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Show Pag THE Eight ' it: $ s' ' "' s'? ' '' s: S' . - It HOME FOR SALE OR RENT For Modern, furnace heated. information call 187W - TVv' rgV'J CARTER'S CAFE will be open for your i CHRISTMAS DINNER or EVENING SNACKS! Sandwiches, to go out "i?'1 '3 ''. ii . PARKIN MOTOR CO. h 7- r rk r? ' - r7Y &S &. - 0Y' 3 y Mk ''i Vi Perched on a stone to deliver his "AND I SAY TO YOU oration, a distinguished member of the Hock Pengum clan, at London, England, Zoo, gives his views on woild affairs Judging effect, his fellow birds are quite agitated by the by it all. hair-raisi- THIS CURIOUS WORLD T M Iicfa' U Is By I'ttt Oft. William Ferguson Civile of fie special joys we find at CAN CHANGE with trimming Christmas lime (alon we have. ..and SEX OVSA50 'YOU take an IRONING BOARD DOWN TO pur rr up, SatfS wishin-eac- MARGIE H. BRONSON, and everyone of you most delightful holiday 6easo- ITS SEVERAL TIMES IN the tree and exchanging gifts) is ieflecting on all the wonderful friends Amo, Icafio. - Utah Poultry and I specialties made phone 264 Farmers Cooperative t ash? gft'.-iS By Irresponsible " ' GuO iI We THERE'S STILL TIME TO BUY THE FAMILY A NEW OR USED CAR FOR THEIR CHRISTMAS GIFT r y . I 3" ' ir- p IcV' Pe yu ant 2695.00 4 door PONTIAC STAR CHIEF 1956 CHEVROLET 210 4 door sedans, Each $2325.00 21955 CHEVROLET 2104 door sedans, Each $1675.00 $795.00 1952 CHRYSLER WINDSOR DE LUXE 750.00 PONTIAC CATALINA 1956) ours 2 enjoy a hearty Holiday brimful of the love and joy that make Christmas. & ' m r. 1 - aj' - ... - ALL CARS HAVE RADIO. HEATER AND AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS 1947 PONTIAC 4 DOOR 1948 PONTIAC 1946 FORD 2 DOOR 175.00 175.00 175.0 . MAKE OFFER TRUCKS 1952 DODGE 2 TON 1952 CHEVROLET 2 TON 4D Plumbing and Builders Nebo Chevrolet Co. Supply Nephi, Utah, Phone 433 Ni 5 Pl Move Forward in Your ''MESSAGE FOR? Educational Pursuits, at 5 COLLEGE OF I vm In the spirit of the first Christmas that "came upon a midnight clear we extend our warmest greetings to you and yours. NEBO CHEVROLET CO. 75W! tCs v S'V Y, Sb 1 'p'f'i? ft UWANA DRIVE INN WILL BE CLOSED DECEMBER 25 UNTIL JANUARY 2 s NOTICE folto our increased costs, it is necessary to charge the and our plumbing lowing rates, effective immediately, on service call for. heating service work: Minimum Ftn. Green, $5.00 end $4.50; Levan Mona, NEPHI, $3.00; Due hand-to-han- d Service Sail for NEPHI $5.50; Levan and Minimum two-maMona, $7.50; Ftn. Green, $8.50. If work is done by the hour, our charges will be as follows: Charge for one man, inc'uding truck and tools, truck and $3.00 per hour; Charge for two men, including tools, $5.50 per hour n ACCOUNTS are due and payable Oth of month folto ALL lowing date of work done. Service charge added due accounts. past I ALL Work SERVICE CHARGES include the following: WorkWorkmens Wages; Insurance; mens Compensation mans Truck, Gas, Oil, and Tires; Workmans Tools and SecurEquipment; Excise Tax, Unemployment Tax, Social MainTruck Fire Old Insurance, Tax, Age ity Tax, Federal tenance, Truck Insurance, Replacement of lost tools, Rent, Coal, Electricity; Wear and Tear on Equipment . . . and a few cents for the BOSS and BOOKKEEPER to keep them here when you come to pay the bill. OUR o CO. BAILEY-McCUN- E YEAR-EN- D I SALE STARTS THURDAY DEC 27th STORE CLOSED DECEMBER 25th and 26th &.S cPS r?S &J' , Young people n I $ one-ma- n who dread serving their required military service should thank their lucky stars they didnt live back In the days of early Rome. Required length of service in the Roman legions was from 20 to 40 years, says Dr. Arthur McKinlay, professor of Latin, emeritus, on the Los Angeles campus of the University of California, and an history. authority on Greco-RomaA young man who donned the Roman armor could expect to fight in from 20 to 25 military campaigns during his career, reports Dr. McKinlay. Since fighting in those days was mostly of the variety, his chances of in one piece were home coming slim indeed. So distasteful was the military hitch that members of Roman classea the ceased enrolling as soldiers about 100 B C. For the next two centuries, Roman generals filled out their legions with soldiers recruited in Spain, Gaul, and Germany. well-to-d- GOOD TRANSPORTATION OUS NEW YEAR CHICAGO Hypnotism can be a useful tool in the hands of a qualified specialist, but it can be "downright dangerous when used by an person, says Dr. irresponsible James A Brussel, according to a New York psychiatrist. Dr. Biussel said three principles regarding hypnotism to which medical science subscribes are: Where hypnotism removes (1) symptoms, an illness may be obscured and prolonged, since causes are not treated. (2) Where hypnotism treats emotional symptoms instead of causes, more serious personality defects may occur. (3) Where hypnotism evokes delusions, habits of thought as harmful as drug addiction may be formed. Hypnotism can be useful, especially in psychotherapy, by relieving certain symptoms and manifestations. However, these very gains are exploited by untrained and irresponsible persons. Dr. Brussel said. By virtue of the sudden. Immediate and seemingly successful results achieved through hypnosis, the quack flourishes and creates damage that is at times appalling, he said. Hypnotism by trained specialists In psychotherapy may be used to remove some psychological or physical condition which interferes with the beginning of satisfactory therapy. Its use, though, must be limited to certain neuroses, he said. Long Time Soldier ...yCHRISTIIlflS1 i '" S rj'u&S INGS AND GOOD Dangerous if Used LOS ANGELES S FORTUNE Old Roman Draftee j7470Ci170c. a w&s OF GOOD Hypnotism Labeled ' T "'.y jl 1956 WISHING ONE AND ALL 5 1 December 24, Christmas Issue NEPHI, UTAH TIMES-NEW- ALL SOUTHERN UTAH MILLINERY ! 5 5 S Registration for Winter Quarter and will is under way time cJasses begin. ii I r Price continue through January 2; at this We are interested in the INDIVIDUAL STUDENT and Please wrt PS SENSATIONAL REDUCTIONS THROUGHOUT THE STORE ENTIRE STOCK INCLUDED HIS interests for further infromation ROBES - SWEATERS - SICIRTS-BLOUSALL OTHER MERCHANDISE ES --- 10 "s GarbettShot f,xc1uivc IauUp s 20 OFF off |