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Show Page rso SO t"t? SOS? SO so so I & '? ? & j; By Janet Hall so nice, Kathte V EVERYONE was as 0 v' she remembered the Christmas gifts she had received last year. So many of her friends, neighbors, and relatives had remembered her Id love to buy something for them all, Kathie thought, but she X. To all ol our fet knew it was impossible She had V " -only saved enough for a gift to her wonderful friend and She had tried to get a parents neighbors, we want io extend our I sales Job, but she had discovered warmest Season' Greeting. she was too late There were no Jobs left Your relatives and neighbors dont expect you to give them gifts, her mother said I'd like to give them all some little thing " When youre older you can reJ turn Aqenf, NEW YOKR LIFE INSURANCE their thoughtfulness After rar supper Kathie went to "& "& "& ''0r"0rf& '& Aunt Bettys and Uncle Teds house to return a book HI, Kathie, Aunt Betty greeted I'm doing dishes so come on out in the kitchen t? St? St? St? Si? St? SI? St? Si? St? & St? St? St? St? I've been hoping to make some fruitcakes for Christmas gifts, but I dont know whether I can do it this year, Aunt Betty said "The ' 5 Vi.W o.. CO. jg, S S g i lcultui al Urged to Build Is Local Markets Important er wheat d ' Farmers Named to Board Two Our heartfelt good wishes for this joyous ft season to all of our wonderful friends William Pavman and Bail Howard of Nephi received appointment to the Juab County Soil District Board of Conservation V Dick's Service Inc, $ ?i?SO St? St? St? 0 S'? Si? S? Si? SO Si? Si? Si?. St? Supervisors By the end of the week Betty had baked the cakes and packed them In tin boxes. children seem to take up all my Busy Week Anderson Funeral Home p St? St? S0 SO this week. pointments for three-yea- r The ap- terms vveie made by the State Department of Agricultuie under the signature of Commissioner Ariel Joi gensen They replace Fiank Morgan and S time." who have served Lauren "Your fruitcakes are delicious. Mr Morgan has served fiathf'illy "Theyre a lot of work, though. for two thice-ea- r appointments The county boaid is composed Cutting up the fruit and chopping three elected by nuts takes nearly a day. five members of the County and two fanners the volunKathie 'Til help you, by the State Soil ConsX teered I can come around after appointed t-! vation committee. school and prepare the nuts and Arvil! YVankier, Edgar Chns-T- r fruit and you can use them whenen and Hugh Sperry were elever you want. ected last Apnl 18 for three-yea- r Kathie terms in one of the highest farmFor two afternoons er vote returns ever received chopped nuts and cut citrus fruit By the end of the week Betty had baked the cakes and packed them In tin boxes. Dig x SOSO St? St? St? SO St? St? St? Si? St? St? Si? SO Si? SO St? S? Sip SO St? St? St? SO Si? Si? Si? St? ? SO SO Si? Si? Si? SO SO SO Si? St? Si? St? Si? St? SO S a Tl olldacj I The rest of the week was a busy one for Kathie Mrs Mason asked her to take care of the children Saturday so that she could go into town to shop Miss White, a shut-i- n who lived down the street, asked Kathie if she would select some Christmas cards for her and help her address them. Two days before Christmas Mrs. Cummings asked Kathie to tend her children for the afternoon while she went shopping After Kathie got them interested in games, she saw a list on the bulletin board headed Things to do. The list outlined the tasks Mrs. Cummings had to do during Christmas week' clean house, bake cookies, wrap packages, write cards and so many other things. Kathie got out the cookbook and found some recipes for Christmas cookies When she finished mixing she wrapped each mound of dough in waxed paper and put it in the freezer. As Kathie wrapped her mother's and father's gift, she felt depressed, for she knew all the people she loved so dearly were going to give to her. She had nothing to give in return. Utah peach and apple growers should capitalize on maikets right line in the state, according to expel ts who addressed the recent L't ill Horticultural Society meeting at Salt Lake City Utah State Agricultural college specialist- - descnbe research work which tiny said shows local want high quality fruit legal dices of puce or where it is pi educed Max Williams, supermtendent of the US ACs Howell field station, reported that early peaches picked at North Ogden and sold thiough an Ogden super market vveie actually preferred to others, even at a higher puce, mainly because they had a better color. He said the test indicated that Utah growers should exploit the early peach maiket with some of con-sum- should be low in mosture when stoud I m theimoie, it should be msiKttcd tveiy month or two during waiin weatliei, and occasion--of1 ally during the cold months the ytai. If insects are found to be ptesent, fumigation is usually necessai y. A number of weevils, other beetles and the larvae of certain moths commonly attack small grains, flour and other cereal products. Once iniccted, the material may need to be fumigated or heated clear through to a of 125 dcgiees for 20 minutes to make it safe from in-- 1 sect damage Small lots of home-- 1 stoied wheat and other food eer- eals may be heat tieated in the oven to make them safe for storage in sealed metal or glass llome-stoie- tem-peiatu- r gcnt Insect Control luip tin moistuie content down to i(duce insect damage in nome-sou- d wheat. Inst els like moistuie in their food Tin breed much moie rapidly and dtsiioj moit' giain when moisture content is la per cent oi highu than it moistuie is low- C. R, LOMAX s SOSOSO SOS , Si? Si? St? SOSO Si? Si? SOSO SOSO RW HI Rir.NMIAW iii) (i'Unt r; t so so so 1956 CORNER lit (. $ December 24, THE COUNTY AGENTS SWBlOjltt GltAWi (l)&U $ Christmas Issue THE TIMES NEWS, NEPHI, UTAH Six ts Widows. Last year gift Geigers were mailed all over the United States. One woman telephoned the New York office of a leading manufacturing firm from Florida to order a 1,995 unit as a Christmas surprise for her husband. St? Si? ?0 SOSO Si? SOSOtSO St? Si? S? s? S t? S t? Si? ? Si?. Si? Si? St? St? i? Si? SO SOSO Si? Si? SOSO S (? S ? ( the earlier maturing varieties that have shown promise at the Howell field station A few of the earlier peaches were picked at North Ogden in late July, most of them in August A new variety which ripens about six weeks before Elberta S peaches shows special promise. Dr Ellis W Lamborn, associate professior of agricultural economics said that when Utah and northwest Delicious apples of comparable quality were offered at the same pnee in four Salt Lake City food stores, consumers purchased the Utahs as readily as the others I e said tha Utah growers can market Delicious apples with as good external appearance and better intei nl quality than the variety from the Northwest Yet, Utah glowers received only an average of $2 00 per bushel for apples in 1955 while Salt Lake City wholesalers paid S4 to $5 for high apples. quality I WE DO A BLACK BUSINESS Call but we treat you WHITE 578W for prompt delivery of best coal Dwane Tidwell, Nephi Premium Oil Company p St? St? St? SO Si? Si? S O St se? Si? so ' O Si? so so so so so sos o soso so so PSOSOTSOSOSO SOrSl?rSOrSOSOrSOrSOSOrSOrSO nmy These Crazy Christmas Gifts Even Christmas has caught up with the atomic age. A sign of the times is the increasing demand for Geiger counters as Christmas gifts. Manufacturers say people from all over the country are giving as presents the miracle instrument that noses out uranium. If youre buying a gift for a prospective uranium prospector you can get him one of these radioactivity detection devices at prices ranging from $24 95 to $2000. Most popular model, manufacturers say, is about the size of a minature camera and retails for about $33. Uranium "hounds are as varied as the instruments they buy. They range from housewives with In their arms to geologists as well and hirsute prospectors as business tycoons, clerks, laborers and society women. An amateur uranium prospectors club In the East, composed entirely of women, is known as the "Geiger IV , GHRISTillflS . j TV lay the happiness of Christmas abide m your home and in your heart now and throughout the gladsome Holiday Season. Appreciation Christmas morning Kathie noticed there were several cards among her gifts She opened the first one which was written In the spidery hand that she identified as Miss White's penmanship Dear I 5 - 5 5, i NEPHI MOTOR CO. RAY D. FOVKES P LYNM 5 i - V.HirriNSTON V S? S S SOS O SO So ,'J SO Stf Sf S SP St? Si? 'can iitT ? St? SO SO SO SO SO Si? SO SOSOSOSOrSOrSOrSOTSO rv Kathie-"Than- you so much for your valuable gift Time In our lives is so important and you gave me such a generous piece of your life that I wish to thank you for it " There were other letters, too "Dear Kathie: I would never have baked my fruitcakes tf It "I know wasnt for your help the children will be pleased with the lovely way you wrapped their gifts Thank you for your time The cookies were wonderful With Mrs Mason's gift there was a note thanking Kathie for her gift of time Kathie had to bl.nk away the tears when she finished reading the notes You see, Kathie you gave something that is most valuable her father your time ' Uwana Drive Inn fipre kVi MONKEYSHINES . . . The Sanwho comes to Junior's house on Christmas morn has his oounterpsrt In Monkey land. At least that U the Implication here as Jim ko, jarbed as the monkey s a santa, visits "Teddo java rronkey at Ted-do'- a home In Brooklyn. ta Clans ld |