Show Coal Goal Shipment Rate Reduction Redu Uon Supported The Utah Poultry Producers' Producers and the Intermountain Produce Dealers Dealers' associations announced Wednesday th that t they will support the Utah Shippers' Shippers Traffic association in its fight for a Cent 50 ton aton reduction on coal shipped from the Carbon county fields to intrastate 0 O. P P Hesser secretary of ot the produce produce produce pro pro- duce dealers in a letter to J J. J S S. S Earley secretary of ot the shippers shippers' organization tion said that the railroads should reduce the rates rates' in order to stop bootleg trucks operating in the territory ter ter- ter Clyde C. C Edmonds secretary and general manager of ot the Utah Poultry Producers Producers' association pled pledged ed the support of his group claiming that discriminatory freight ra rates es on intrastate Intrastate intra state coal shipments place unjust burdens burdens bur bur- dens on the consumer The shippers organization has filed fileda a complaint with the state slate public utilities c co o 0 mm i 1 s s i ion o n protesting against unreasonable and inequitable intrastate intrastate- rates on coal shipments I |