Show LAWYERS r ATTORNEYS SAY HE VIOLATED FAITH extradition pairs were signed for railroad man and nothing was said to his counsel from tuesdays standard unless all signs tall and the happens P B sawar who has beba confined at the county jail for the tn dab and who is at palisade nov for the allied from the Sou thein pacific company will be taken back to palisade today to aland rial on the charge governor having signed the papers yesterday when the attorneys for the defend tint W L and H de itne heard that the requisition and for had been signed they were in an unenviable frame 0 mind and at one sought to locate district attorney II alverson that gentleman was not to be found but later showed up at the office ot judge and while in the office some hot words were exchanged between the attorneys it seems that when wa captured at ida the attorneys for aho defendant allege that they entered into an agreement with the district attorney that they would permit to be brought back 0 o this county and would allow their man to be held a reasonable time for the necessary papers to arrive from nevada and would then fight the extradition before the governor they told the district attorney that they had trusted him to notify them of thy arrival of the papers and that they considered he had violated their on the other band district attorney halverson claimed that the attorneys for the defendant had let the bara down and that he was not to blame if they were not represented when tha application was made to the governor for him to sign the extradition papers he said that the papers bad not passed through his hands but pressed by mr maginnis Ma ginnia admitted had a copy of the judge ma ginnes demanded to free a copy of the warrant and after a while it was pio deuced during the discussion boine hot voids were eio hanged by the attorneys those for toe accusing district attorney IIa lyerson of having been guilty at sharp practice district attorney halverson yesterday afternoon denied in the presence of a reporter entered into aa agreement wita the counsel for the defendant would be allowed to proceed with the hearing of the complaint inthe cont here charging wilh bem a fugitive from justice and that thelah officers had a right to beet the governor for his signature wibirt notifying notify ins the attorneys on theto aier side last evening and mr devine both jsaie that while was being held nt they entered into an agreement with the district attorney by which they agreed to allow their loan to come lack to ogden without papers and await a iea time for the arrival of the papers from nevada on condition that they be allowed the opportunity to fight the charge of being a fugitive from justice in he court here and before UIA on requisition the cabo has already attracted considerable sid erable attention principally because of sensational flight after having been re lafed on a writ of habeas corpus by judge howell was brought here atom perth N D by officer jenoa of the oregon short line coming without papers and upon his arrival here ra fused to go further until he was told of the nature of the crime with which he was chareen cha reed he consulted an attorney and habeas corpus proceedings viade at once instituted which resulted in his being released from custody then came hie night from town in a buggy his subsequent arrest at malad ida and ills return to this city is wanted at palisade nev tor the alleged thea of freight from the southern pacific road while he vas acting as warehouseman at that point |