Show MONEY IN NEW YORK attracted by high rate funds have been returning from the interior additional rell baa been secured by a temporary shit ting of loans to europe gays henry clews was albo strengthened by the knowledge that secretary shay would come to the relief of the money market in cage of necessity and alia jact that lia has consented cons to prolong bis stay in the treasury department until the baa given added faction in this respect during the past years there has been a great increase in the supply of money amounting to about BO bat t js surprising that scarcity should be pronounced and universal of course the demand for money hag bon groate gro increased by the activity of business and the bagh prices of commodities in all probability however ithe increase tn demand has been from speculative sources not only in new york but especially in the interior where expansion haa been going on at a rapid rate ganco the first of september there has been a contraction of nearly in loans at ahti naw boru banks but this item atall stands at very high figures and further contraction would hav havo o boon beneficial even had it wholesome liquidation the outlook is against any improvement in the monetary especially a doroe temporary in conven lenca may ba experienced about tha first ot december and the first oi january to meet the usual at those period |