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Show THE TIMES Page Two . a! -- Nt-ph- ! - 1 'Cr - IP'S! .v 8 X 8 8 Many Christmas legends and customs are part of the folklore of our ancestors in all parts of the world. Many of them, too, are a mixture of early Christian and pagan observances which time and Christianity have given new meaning. Santa Claus, our American giver of gifts. Is little known elsewhere In the world. In Eastern and Southern Europe, it is the Wise Men who arrive bringing gifts. In Hungary the gifts come from the Angels, in Poland from the stars, In Greece, St. Basil is the patron saint. Popular tradition has it that the candle we place In our windows at Christmas is a custom originated by early Christians to whom the candle represented the star that guided the Wise Men to the stable at Bethlehem. One interesting legend tells of a shoemaker who, though poor, always placed a candle in his window at night to guide weary travelers, and so inspired the villagers that soon each window contained a lighted candle. The holly bush, long associated with Christmas, and with many because in its natural state legends was once called the holy-busthe berries ripen at Christmas time. The Wassail bowl, which today is Christmas punch, is said to have come to us from the ancient Saxons. Wassail was a word of greeting which meant literally, What Hails?, or How fare you? At Christmas time, traditions of the Old World live again. Pinatitas, doves and festive straw chains from South Europe; wheat sheaves, paper and carved wood from Scandinavian countries; angels, stars, Czechoslovakian bells and gold German stars are all bits of Old World in our homes. charm that we 8 8 8 V 8 ' K 8 8 .ucv: -- 4 L an ' c i, AreL? t ;j ts! tfefeiiS fc? teio., if te ' ? Hephi Local and Social News Hems 1 24, 1 954 GATE COAL STLE FOR NEPHI Washed - Oiled Slack - - by ton or by Truck Load DWANE TIDWELL COAL Phone 578W r W' t S' S'.- s .& :& L r g YA. NOW Two full-colWalt Disney cartoons aimed at promoting safely among elementary school children have been made available to schools throughout the state by Utah Copper Division of Kenne-eo- tt Copper Corporation. Nelson W. Aldrich, director of public relations, said the two eight minute films will be available free of charge. The films are entitled "Im No Fool on a Bicycle and I'm No Fool with Fire; The films may be borrowed by contacting the Public Relations Department, Utah Copper Divis- Kennecott Copper Corpora- ion, tion, Box 1650, Salt Lake City, 6: C Utah. We hope that the elementary k schols in the state will feel free to make use of these films, spon- - ? sord by the Utah Copper Division S as a public service" said Mr. Aid-ric"We believe that they will y be helpful in stimulating safe thinking an dsafe habits among our young people he explained. n December a Safely Films Are Available or phone 313 for 2 bed room 1st Yr-Jttnc'-- . loads. or floor :,i:i coverings apartment r.'inp' and ' YOU IJ NT DRINK why j ; Kendall Pli ..( 31 or 413.' fellow' who does? !p p: y fj 5. ap irtr i , ; ret d Risk" insurance will a. ou nion.-See, call or - Fill your bin WHY WAIT? (1. 1 Jogan, Lynndyl, Utah r.te today - Lump, nut, slack .nt tor lTeterrcd Risk Mutual Johnson at 32 South RENT FOR Christmas Issue NEWi, NEPHI, UTAH h. 30-0- 6 FOR SALE Winchester Rifle Terms Chapman Furn- iture Co., phone 300. W FULLER BRUSHES Also Debunte mosme-tic-s Mrs. Geraldine Barker, phone 211W. WILL PAY CASH for push button accordian in playing condition if priced reasonable write Box 142 or call at 557 South 3rd East Street, NephL v:-sw- v? s: vtr .' li ISLTf - J V Mr. and Mrs. Alma Rasmussen and two children of Murray are expected in Nephi Christmas eve to spend the holidays with her paernts, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph .vO With happy memories of many pleasant friendships, we extend our 6in- cerest wishes for a joyous Christmas to all. Bel-listo- n. V Si. Lumber Company Tri-Sta- le Fort Lewis, Washington to spend the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elniont Carter and other relatives and friends. xyTc. VhB. g : .X z-- ri, -r- N-X ? S'. S'.?, s.ax Hafirs:. WRt 3iM&$ The were in tend the John H. following Nephi people Tooele Thursday to atfuneral services for Mrs. Ernest Wilson is in Phoenix, Arizona this week on business. Warner; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Warner, Mr. and Mrs. HarMrs. Vernon Bosh and two old Warner, Mrs. Kate Worthingchildren and her mother, Mrs. ton, Mrs. Florence Worthington George Crisp of Spring City spent and Mrs. W. II. Belliston. Wednesday visiting with Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. George V. Ord Hazel Bosh. have received word of the birth of Mrs. Wra. Bailey was in Salt a great grand son. The baby boy Lake City on Tuesday to attend was born to Mr. and Mrs. Neii tlie wedding reception of her neice, Ord of Wheat Ridge, Colorado. Arlene Nelson, who was married Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. to David M. Fox in the Salt Lake Vincent Ord of Bountiful and Mr. LDS Temple. The reception was and Mrs. Kenneth Goble of Magna. held at the Institute of Religion The First Ward Junior Gleanon Tuesday evening. ers held their Christmas party at Former Nephites Mr. and Mrs. the home of Mrs. Amy Warner. Lewis Beagley and family spent The evening was spent in games Tuesday in Nephi with relatives and sons. In charge of the party and friends. were JoAnn 'Price, Lillian Taylor, Warner, Carol Ann Pace Carolyn Bel-listg 1 Ioliday guests of Mrs. J. L. adn Beth Bramali. Others presn and Mr. and Mrs. Alien Helen Linton, Verna are Mr. and Mrs. Walter ent included Mrs. Belliston and three children of Palmer, Mrs. Merron Price, leadand the class Warner Jay Alameda, California. er and hostess, Mrs. Amy WarMr. and Mrs. Clifton Bosh of ner. Levan and Mrs. Hazel Bosh and SIC Clark T. Worwood of Fort daughter Mary visited recently in Hood, Teas arrived Saturday to Salt Lake City with Mr. and Mrs. be a holiday guest of his parents, Farrell Bosh, and in Kerns with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Worwood. Mr. and Mrs. William Bosh. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Cooper of Mrs. Frank Harris returned to Logan are spending the holidays her home Wednesday from Long with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Beach, California, accompanied by Cooper. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Colin Robert in the visited Mrs. Ingram, student at the Harris Mayer. California city with her sons and University of Utah, is home to spend the holidays with his pardaughter and their family. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Ingram. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kelson and Wednesday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beagley visited in Salt Mrs. W'allace Park were their son in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lake City TTiursday. J. IL Burns and son Jimmy of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. P. Cox will Salt Lake City. spend the holidays in Salt Lake City with Mr. and Mrs. James H. The Variette Chib met ThursCrane and family, and in Bountiful with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. D. Cox day evening at the home of Mildfor the annual and family. Mr. and Mrs. Doug- red Sherwood las Cox are coming from New Christmas party of the club. A delicious pot luck supper was York to join them and afterward will make their home in New served to: Betty Belliston, LaRae Mexico. For their Christmas eve Kendall, Florence Kendall, eJane Is dinner, which will be held at the Linton, Therna Reed, Erma CarCrane home they will also have ter, Norma Jenkins, Gwen ChapJack-soJudge and Mrs. F. W. Keller of man, Beth Ostler, Marcel GreenLuRae Grace Ostler, Price as their guests. Muriel wood, Joyce Memmott, Guests for the holidays at the Wilkey and the hostess, Mildred home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bel- Sherwood. liston are their son in law and Afte r the supper, games were daughter, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. played and gifts exchanged. Campbell of Coronado, California. also are visiting with Mr. & They LOST about December 10 and Mrs. Bert Powell, Mans glasses with brown rim S. P. 3 Vernon E. Carter ar- Return to Kenneth G. Sperry, rived home Friday morning from j jj S NEPHI CLEANERS We wish all our friends a very joyous and cheerful Christmas Season. S Bel-listo- minms 6?ur hearts are filled with the warmest wishes for the merriest Christmas you ever enjoyed. Carters Cleaners Sportsmans Supply .1 I, community, we extend sincere wishes for a happy, hearty Holiday Season tliat is rr' r. I Greetings A lay this Holiday Season bring you everything filled with tire joys of gtxxl health, good cheer and good fellowship. f 5 THE TIME BOX s THE TOGGERY yf A--- S Greenwood Tire Service s n, Holiday T v"' a 3 ww.i OLD-FASHION- VA ED Christmas WcAh&- - Sfci you want most. i 5 S3 xc-.u- To all our friends, & we extend warm ( Si Su) Ar. 5 "V i 5 wishes for a Holiday that i3 full of love and Joy. A Merry Christmas to all I v tttijM., hrtstmas the joyful hours of Christmas s overflow with good fellowship 5 and good cheer for all our friend. V I Kent Linton Standard Station . t0 luce rely wish that you rrill share in all the pleasures of the Yule tide season. GARRETT'S NEPHI JEWELRY CONOCO SERVICE 7 3 T A Silver Maple Service j W A . |