Show Doeg Girl Upsets National Juvenile 1 f Tennis Tenn Titleholder LOS ANGELES Dec 28 8 UP UP- UP May Doeg member of the Santa Monica Mon Non ica lea family of ot tennis fame tame ranked as M CIne cae of or the nations leading juvenile Mars ars toda today after defeating Helen Fulton ulton of Chicago national junior girls girls' singles champion in the semi semi- finals of the annual southern CalIfornia Cal- Cal midwinter tennis tournament Playing a t sensationally ll steady lame game arno Miss Doeg triumphed over the Chicago girl irl by scores of ot 7 5 and 6 1 L t Miss Fulton retaliated in the wo- wo singles division however to dd at Jane Sharp of Pasadena 7 5 7 T 5 in the opening round W tester opened defense of oI local mens men's singles title by byan van van- Milton Ruehl of Milwaukee 7 75 S 6 62 P- P T The Ibe first round also saw Elizabeth Deike Deil of ot Los Angeles defending wo- wo champion turn back Dorothy Anderson 6 1 6 7 6 7 5 8 |