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Show UTAH MINE INSURANCE. Company Receives Checks For Sum of S5600 Duo From Five. A check was received yesterday by the officials of the Utah mine for the sum of $n000, this amount being the sum for which tho company had insured the portion of tho property at. Fish Springs which recently was destroyed by fire. While tho amount will not cover tho entire loss, it will go n long wnv toward retimbering the main shaft, and should the company decide to instal largo machinery at once it is thought that tho treasury will take care of that portion of I ho programme. While none of the officials arc willing to go far into detail regarding the amount of cash in the treasury, it is stated that the company com-pany has $30,000 surplus aside from the insiiranco money just received. Tintic Oro Shipments. The mines of the Tintic mining district made better, progress this week In tho way of shipments. The fuel famine hns been considerably relieved and mines that were sduit down at the beginning of the week are In operation today. The properties prop-erties which sent oro to the smelters and their respective amounts were: Carloads. AJax 3 Berk Tunnel 7 Bullion Beck S Onrlsn 5 Centennial Fureka SG F.aplo and Blue Ball I I'Jurnka T 1 1 II leasers 12 r; om in I i.... 5 Godlva Oonccnt rates) 1 Grand Central , -I May Day 7 Mammoth 20 lOdge and Valley -1 Pc ran I on , 6 South Swansea 1 1 Swauccn - 3 Tintic Iron 9 Fnlted Sunbeam . ... 1 Victoria 4 Vankee Consolidated 3 Total 1G3 Mining Notes.' W. G. Page, the mining engineer, is confined to his home with a severe attack at-tack of tho grippe. W. II. Clark will leave today for his headquarters in Goldfield. Nov. Mr. Clark was called away by tho fire at Goldlield, which damaged his ofiico there. .r. C. Tyrce of the Reliance Mining and Milling company, of which he is a director and superintendent, leaves, today to-day to take charge of the property. Hiram Tyrec, manager of the Reliance Reli-ance company, Ipaves this afternoon on a business trip to Denver, Chicngo and New York. Tho Metal Market. Tho metal quotations for Saturday, posted by MoCornick fc Co., wore as follows: ' Silver, OSjc; lead, $6.00; copper, Sl'.fcc. |