Show Ifelaws force pAPER TO SUSPEND EKSP.UUG. July 8. The l ki- He i siTiiivd ;m uijunc- to prevent the enforcement of .flay blue laws to the extent that Wwould prevent the irlntlng and llatlon of the Sunda paper after flight on Saturday The paper wu lp to suspend work on I Sun-Jaisfus Sun-Jaisfus at midnirht Saturday Ugh -1 :.: 'if t.-.mi en of s-:i- -I osing laws I Bowing the presentation of a pe- to tho ritj uuthnriiles asking 1 amorc strict enforcement of the fey lavs" the authorities announc- rlt Saturday that all Sunday laws B cll code book would be strict-Worced. strict-Worced. W nr. |