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Show Chritmas Issue December 24, 1956 HE NEPHI, UTAH IIMES-NEW- Page Seven '..4 NATIONAL EDITORIAL Published every Thursday Entered at the post office mail matter under the act Sub scr ption rates: Cne Subscriptions are payable on request. Publishers Editor - A. B. By F. L. Rowley loneliest place in the world a summer resort at Christ- at Nephi, Juab County, Utah. at Nephi, Utah as second class of Congress of March 3, 1879. year $4.00; Six months, $2.25. in advance, Advertising rates Gibson and Roy Manger THE mas time. Joanne Decker watched gloomily as a half dozen men trudged through the snow skirting Arrowhead Lake. They would return in a few hours carrying Christmas trees on their husky shoulders. Joanne sighed heavily as the last man disappeared Into the brush. This promised to be the dreariest Christmas Joanne had ever known. Even the postmans whistle failed to rouse her. It was only when Mr. Rogers stood at the far end of the drive waving a letter that a faint glow of curiosity came to her eyes. The old postman never signalled unless he had something important. Maybe it was a letter from Eddie! Slipping into a coat Joanne raced eagerly down the snow - covered path, unmindful of her open-toeslippers. Its from Lynne Grove," said Mr. Rogers with a grin. Lynne Grove?" Joanne stared dreamily at the letter in his hand. Then Eddie hadn't forgotten her! Perhaps he was even coming back Gibson E. Roy E. Gibson Office: 96 South Main Street, Telephone 196, I Nephi, Utah s d Thu Ladies Literary League held :iiu;r Christmas party at the home of Mrs. Joseph L. Garrett. Instead f exchanging gifts, each nn mb r brought a white elephant gin, ami also donated money to be used to buy toys for the Juab County hos-p;- t il children's ward. The ladies enjoyed games and a lovely luncheon was se:ed to Mrs. Ronald Gowers, Miss Rheta Sperry, Mrs. Read Gin nii.ugn, M.ss lreta Carter, Mrs. Theodore Howard, Mrs. Howard Brown, Mrs. D. C. Boswell Mrs. G. Eugene U'ilkey, Miss Pearl Nielsen Mr.v Burnell Gowers, Mrs. H. L. Graee, Mrs. Ray Pay, Mrs. Rex Tolley, Mrs. Mont Sperry and the host-CSMis. Garrett. The Beta Literary Club annual Christmas party was held Thurs- ' 1 get-we- ll Tv, O f ' f ' M 'T -- $ 'I V . , A- f Sf&y i Mrs. i: Mis. 1.. M:s. Ray Phillips, M'" o for li, e Hau.;.,, itien L i din IV, Christmas that is full and a heart that is full of happiness -- cirbeit's Ladies Shop u. il. Av' ail the A, a of all good things Comity Ul j We extend sincere wishes to all our friends and neiglibo.s e .1.1, oj I.. ia i 20 at the home ol t hi r,i m day, December Mrs. Miles Anderson, amid eolor-ul Christmas decorations, featuring a beautiful pink Christmas tree and a painted window scene. Mrs. Othel L. Pay, club president presided and Mrs. E. Rulon Brouh was chairman for the affair and was assisted by committee members. Written were a few lines h each club member on Christmas cards and signed by each club member for former members, Mrs Hal Mickelson and for Mrs. M.lton Shaw. A long dining table was set with pink candle centerpiece and cor-responding candy and nut cups at each place settin. Grace was given by Mrs. Kenneth Nyman, after which a delicious hot turkey dinner was served. The evenings entertainment consisted of quiz games led by Mrs. Roy Hanson and Mrs. Fred D. Morgan. Bingo followed with pjrizes being won by Mrs. Nyman, Mrs. Jack Brough, Mrs. Sam Hayes, Mrs. Geo. D. Haymond Jr., Mrs. Max Bowles and Mrs. Harlow Pexton. The following club members were present: Mrs. Allen Christensen, Mrs. Othel Pay, Mrs. Mil-to- n Harmon, Mrs. Allen E. Bel i ye ' JA . socunoa SIAJtr rM Of Community's Social Life . Of ! UTAH f Christmas Parties Occupy Center 1 ter z the gru ra. s--0 I Eliza b. pies ed social In a Stuart, Mrs Black. Mrs. Maude Miss Rheta Sperry, Robertson, ails. Both Ostler, Mrs. Amy Warner, Mrs. Alberta Jones, Mrs. Susie Worwood, Mrs. Beulah Irons, Mrs. Lula Mummott, Mrs. Cura ankier and the hostess. v; f 1 !S the 1 4- - I MP: N, A .. .. lY) - Relief Society - hristmas party in connection with their regular December board mee home son. Hoy Mrs. Edna Cazier and Mrs. Anderson. A delicious dinner was served and all the board members enjoyed a pleasant afternoon in Mrs. Andersons Ixxiutifully decorated home. Clark's Grocery YOU said it Cy! Its really a buy! Blue Lustre rug and upholstery cleaner Chapman Furniture Co. You got a letter, said Joanne A nice registered accusingly. letter from Eddie Long. to Arrowhead Lake to marry her, as he had promised. Its for your sister, said the old man. Registered too but you can sign it. Joanne turned the letter over Penney Company gingerly; on the flap, In bold, fa- miliar writing, was the name E. Long. So Eddie Long was writing to her sister Mary! And after all the wonderful promises he had made to her. She walked numbly back to the house. Mary met her at the door. Did she asked innowe get mail? cently. Accusation said Jogot a letter, A nice regisanne accusingly. tered letter from Eddie Long! Mary was startled; she blushed like a schoolgirl. Joanne cried I thought so! bitterly. All these months youve been feeling sorry for me because Eddie stopped writing and youve kept in touch with him behind my back. What a hypocrite! Mary blinked helplessly. Joanne ran up to her room and slammed the door. The radio was on; Christmas carols only emphasized her loneliness. She switched it off. Her eyes settled on a paper box under the dresser. Drawing it out she scowled at the lovely figurine nestled therein. It was her Christmas present to Mary. With a sob she picked up the little figure and dashed it to the floor. Joanne heard the murmur of serious conversation downstairs. She hoped Mary was catching it. Suddenly she decided to teach them all a lesson. Christmas or not, she would leave home. She could board a bus this very morning. She knew exactly where to go; her friend Betty Giles had urged her repeatedly to spend week-en- d at their new home Coopersville. YOU Jn harmony with the Holiday spirit, we add this cheery note: May you and yours enjoy for years to come, all the happiness we wish for you this Christmas. 1 Ord & Mangelson Drug Co. i . Surprise Meeting n The was alive with holiday tourists. Joanne felt most and conspicuous in her blue-jean- s red sweater. She gasped in surprise when a familiar voice asked: Where to, Joanne? Eddie Long's expressive brown eyes smiled down at her. He had her In his arms before she could remember any good reason to resist. Merry Christmas, darling! he cried as their lips parted. lve waited more than a year for this. But why the suitcase? Mary told me youd be at home for the holidays; that's why I sent her the letter announcing my arrival. Mary? I I dont understand.'' Well, it was supposed to be a surprise. Last summer, when I was on my way out here. I met with an accident. Mary and your mother knew that I was hurt pretty bad and they didnt want to frighten you. When I showed signs of returning to normal they suggested that I spend Christmas week at your place. Youve got wonderful folks, Joanne. Best inlaws a man could ask for. bus-statio- fTlfly you enjoy the happiness and pleasures of ChristmasDay through- out a bright New Year. NEPHI LUMBER COMPANY a hope the magic of this glorious season extends ft throughout the year for you and yours. ..bringing with it the blessing of happiness, the joy of good health and the pleasure of warm friendships. Vi Vi K V Vi Nephi, Ufah &; WESTERN DIVISION ? Nephi, Ufah $ Kk Vi |