broken, a, cord controlling much of the nervous system is cut in two, and her heart and other Vital organs of the body are out of place as the result of an accl dent. Yet Mrs. Brunnell from ber bed has built up a large real estate bustnest and ha also started and Is operating a taxlcab business. She la fift,y-U yean 14 , .' " '. |