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Show pALOUS GROUP TRIES TO BURN BOY AT STAKE I I CHILD RESCUED 1 AS FIRE BEGINS TO LICK LEGS School Boy From U. S. Captures Cap-tures Little Canadian Miss OTHERS ARE JEALOUS So They Capture Heart-breaker Heart-breaker and Leave Him to Perish KJNGSVILLE. Ont. Juiy 8. Eddie Sanderson, a school boy from Belllng-ham. Belllng-ham. Wash., was rescued Friday as he 1 was being burned at the stake in a woods beyond the city by Irate young- sters, who rosented the attention he was receiving from a popular girl of Kingsvlile. Eddie came here visiting ond promptly became popular with a lit-tie lit-tie girl They went walking together, they bought ico cream together and the girl generally showed the homo- town boys that tho visitor from Am-I erica was her ideal. But three boys, all between 10 anJ IS, liked tho little girl and wore dis- 1 pleased with Eddie's popularity. They j became frankly Jealous and got together to-gether to plan the end of Eddie's visit and his popularity at one stroke. Men passing a small woods near the town heard the boy's cries. They smelled smoke and rushed Into the woods. Tied to a stake with a fire eating Its way up his legs, was Eddie 8anderson They threw water on his feet and rushed him Into toWn. Eddie at first refused to tell what had happenod Finally he told tho story of his popularity and said the three boys had chased him, oaught him. took him to the woods, and there kindled a fire of paper and sticks, tied him to a stake and as tho flames started up left him. He was I not burned seriously. |