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Show CHANGE OF LIFE WOMAN'S TRIAL Proof That Lydia L PinUiam's Vegetable Compound is of Great Help at This Period Metropolis, Illinois."! have taken . Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Com- i ll 1111 H UAU JJ J 1 1 1 ! I ?S bJf Ja bii ' ( D! Ml benefited 6 won- I derfully. I had been s. s sick for eight months , 1 with trouble which I. f- confined ma to my jft bei and was only II, ! j able to be op part of f V V2. 1 the time, when I was In,v 7 JJ advised by It friend, ( ( Mrs. Smith, to try V,- i Lydia E. Pinkham'i 'lv-r.-v-- com pound and Liver Pills. I was so much Benefited by the use of these medicines that I waa able to be op and about in two weeks. I was at the Change of Life when I began taking the medicines and f I pasted over that time without any trouble. Now I am hale and hearty, do all my housework . washing, ironing, scrubbing, and cooking, all there is to do about a house, and can walk two or three miles without getting too tired. I know of several of my neighbors who have been helped by your medicines." Mrs. Emma Culver, 70S E. 7th EL, Metropolis, Illinois. . Depend upon Lydia E. Pinkham'aVeg. . otable Compound. Nervousness, irrita-bility, irrita-bility, heat flashes, headache and dizziness, dizzi-ness, are relieved by this splendid med -.,.' kino. 16799 MED In New York Cty alone) from kid ney trouble last year. Don't allow yourself to become a victim by neglecting pains and aches. Guard against this trouble by taking SALT LAKE " . . i Business Directory OLDSMOBILE v DEALERS WANTED Id L'tiih, Idxho, N'-ad. N'-ad. Wyomin. Liberal romniimiion will end iprriHntntvt on requnt A. E. TOUR3SEN IJWh-ibutor. KNOWLTON BEAUTY SHOP Everything known in bciiuly culture. Let ut tell you xmt our Lreami, Powder Had Hair Gowlt. M S. Muia yTICTTD SCHOOL of DRESSMAKING IVr.l.l I ri Teachn you to Ueiirn, Cut and . fit t So. Main. Salt Lake Citr f -jaaWBEJ We are the only fjfrJ "i!?S, nifg'a of iwiiiite jfzzr v NMivi monument in tle?FWi vxh- We haTe 1.7 iy'tj, flnof rained arnn- UJ i.r Ite which iUikI Id SuEVCSI mucl1 ,,i.'L,,rr IS f hi pre mure than 1R j tft ' eartcrn trenite t yyfyAJYy I f tal,e wrir j i -mm f"fiy'i!gjfcA fine polish: quar- r 11 nmsxy riod.cutpoliiili.Hl ;, - ,- Vilf and rarved by k'isLfvl your local dealer , 1 i If he does not have it inatock. Writeua, the price will pleaae you. We aluo have a large stock of eastern granite at remarkably low pricm. Utah Granite and Marb'a Co. 7 Wert South Temple COLD MEDAL The world's atandard reroady for addnty, Uvar, bladder and uric acid trouble Hollarl'B National Rmdy.slnce 1696. AH druggists, three aiiea. " , , Look far taa aaaaa CoU MeJal oa arary aaa aa4 accept aa iasiutioa SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES And eprlnkU In the foot-bath ALLEN'S I FOOT-BARB, the antlaeptle. heating- pow. er for Painful, Swollen, 8mart(nf Feet. It prevent bllatera aad aora apata and take the aHnc out of corn and bunlona. Always aa Allen' FootoBaaa to break In new ahoa and aoy the blla ef feet wlloout aa ftoba, Advert taement. a new Stock Salt Farmer everywhere reallz the aeeemlty of "aaltirm" their tock. Tha United State government liutita that ranjre rattle be given a plentiful supply of aalt The old faxhioned rock salt hai been used until now, but the new SPECIAL STOCK SALT la being made from the water of Great 8alt Lake. It' an interesting atory. It's a wonderful help to farmer and stock raers everywhere and all this information will come to you FREE if you but aend me a 2e stamp to pay tha postage of ihi useful little booklet back to you. Fill In the lines below and mail today. Writ plainly. HELEN BROOKS DEPARTMENT Bag 1545, Salt Lak City, Utah. . I enclose two cent tn etamp for return re-turn postage on a free copy of "R. C, Special Stock Salt" Nam ... Street , M . City Stat .. . ' Blue Fine is totally difierent-and difierent-and better. Blue Pine is made to make good for Scowcroft made it. SCOWCPOFT t7-.-..V?vx;r MADE IT , Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION fcJSZe?3) 6 Bell-ans L-y0&-M Hot wafer Sure Relief S5i and 73$ Packages. Everywhere) OAISY FLY KILLER ATTRACTS ANOKUia s is l .i' , all rLita k. smipiM f?J2d.ffi: ' ftnpU, I1.2&. BAiiuU) aVMUUI, 1M Ih Aatt An Brooklyn, N. T. BUBINEB8 COLLEGES K D. 8. HUSINEBS COLLEGE. School of F.fTlcirn.'y. All ommrc'al branch. Catalog fr. 60 N. Main 6t, Salt Lak City. PLEATING BUTTONS) Arcortlian, S.dr. Box Pirating. Homstitphlng, Pulton., lUttnhoU. Kid Corset Parlor. 40 E. Broadwny. 8KB VOCB PUBLISHER Take your Bonk Bin'tlnir-any kind t your lo eal printer. Le.ih's TraJo Bindery, Salt Lak. I Guticura Soap Imparts The Velvet Touch Sosp 25c, Oiatntat 25 (a 50c, Talcaa 25c. fTHrTl PARKER'S I 1 I IAIR BALSAM I ,.; I Raator Color aad h . V ' "L j Baaaty to Cray and Faded Hai, F j''X'i e. aadli iat lirorjin. . i... as. j yOrtluro! ft f-i;. Wis. Put, hcrnc. T. HINDERCORNS n. ci. ,k' iki rvr. V. bT "an or at fcrug. gwta. ii iseos Cbftui tu Works, I'tcboetM, . 1. J hills" Ii o n e y tS: tar GOOD FOR BAD COUGHS 65c at atore; 75c by maiL Addreat New Yoik Drug Concern.New York DEPAKTMENT STORES SEND TO WALKER'S. SALT LAKE CITY; Huh. for tnylh.ng fua cannot get in your home stores. UTAH METAL WORKS, MTr'i Typ Metal. i CICTCD SCHOOL or DRESSMAKING lVr.l.ll r.lV Inslriicli'.n In wl(r. Cutting tmiuiliii BI)( Ktlinr m So. Main. R-nd U. THE KNOWLTON SHOP. 60S 8. Mala for everythnnr perlaininit to makinir of trr is, Hrmslitrhing, Plaitlnu, Button. B't'n Hoist i I |