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Show ' ' i i i M 1 1 ii i i ' " i . Central Bank of Eingliam I.. i i , . , . - , . -1 ' ... .y. y .77 ,,-.v- : ;y;.' y- t .. y. ' --y , Friendliness and. Mutual Interest are manifest t characteristics of our Association with our customers. We invite you to make full use'of our facilities and com. t plete banking service. , i "'" y ' V't CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $70,000.00 t The Old Time Meat Market at the old Stand where you can always rely on I getting the BEST of MEATS FISH and FOWL- PHONE 5 y ALWAYS THE BEST - Oscar Edotom ; : Bring Your Shoes to the above for GOOD REPAIR WORE Established irt BINGHAM in 1900 - Copperfield Candy Store Under the Management of : t . ' JOHN RAGNO Candies and Soft Drinks A Specialty Main Street Copperfield, Utah ' New Blouses and Up-fo-Date -Millinery Mrs. T. H. Parsons Mjstreet J Say, You! K 7 HOW about that printing job you're in reed of? mum ' i.jl M mmii i ii ii Mi iimi mwmmt Come in and see a about it at your first opportunity. Don t wait until the very last moment but give u a Uile lime end we'll bow you what high grade work ""J ws can turn out. . k 1 n PHONE 91 0 REPORT I all the news happen J t ings that come to your attention to this office. It will be appreciated for every piece of news will make the paper ' more interesting for you as welt as Others. We want and with your P help will print all O tup mvwQ 111 Li Ii-i Vt u PHONE 91 1 We Are Ready a To turn out that job rijj of printing when' pj I ever you need it. jjj . Our Prices Are Right |