Show PEOPLES PEOPLE'S CORNER No NTo Excuse for Leaving Snow and Ice on Walks Editor of oC The Telegram With one of the heaviest snow snowstorms snowstorms storms torms in the history of oC Salt Lake having occurred durin during the past few days lays immediate attention should be given iven by the residents In clearing their heir sidewalks Such action is not only an Indica ion tion of civic pride but also means much to the safety of or the people of or Salt SaIt Lake Many accidents which have caused serious injury to several persons have occurred already this wint r due to the carelessness of home lome owners in not immediately removing removing re re- re movin moving the snow and ice from the sidewalks There is a city ordinance which requires the removal of all snow from Crom rom the sidewalks by 8 a. a m. m or orne orone orone one ne hour after each storm that should be c enforced There is no excuse for icy sidewalks side- side walks in these times with so much unemployment There arc are hundreds ot of f men who are ready and willing to o do this work for tor a small smaIl sum Any number of ot these men can be chained ch ob ob- ob tamed at once by calling either the Salt alt Lake city and county relief or orthe orthe the he employment committee at Waatch Wa- Wa atch 88 Lets Let's all Join h hands in making Salt Lake a safer city and at the same time ime furnishing work lor for those in need G. G W W. |