Show Soloists Director for Oratorio The Messiah r c V 1 ji y V V 4 v vA A V S SV V V V 1 t t Soloists at the presentation of The Messiah January Januar 2 Upper left to right Cora Thorne Bird of Ogden soprano Dr Florence Madsen Madsen Mad Mad- sen contralto center left to right Harold H H. H Bennett baritone John W. W V. V tenor Lower right Albert Albert Al Al- bert J. J Southwick director I Rehearsals a are going g forward for forthe the he nineteenth annual presentation of Th The Messiah the great Handel ora ora- todo orio at the L. L D. D S. S tabernacle Monday Monday Mon Mon- day at 2 p. p m. m by the Salt Lake Oratorio Ora Ora- torio orio society of nearly voices For Forthe Forthe he the the the- third time it will be directed by Albert J. J Southwick and the soloists have lave been selected from among local I singers Financial responsibility forthe for the he production has been assumed by bythe byl the he chorus itself making it possible that hat there should be no lapse in the I annual presentations The four soloists for the years year's presentation pre pre- will be Cora Thorne Bird I of Ogden soprano Dr Florence Jepperson Jepperson Jep- Jep person erson Madsen contralto John W. W tenor and Harold H. H Bennett baritone Of the four Miss Bird is the only one who has not nol previously been a soloist in the Salt Sail Lake ake production of the oratorio Dr Madsen's singing o ot of the contralto role several years year ago will be well remembered and Mr and Mr Bennett have both sung in inThe inThe inThe The Messiah presentation on several sev seve eral occasions There will be another rehearsal of V the he chorus tonight at 8 T SV S 'S V V Iy Iy'S S SV V V V V i |