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Show BBOKEHS CHOOSE THE LEADERS FOR YEAR ' New Governing Board Elected Saturday at the Regular Annual Meeting. The members of the local mining and stock exchange met at 1 o'clock Saturday Sat-urday afternoon for the purpose of electing nine members to constitute tho governing board, for tho ensuing year. A full attendance was on hand at the appointed hour, and President .Tames A. Pollock called tho meeting to order. While tho interest manifested ou all sides was a healthy indication of tho manner in which the brokers regarded re-garded tho importance of tho occasion, everything was carried with the best of humor and good will. On the first: ballot, the following prominent members of the exchange were elected for tho year: IT. W. Dorschcr, Clark Whitnev, R. J. Evans, W. J. Browning, J. L. Hamilton, James A. Pollock, F. R. Davis, George T Badger Bad-ger and W. II. Childs. The old governing govern-ing board is to be congratulated upon the manner in which its members handled hand-led the prosperous season just closed, the only objection the newspaper fraternity fra-ternity can find with its work is the fact that while the brokers deal in unlisted un-listed stocks the' refuse io give out any information thereof to thc newspapers. news-papers. Tt is to be hoped this rule will not be continued during the present pres-ent season. Sometime during the next; few days, the liewly-eloctod board will pet together to-gether for tho purpose of selecting officers offi-cers for the year. |