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Show Christmas Issue THfc TIMES NEWS, NEPHI, UTAH December 24 1956 Page Thre J-r- 5 sr r " Tr T ,s . & r R R R 'A i?x 4 N STAKE PRESIDENT "NO LIFE CAN RICH AND MEANINGFUL BE REMEMBRANCE OF THE WITHOUT AND ATTENTION TO THE PAST FUTURE" As we remember the past and look confidently to the future, let us be aware, as John states, Chapter 3, verse 16 "God so loved the world that he gave His only Begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. In your righteous endeavors to attain this goal may you have the inner peace that comes from devoted service through this Christmas Season and the New Year. R. Roscoe Garrett 1 E. Rulon Brough i 1 i t G. Ray Burtenshaw J td j ftXi ' l', R 1 ' t JUAB STAKE AUTHORITIES AMD AUXILIARY HEADS is. R SEATED Paul E. Booth, Stake Clerk; President E. left to right Rulon Brough, first counselor; President R. Roscoe Garrett; Pres- ident G. Ray Burtenshaw, second counselor; Neldon Hanson, assist irit Stake Clerk; STANDING James Glenn and Sarah C. Nielson, M. I. A., Martha C. Eagar, Relief Society; Donna Sparks, Pri- Henry Worthington, Sunday School. mary; R Ljreeti,ng5 from (J3idh o Ijjour C pried As we approach this holiday season, we extend to you our message of love and thanks for your loyal cooperation 1R May we always remember the true spirit of Christmas and I give thanks to our Father in Heaven. We pray that God will bless all your righteous endeavors and! the spirit of the peace of Christ will be with you and yoursJ throughout the Holiday Season. May 1957 be a year of joy and happiness in the service of the Lord's work. We are grateful to a kind providence which has brought usfhat together, and for the privilege which is ours to associate with you in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. R R k s& NEPHI FIRST WARD H Dee O. Jarrett, Bishop Ray W. Worthing Reed ton, Green-halg- and Theodore v. it Back Row -f low. Absent: v 'rs V jiylPiSTr f Broadhead. 1C m -- vi Elmer .'S i X t fc . 16 h v mk ii i 4 1 iaw A K . t 4 t? w I H. w' w w Murray, r Lila Murray, Carol (h Lu Rae 5s Stuart, Greenwood, James j'N P. McCune Max Bowles Back Row Clarence H. R R ' iI 4 fat NEPHI FOURTH WARD Front Row Irel David Austin, Chase, Bishop Donald L. Bailey, Ralph VI S Pay, 4 - rf J L 4. tr Ca sV- 5 Is : I Parle. Vinton Stiner, Phyllis Clara Price, Wheelwright, Anna Ostler, Jack Lud- 1 grtr I h S ft 9 i (. Jr A aq .:! Front Row Ray S. Powell, r , & J 5, NEPHI SECOND WARD Front Row James $$ W. Math- ews, Vaughn J. Pax Bishop Ken man; neth Nyman; CL-1 H. Parkin, Ferre. JohrJ Back Row Dan M i I O. dred Johnson Green-halgh- , LEVAN WARD Nellie Bur- ton, Blanch Brough Kenneth R. Wilkey. Absent: 'Vont Row V Lyman Christensen, Edgar Christensen, Byron Bishop tensen, strup, gelson. Back Row J. Clair Golden Man- - Clarence Col-lar- E. Pay-stru- Bessie Vera Ted Pay-Chns-tense- J. n, An-ders- Js Leora Chris- - Va tK R R R R "A NEPHI THIRD WARD Front Row $' Dan Memmott, Jes--- , Bishop Bailey, Lee J. Olsen, Glade John V Sanders, VA se i Garrett. Back Row R R fro Doris Frank Pew, Sowby, Erma Gar- bx rett, Elaine Garrett Absent, Joseph L.' tx Smith. MONA WARD Front Row R R R ' 0 r? O,' 'C 7 0, '&&&'? i m, mr w 1. ia M & a &Z If'M k. - Keyte, Claude Kay, I Gerald Newton Fred Lynn, Bishop Summers, Vaughn Leonard Garfield, 'Z Back Row Paul N Hson, Teerhnk, 1. Z ?Z Z Z Z - Z Ivy Erma - Absnrt Lee Mew-"- s ton, Helen Newell 'O. r7' ? v' Vx a |