Show I 1 jt i lira y if 1 djs hal bh KAN baky PURPOSE rf TO understand WHAT WE MEAN MORE CLEARLY YOU SHOULD SEE OUR STOCK FULL OF THE BEST IRONS THAT WERE EVER INVENTED EVEN THE MAID WILL smale TO SEE ASBESTOS SAD IRONS PLACED IN THE HOME FOR HER USE YOU ALWAYS HAVE A HOT IRON AND A COLD HANDLE TO HAVE IT IT IS NECESSARY TO HAVE A CONDUCTOR nonconductor NON OF HEAT BETWEEN THE TWO WHERE THE ASBESTOS IS AN IRON FOR EVERY PURPOSE FIRST WE HAVE friend its small and caay car irons are adapted for chrt per aft factly K TRY THEM FOR FOR IT REACHES THE ake beat SPOT deslys ED 30 HERE WE HAVE THE REGULAR SETS NOTICE THE ASBESTOS LINING A COLD HANDLE A COLD HANDLE HEAT WHERE HEAT IS NEEDED WE HAVE ALSO A HEAVY PRESS ING IRON J AGENTS appraisers FOR DEE ESTATE in the estate of thomas D dee da ceased judge howell signed an orde appointing archibald mcfarland thomas A whalen and A D iB of the estate for good cause juror adam L pa terson was excused from at court until wednesday aurora Ju rorA J anderson failing to an siver when his name was called iam court ordered a bench warrant issued for his arrest and ordered thai he bo brought into court by the sheriff near at ham thanksgiving day will soon be here why not have something to le specially thankful for by getting our estimate for lumber and all kinds of building material for any building work the eccles lumber co both phones sa st |