Show I Deaths I EMMA LANGFORD Mrs Emma Langford 60 80 widow of Isaac Langford died in lio a a- local hospital Tuesday u J at 9 o a. a m. m of Infirmities Incident c to age She tl e resided sl at W Hawthorne ih J aveRSe avenue ce tu r la 15 survived by bya a foster son lon THOMAS CRABB Toma Lm-Toma Thomas Cr Crabb bb G 67 died d at t the famIly rally home here Tuesday folia win f a live lire fn mon months months' h Illness from a a- molar He lie le had been bedfast six weeks Mr Ms Crabb was horn bom February 28 1863 1865 in Dundee Scotland a son of Charles and Ann nn Crabb He came to Utah in July 1837 settling in Cache valley valId He lie Heme came me to Lehl Lehi In 1889 1880 He was an employs of the Utah Idaho Sugar company from the time of the ere lIon on of the Lehl IeM factory until 1926 working for or many years as a boiler room foreman Mr r. r Crabb cleared away sagebrush the building of the Lahi factory He was ira an active I Ia D. D 8 S. church member He Ho married Jane Cooper also of Dundee Dun Dun- dee ce Scotland In Salt Lake January 27 37 90 Lit Mr and Mrs Crabb cams camo from Scotland together Surviving are lila his widow two sons end and a daughter aughter Nevin and Charles R B. B Crabb Lehl Lehi Mrs Albert Smith si six brothers and sisters Charles and ana Agnes Crabb r bb Mrs Anne C. C Ryffe LeSt William and nd Ellsa Elia CraSh Crabb Alexander rabb Crabb Scotland and nine grandchildren GEORGE W W. ASPEN SR George Washington Asper Sr 76 8 retired farmer and rancher died Tues Tues- clay ay at 8 a. a m. m of a heart attack at St hi isis home ome Ogden avenue He ale was born in Ohio October 13 15 ff ISM a son of Riles Kilos and Jane Morrow Asper He lie Hea was a a member of the L. L D. D 5 S. S church Surviving are his widow Mrs Janetta Merrill Asper and six sons cons and daughters Mrs Irs Chloe J. J Robinson Ogden George W W. Jr r. r Orson E. E Asper and Mrs MarcIa E. E Idaho rails Falls Idaho Mrs Rebecca North Ogden and Sirs Mrs Millie L. L Carpenter San Francisco 23 dren rea and two great grandchildren two tens ers Mrs Jane Weaver and Mrs Agnes Acnes Brim Salt Lake Funeral arrangements are In Sn charge or of orho ho tiso Lark Lark-in Lo Sons mortuary WALTER LEE CLAYSON SPANISH FORK Relatives FORK Relatives were notified Monday evening of the death of Walter Waller Lee Hayson dyson from natural causes at Las Vegas Nev He lie was born at Lake Shore December 21 1 1907 His parents were VetS Nathan and Minnie Huff Butt Clayson Ills His mother died in loll He had always lived at Lake Shore receiving his education there thero and in the Spanish Fork Fork- high school He is survived by his father and stepmother Mr Mc and Mrs Nathan Clayson two brothers and three sisters Archer E. E Huff and Allen E. E Huff Lake Shore Mrs Annie May Lofgran Sin Sin- Mrs Minnie Leah Clayson Clarson Halvor- Halvor en ten Palmira and Mba Clayson SpanIsh FOrk C. C 0 of the Funeral home left Monday night for tho lbs body Fir Fu- natal arrangements will be announced later aTho The young man left six weeks ago for lor Las Vegas ZILPHA JANE BROADBENT KITT Mrs Jane Broadbent 41 died at a local hospital Monday at 6 p. p m. m of a throat ailment She was born bom In ELsInore ELsI- ELsI nore February 15 1891 and is survived by her husband John Kilt tho following sons and daughters Maynard Bert and Wilbur Kilt Salt Lake Mrs Zola Snyder Audrey and Viola Salt Like Lake her father James T. T Broadbent Sr St Salt Lake and the following brothers and sisters J James JamesT T T. Broadbent Jr William S. S Broadbent Ransom Broadbent Mammoth Mrs Alma Hendrickson and Mr Mrs Henry Johnson Salt Lake A 8 grandchild also survives Funeral services will be b held Thursday at 1 I P. P m. m in the ward L. L D. D 3 8 of her ner brother chapel under the direction Bishop William S. S Broadbent Burial will follow In the cemetery Friends Friend t may call at the Deseret mortuary until three hours before services FLORENCE ELLEN DOBSON Mrs Florence Ellen Dobson 73 widow ef of Samuel Dobson died at her home South West Temple street early Tuesday morning of heart trouble Mrs Dobson was born in In Illinois n October Octo OctO- bet ber 11 1859 and had Jived hero here for the last 15 veers are three daughters Sirs Mrs E. E L. L GraY and Mrs Grage Hosik Salt Lake and Mrs BenjamIn Edgerton Wro two eons Edward Dobson Hartford Ark an and Robert Bobson 19 grandchildren and six RAYMOND A. A Raymond A. A 40 a native of Salt Lake died In Los Ane Angeles eta December 22 relatives rela rela- tives were advised Tuesday Sir Mr ya was the son of Elmer and Emma and la is survived by tho f following brothers and sis ieee Elmer Elmer Frank Lawrence and Stephen all of Sill Salt Lake and Mrs Alice Philips of Philadelphia DOROTHY Dorothy year old daughter of Densil F. F and Prances Frances Decker 1153 Wilmington avenue died In a local hospital Tuesday at a. a m. m followIng an operation opera opera- tiers tion lot for appendicitis She was born in Oranger January 19 19 1928 1920 Surviving are her patents parents and several sev eral brothers brother and sisters |