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Show SEASON BALL RECORDS. Tew of the Happenings Which Will Enter En-ter tho Record Class. Tribune Special Sporting Service. CHICAGO. 111., Jan. 2fi. Numerous new baseball records were hung up during dur-ing the season. Here are a few of the happenings that will center into tho record class: Chicago and Brooklyn plaved . nine innings in just an even hour. Chicago Americans, out of twentv-fivo twentv-fivo mid-season games, won twenty-three, twenty-three, lost one, and played an 0-0 tic. Chicago Nationals won 116 games, breaking the former record o? 106, made by the New York Nationals. . Boston Americans lost twenty straight games and Boston Nationals nineteen. New York Americans won fifteen straight games, including five double-headers.. double-headers.. Stone of tho St. Louis Americans made a new record for base hits, having hav-ing made 207. The Cleveland team went on record with 120 double plays. Philadelphia and "Boston (Amorican league) played the longest game on record in the major leagues. Tho Athletics Ath-letics won. '1 to 1. in the twenty-fourth inning. This game was .played "September "Septem-ber J. " Shortstop Allizcr of tho Washington Americans made five runs in seven innings. On May 21 "Rube" W.-uldoll struck out thirtcou Cleveland batters, the season record in the American league. Mathewson duplicated this performance perform-ance against. Brooklyn lato in the season There were three forfeited games in the two big leagues. Philadelphia and New York fori cited in tho National and Philadelphia in the American. It was a season of big crowds, the world's series in Chicago breaking all records for receipts. Thousands were turned away from the gates at the last three games. Both New York teams drew to the capacity of tho Chicago ball parks several times. |