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Show Christmas Issue Times NEWS, THE December 24, 1956 of us will hue time soon for a letters you neglected to vv rite reg- - i ' i t NEPHI UTAH iv e I Page Fiva you mloiiii itn n. in winch to re- - ulaily this yiir' ic mm u view the events of the past year Lottus should be writtm to ' .v and to spcul ite on what the new Patents who aie alw ivs mien- - i i i selv mte.isted in our wilt u year will bung ii indpueutx who ra i) s. i n IIeie it tht Vphi Post Ottue pi' i ' i i W uc ate 'nppv to iiport that Us a uvival of thm own youigir 111 of ill Chnstm is raids and hvts i ne t u i Oihu mi mix rs ot the ol th.s n packages and this issue of The on-- , Times-New- s , , will be accomplished tnd espemllv those ci m (,i )IK ,ls b i Chnstmas eve, tonight, and and in the aimed foicts mu thmk ul th it late-a- n ids ai those wh m i, om mng gift paicels and Aged icijU i ntenns whose liv- Mxne es coitnbutui something to ; Ispeciil dtlivuy mail will be nits s nul il ils wt The absent fiiend wIiom m in i that Santa is about to make lw cud on Christmas day. ht Us lx th inkin' toil vi hi srounds and holiday remem- Among those New Years resol-brar'- aces you shuetl who m ly now be vt m i countiv vvlnii we i m imI wire out opm ms with- are being evchanged be- - utions jou 11 be making next week lonely not resolve to wide those The one who h is a buhdiv got t ut 1. ir ot d nsoislup tween friends fir and near, most!"l' POSTAL breathing spell 1 i i POINTERS de-hv- I i fiiiv . ip f , - i on de-No- marned welcomed P S. & S0- S& S& jT& jTa r- a bibv found S'?. S& S& success or met with soirow The kindly person you met at college, the teacher who msp.ied you The person who helped vou f.nd ? i?.' i & S & S a? & ' -? bifee Tvvas the mg! t 4, r? p- Chnst- - mas And all through the hou e, Not a creature was stirring They were all over at Gr.m Inn s. a? e? & a? a " ' ' t l''t heart-warmin- g at extend - AP.e to our many s a I$ wealtli of (lie good $'Wvs $ r v TlA s dv s as arS 7w tPS ye , 5 Sl vWAV jj y- t; f - a ..... v - lii , "i v. CO. A - v" fsj It. BAILEY-McCUN- E b 6) $ i: tT and warm fiicndslups. of joy and good fellowship! f x blessings of good health, happiness holiday, full f 4 things in life. May every day he filled with the a 1 '1 lailcn with wish all our friends g Js 1 good friends a sincere wish for a Yuletidc We t x ... w'vxs Si J &J,?Jr7yr rfy 4 K I x UP I i wb tLL year long, copper serves Americans in many ways. The everlasting metal produced in Utah is in daily use in our homes, on our farms and in our industries. At Christmas time, however, copper taLes on a special glow, when its exceptional qualities help brighten the Yule tide season. 'I'f XPuir , p n tlere they are ! pW In churches, copper helps provide light, as worshipers give thanks for the birth of the Saviour. The season's best wishes to dll our wonderful friends. May you enjoy to the fullest every minute Families separated by thousands of miles hold reunions their voices carried to loved ones on copper wire by long distance telephone calls. Copper helps airplanes, automobiles, busses and trains bring scattered members of families together for this most important occasion this glorious holiday For the thousands engaged in the production of copper in Utah, there is a special satisfaction that comes from knowing the metal they produce is helping others enjoy Christmas. Theirs is also the satisfaction of knowing that their efforts in the production of copper help create better living for Utahns throughout the year. Kennecott Copper Corporation PAINTER MOTOR CO. A Good Neighbor Helping to Build a Better Utah i v '..R ismei 1 T'AJi'lf iOe hop. you have 11 i ALLEN CASH STORE Christensen's Inc. seasQ y lots of fun, and joy, and laughter, this Chriatuias. 5? K , - ---- kt& Pexfon Wholesale Company m: - |