Show Left and Right and and a That's the Chasse Step StepA t r f a fj t tt 4 4 I t r. r t A little of ot the tho old-fashioned old two-step two Is involved in the second basic dance ste step the step the which chasse which these two arc are demonstrating In accordance with the diagram at the left This Is the third of a series of 12 articles articie on all phases pluses of the modern dance by Arthur 1 Murray Internationally ally recognized dance authority The fourth will appear tomorrow By ARTHUR MURRAY NEW YORK Dec 28 NEA NEA-If NEA If you are arc nervous because you fear your dancing wont won't get by in the I u Start jg 6 i ArtO AMO I Start Start new year why not start now to brush up Lack of confidence vanishes the minute you actually learn the basic steps and the newest combinations Yesterday you learned the waltz step Today we take up the chasse Practice it with your arms bent a athe at atthe atthe the elbows and held high Practice it with your chest erect your head high and your our eyes forward Practice Frac tice it without music until you ou gc get it perfectly Then turn on the music and swing back and forth in rhythm until you could chasse in your sleep The chasse is the sidestep the easiest step in the foxtrot and the basis of the old fashioned two step This is how you dance it following the diagram 1 Step directly sideways to the left and draw right foot up to the left weight on the right That's all there io is to the chasse to the thc left lell side Note that the word and is used instead instead instead in in- stead of the count of two 2 Step directly sidewise to the right side and draw left foot up to right foot weight on the left leftIn In doing the be sure to keep 1 your weight on n the ball of your foot You'll find practicing It an excellent exercise as well as an important start toward learning to dance prop prop- erl erly |