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Show I Club Calendar The music section of the Ladies' Lit-eraiy Lit-eraiy club met on Thursday morning at the clubhouse, an interesting programme pro-gramme being given. A sketch of the American composer, Kate Vannah, was 'given by Miss Hague, followed by "A Lullaby," and "Gray Roi-ks and Grayer Gray-er Sea," sung by Mrs. Charles Stan-lev Stan-lev Price. Other musical numbers wero given by Mrs. Zulah Smith, Mrs. Harry Knight," Mrs. Alfred Peabody, Mrs. Fisher Harris. Miss Mary Olive Gray, Miss Williamson and the club chorus. The tourist section of the Ladies' Literary club will meet on Tuesdny at 10 a. m. Mrs. Sanford will give the topic. "The Customs and Industries of tho People of India." b The Seekers Literary club met on Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Edwards. The lesson included "The Tudor. Sovereign" Sov-ereign" and tho "Bard of Avon." Mrs. I?. IL Thompson was the leader. - i At the last moclinj: of the Civic section, a resolution was passed deciding decid-ing to accopt tho offer of Walker Bros, to receive n per cent of half the sales on Saturday, February 0, and to devote de-vote tho receipts to the various charities chari-ties of tho oit3'. Ft wns also decided to hold a rummage sale on Saturday, February 2, at the clubhouse for the benefit of the section. The repular meeting of the history section of tho Ladies' Literary club was "held on Thursday morning at the clubhouse. Papers were given by Mrs. Hutchinson. Mrs. Bintz and Mrs. Box-rud. Box-rud. ' m 4 The civic section of tho L. L, C. will hold their regulnr meeting Mon-daj. Mon-daj. February -1, at 11:30 o'clock. Mrs. Oscar L. Cox will serve ten. w An interesting Germnn nfternoon was given on Friday at tho Ladies' Literary club. 1 v The Woman's club met with Mrs. John L. Bowman on Tuesdny afternoon, after-noon, the paper being given by Mrs, A. V. Taylor. The art section held their regular meeting on Monday morning t. the Ladies' Litera- club, the paper being given bj Mrs. John Delano. v Mr. Arthur Farwell of tho Wa-Wan Press, Nowton Center. Mass., will give a lecture recital at the Ladies' Literary Liter-ary clubhouse, Tuesday evening, February Feb-ruary 5. The Wn-Wan Press" is devoted devot-ed to tho publication of music bv American composers, and Mr, Farwell is an authority on the interesting field of Indian ana negro folk songs. The lectitrc is under the . auspices of the music section. v. |