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Show 1 1 j n- T' 'icrofiL"d.nT Corn, A - vi me? Utah citj-- YJt.D VtiMN'R !aT( ' 19 . ul A S 9 Mo-'ui- i 56 yty 3i4ac4Q AuUfUif& tt i7if-r- Volume 47, Number r JHS COUNCIL This is the tune of year when we forget our troubles, ease up on work, take time out to think of the blessings of the d ty, and to extend to each and eveiyone best wishes for a M.nv Chiist-ma- s and a Happy New Year Yes, and that s just what the merchants of Nephi are doing in Most ol them may this issue. have already tuld juu in person as you have pat ionized their establishment. Main hae suit direct mail pieces to tell you thunks for yoiir patronage and lor jour kind thoughts during the year But, most ol tin m aie telling you in this special Christmas issue Perhaps that woid special is a b'ciusc m little out of place fact this is our issue of this week. There will be no paper issuid on Thursday morning as per usual during this week, not until after old Father Time has started young 1957 on his way. - reg REG says: The man with the tightest comes mind closed usually loosest with the equipped tongue. Mrs. TIME8-NEW- S reg OFFICE TO BE CLOSED ON MONDAY, DECEMBER 31st sZ a d7S dJ' d?S df d? " di rs scjts TO-HOS- K Ki REGION f From the JHS Clarion the host to tne student councils of our legion on January 3. The puipose ot the meeting will be to discuss the problems of the regSchools to be m attendance ion aie Tmtic, Pleasant Grove, Lehi, B. Y. High, American Fork and oriou S I loll chi V our. Inasmuch as there are a few after couple of years, thatCSII Attendance at the Sacrament things that we want to do at the meetings in Juab Stake on Sunday R business hours, we have decided Ward to close from Saturday noon, Dec. Nephi 29th, until Wednesday morning, Nephi January 2nd and take care of Nephi VVe hope that our these things. Nephi inconvennot be customers will Mona ienced by our decision. Levan R 23, was as fol- Second Ward Waid Ward Percentage 33 33 31 30 25 24 reg They tell me that many a man The three Nephi couples who who thinks he is on Easy Street loses the illusion before he finish- joined the Utah delegation of 105 es making his easy payments. people to the National Farm Bureau convention at Miami, Florida, reg returned home Wednesday with Driving in a fog is dangerous And the report of having had a wonespecially if it is mental. that fog brought on by over in- derful time. They are Mr. and dulgence in holiday spirits . . . Mrs Roy McPherson, Mr. and Mrs Take it easy on Christmas and M. S. Ingram, and Mr. and Mrs. we dont like to George II. Ostler. New Years The grolup reports having viswrite up bloody highway accidited Chicago, ( Washington, Miami ents. and Miami Beach, Havanah Cuba reg Wed all get further with our and New Orleans The outstanding place visited friends if wed spend more time practicing religion than talking was the United States Treasury Department where 3600 workers about it. make $26 million in currency evreg New Years Resolutions Only ery eight hour day, five days a one were going to make is to re- week. The group saw a million-odlla- r bill through a pane of glass. solve to do our part to make our a bet- The trip covered 7,088 miles into our area community 24 states and one foreign country. ter place to live. ay you enjoy peace am R R R J) Wasps Team New Reporter for Nephi News Items Rating Well in Early Games The high point by a score of 49-3men in the game were Cliff Pay with 15 points and DeLmer How-le- tt with 13 points. The following games, Juab defeated South Sevier of Monroe. High point man was Jack Engle with 15 points. Once again Juab highlighted by defeating the tough Millard five by the score of 44-4Engle, Howlett and Pay shared scoring honors with 10 points The next win for Juab was over a weak Wasatch Academy squad. The final score was Juab 56 Wsatch 33. Cliff Pay was the high point man. The only games Juab has lost, w'as with Parowan who defeated in a rough and tough Juab 39-2game. The other loss suffered by Juab was by Manti who beat Juab 8. is extended to their friends and relatives call during that time. They to An Invitation res- pectively request no gifts Mr. Powell was born in Pay-so- n August 22, 1885, a son of William and Christina Peterson Powell. He moved to Raymond, Alberta, Canada in May of 1903 Here he met Eva Van Wagoner, a daughter of Parley P. and Emma Jones Van Wagoner, and they were married December 21, 1906, in the LDS Salt Lake temple. They made their home in Raymond, Alberta Canada for 21 years, where most of their 12 children were born, seven of whom are si, 11 living: Mrs. Roy (Ida) Nelson of Enid, Oklahoma. Bert Powell and Mrs. Roy E. (Zoe G,bson of Nephi; Max Powell of Joplin, MissDean Powell of Riehland, ouri, Mrs Ernest O Washington; (Grace! Jacobsen of Valprai-o- , ( M.ld- Florida and Mrs Nevada red) Taylor of Ruth I Phone 200 Telephone your local and Juab has won four of its first six games. They defeated Delta They also have 23 grandchildren. Mr. Powell was employed for 13 years as Superintendent of the light - water department in Raymond, Alberta, and for 26 years served as Nephi City electrician. Now retired, he works part time for Telluride Power Company. He served for nine years as a counselor to Bishop P. B. Cowan in the Bishopric of the old Nephi South ward, and is now a member of the High Council of Juab Stake. He has been awarded the Honorary Master M Man pin in recognition of his years of service in scouting and in MIA work. He was president of the Nephi Kiwams Club for one year, and was state chairman of the Utah Electrical Inspectors association for one year. Mrs. Powell, bom at Provo March 18, 1886 moved to Raymond where her father, a carpenter, built some of the community at the time it was first laid out She has been an active member of the 1J)S church, and was a charter member and first captain of the Daughters of Utah Pioneers in She also served for this area. several years on the Juab Stake Primary board, and was a leader in the Theology department of the Nephi Second Ward ReLef S;ey sorv.rg also for some tone as a visiting teacher - soc- ial items to Mrs. Zoe Gibson at 200 from now on. Society and From the JH8 Clarion Mr. and Mrs. O. Raymond Powell will observe their Golden Wedding anniversary with a family dinner, and will be honored at open house at the home of their son in law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Gibson, 55 West 1st South, between the hours of 2:00 and 8:00 p. m. on Sunday, December 30. Ward ciiapil is underway. tne 'siiowbau is rolling and is geitnig o.ggei and biger. Project I In, R R happiness throughout the year. Open House Next Sunday to Honor Couple on Gold Wedding Publicity Committee r; Sacrament Meeting Attendance Report First Ward Fourth Ward Third Ward biake Juao Biake Geruer and optidiio U fN Juab -- By Calvin Nielsen, Member ., emu over i Ljzo.uO, it was lepoiicU lire weeK, with expenses loi tne mure pioject less than 5 kHV Lveiyune is getting on the band wagon it stuued veiy slowly until someone m tne Slake i'lesid-cm- y und High Conucil contributed all tne meat tne Slake could R1 eat at the banquet. Coiuributionss came last alter that. Some oth-ei- s oiunueied to luimsh a Iree show to ail vi ho bought a ticket to the banquet. Ouiors in the High Council donated the special meats and cheeses. Alton Gadd contributed 100 chickens which will be used at a later banquet. The Nephi Processplain collated the processing R ing oi the chickens. Dee Jarrett has a hog ready tiiat will also be used Jack and at a later banquet. lioyd Bosh contributed a fund quarter ol beef. Snath Ingiam furnished a sack oi potatoes Roy Bowles and the Royal Baking Company donated bread lor the banquet. The Stake organizations also made contributions: The Sunday school lurmsh-e- d the set salads. Potato salad and baked potatoes were given by the M 1 A. The Relief Society brought pickles, fruit and baked beans. Cabbage and macaroni saiaus were donated by the Primary. The Bishoprics of each of tne wards arranged lor ten cakes to be given by tneir ward members. The Nephi Cafe, Rays Cafe, Carters Cafe and Uwana Drive mn donated the roasting of the oeei. me pies were baaed at the X L Bakery by Elgin Garrett. Besides these contributions many houis ol time weie given by the members ol the general committee. And last but not least, was me vvonden ul support that was given by the people ol Juab make, ever 6(XJ gave their support to the cause. The ban is rolling with united effort it will not stop until the operation is completed. Lets keep it going. nson is our sincere To start off the meeting the l.lni National Association of Student Councils will be shown in the auditorium. Then Grant Taylor, Juabs student body president, will take charge of a business meeting. Then members will go to the Home Economics room lor refreshments. Committees have been selected to take care of physical arrangements, refreshments and table decorations. Principal Newell and Superintendent Anderson will be special guests for the meetings. IS SUCCESSFUL R R R Juabs student council will be Times News office wrhich just evening, December cant be comfortably done during lows: OPERATION I. S. R MEET JAN. 3 52 STAKE CENTER (7 T iii Cotf adi 3. 6, 51-4- 1. Juab would have beaten Manti but Coach Greenhalgh was playing all 12 players, so they would This gain valuable expenence. year's team is handicapped because of lack of expenence. Eight juniors, one sophomore nd three seniors make up the Juab squad. Coach Greenhalgh stated: They will develop into a well rounded ball club, with fair height, and their shooting percentage is increasing all the time. The two biggest weaknesses on the team is control of the back board and defensive play. On December 28, Juab plays North Sanpete which should lie a good ball game, and on December they are scheduled to meet the The ou'rotre of Pay son Lions th, game is expected to be close, but Juab should pull through with the Victory. church reporters are asked to kindly write their reports and hand them in at The Times-New- s office. By the end of this week, we will have a mail-slprovided so in the event you call at other than our regular business hours, there will be a place for you to deposit your news We want to serve our items. communities better will you help. ot Spearhead Drive For Youth Center To From the JHS Clarion Shortly after the Christmas holiday, the student council is going to hold a meeting with the leading men from the school, church, county and towns. The purpose of this meeting will be to try to get these people and the organ-izatoithey repreesnt to get behind the school and help organize a youth center here in Nephi. There is a great expense behind a project such as this, and it will undoubtedly take a lot of time, but someone has to get the idea going and start the thing rolling. The student council is taking it upon itself to be this someone. We hope we have the support of the studet body in this project. If anything can be arranged for this year, or if it takes till next year to get started, we hope you will get behind your leaders and do your part. Family Dinner to Fete Anniversary In observance of their Golden Wedding anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Vickers W. will have a special family dinner on Saturday, December 29th, at their home in Nephi. No open house is planned for the event. Thomas W. and Louise Chappell Vickers were married December 29, 1906 at the Manti LDS Primary Dance Set for Thursday Evening All children of Primary age of the entihre Juab Stake are invited to meet at the Nephi d ward hall on Thur-daDecember 27 for the annual Stake Primary Christmas party. The annual fun-fewill begin at 6 p. m. First-Secon- y, st Holds Christmas Party The Nautilus Literary club held their annual Christmas party on December 20 at the Snak Shak Cale. Games were played and enjoyed by the group and gifts were exchanged. Members present were Mrs. Blaine Mrs. Evan Belliston, Blackett, Mrs. Leie Boswell, Mrs. Jack Greenhalgh, Mrs. Lewis Hansen, Mrs. Lawrence Higginson, Mrs. Rex Hill, Mrs. Kenneth Ingram, Mrs. LaMont McPherson, Mrs. Arthur G. Ostler, Mrs. Norman Ostler, Mrs. Raymond Ostler, Mrs. Cleston Park, Mrs. Earl Shaw, Mrs. William Sperry, Mrs. Kenneth G. Sperry, Mrs. Richard Whittington and Mrs. DeVon Winn. Miss Leslie Hall of Nephi, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Starr, has been pledged to Chi Omega sorority on the U S A C campus, according to word received from the USAC news tem- They have resided in Nephi uuring their entire married hie. Mr. and Mrs. Vickers have been ardent LDS church workers, serving in many capacities. They were ordinance workers m the Manti Temple lor several years, and also completed a mission for the church in tne Southern Stdtes. Mr. Vickers served lor many years in the BresiUency of the Seventy-fir- st Quorum ol Seventy, and lor some lime was senior president. Expected to be here to celebrate the occasion with them will be tneir lour children: Mrs. Maurine V. Loertscher ol Pdik City, Mrs. Karld V. Moyer of Sait Lake City, Doireli C. Vickers of Salt Lake City and Lnunett Vickers ol Nephi. Iiftcen grand children, and two great giand children also are nomoeied among their ple posterity. The Ttmes-New- on behalf s, of the many Iricnds ot Mr. and Mrs. vicktis, extends best wishes for a happy gulden weddmg anniversary ol them w.il i njuy health and happiness in the iuteire. wan tne wish that each Grant Tavlor The lb la f Society Stake mon d Mr and Mrs Douglas Jones niict.i.g wul L fa al in tne ward Relit Society room tertamed at a family party in Salt Lake City recently with all mem-2- 6 on Suiid q , D a mix r 30 at 2 p rn. bers of the family of Mrs. Bird o (ill. ul-- . and tire liadtis of all , should be in attend-Ai- c Jones in attendance. During the1 the waiti-i lie mag3Z.ni- repps maevening, the group was favored w.th a v.st from "Santa with ture of each ward are- tspeMliy -- rrei to be present. gifts tor all Eiist-oeion- 1 Marriage Date Is Occasion 50-Ye- ar For Family Get-Togeth- er Mr. and Mrs Andrew W. Olsen observed their Golden Wedding annivirsary on Wednesday, Dre-inh19. The couple was married at Nephi Deremhor 19, 1906, Mr Olsen was born January 14. 18S3. a of Mr. and Mrs Mar-- , tm Olsen of Spring City. Mrs OKrn was born at Nephi Noverr.b- er 15, 1S82, a daughter of Mr and sr-o- Mrs N, C. N.elson. Mr and Mrs OHen are parents of the follow in children: Mrs. Dell Doiothra) Steele of Nephi; Mrs. Rubv Shepherd of Salt Lake City; Eugene Olsen of Magna; Max Don ild Olstn and Jack Olsen, all of Kearns. The couple a No have 21 grsrdchlldren and f.ve great grandchildren. 01--e- n, |