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Show SHERIFF'S SALE, j ln the District Court of Weber Kb m lv'-..- !'' ' '.-.mpanj fl- poratlon. amended to read K. SsB lng buslnefs under the nam eH of Klein Kustom Klothes. UaUK S. Klein it Co . PlalntJifiTB Smvthe. Defendant It To be sold at sherifrs 6ale ea UL. o'clock sK said dny. at the sonrh front doodK U vber count) court hou. City. Welw-r counts. Ctah tilt faV7 described prope.rt-. to-wit: 1 Situated In Ojrden city. WcberSE t'tah, and particularly dcEcrltwd Kg A part of Lot Six (6). BlodnH C15), Plat "A." Oyden City snnJ B -1 r 1 1 1 . r. i ... t fiilmM northwe.nl corner of nUl M SlXB running thence east along the soUr of .-.aid Lot Six (6) 61 feet rsoH to a point mark' ! : Iron psB" In the prround on the north !:':. J lot 96 4". fe.-i we en '.er P1 chord avenue aa now 'jH out (JsjHl rtm'nlric thi n. . "i rods, theap r.J feet riior. or I..- to .i PointiB.. the heintdnr. thence north tho place of beginning. t Dated at Ond en Cltv WeMH toh this "Oth de-. .,f Juno, ljttB Py J D i i Shi r!?'f.E SHERIFF S SALE. In the District Court of WebSH Stab of ctah w u. s.,. j -i t. m pulre. also known as F A11(Q jHl To be sold at 'I., riffs al 03 MP daj of Jul '''"'"iLJMft -iaiil dm t ti,. f..'ilh front F Wetier eon of Iii.ii-"- in OgBj I Sltllul. ; S Utah, the following property mV5 ularly described aj follows I A part of Lots Four (4) K 'ii Hlo- c ' of 0gHB surve) I!, winning 8 rolnfej norl h o( 'iKBte West coniei ...I ... (K-- thence en t 91 - jlA Ski th.-nce wi ( ri'-,rtWJJ to the plac of beginning. I Dated at Opden Cltj WebS Utah, this 1st da of Ju!ypI1:j-aB! Sheriff of Wei - i:' By .7 M V. ii t ":rtWl |