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Show oo HOME RUN SLUGGER MAY BREAK RECORD ST. LOUIS. July 8. Rogers Horns-by, Horns-by, star second baseman of tho St. Louis Cardinals ;md leading home run eluggcr of the majur leagues thie year, bids fair to broak the- National league home run record of 27, mado by Ed Williams of tho Chicago club In 1 884. With only about half of this sea-Bon's sea-Bon's nohedule played. Hoinsby tied Ms home run merk of 1921 by knocking knock-ing out his twenty-first drive Friday and necd.s seven more to establish a new National league record The Cardinal waiter Is one four-base four-base hit ahead of Kenneth Williams, of the St. Louis Browns, leading Arti-erlcan Arti-erlcan league home run hitter. |