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Show yJ)fJ Back to the farm ! C$-Jl$ That's where you get good coffee. None of that " fresh roasted loose by the pound " store stufF from nobody knows where, full of dust, atmosphere and soiled hands, but the real old, genuine egg and sugar coated Arbuckles ARIOSA Coffee, which the folks keep in the original package and grind in the kitchen. That's Coffee! Complies with all requirements of itc Natic-j.il Purn Food Law. Guunlee No. 2041. filed at Waihincion. I Five. w 1 Carloacls l! j Pianos i a m I Just Arriving for Our i I New Addition. ; I We Invite Yon All i f to Inspect Them. DAYNES-ROMNEY j I MUSIC COMPANY I 25-27 E. First South St. I P," Hi Steeei j "Sweet Pleasure Drives I Away Dull Care," j j "Boiler skating combines pleas- g B ure and healthful exercise." 3 j There mil be a Grand Mask ! 1 Carnival on skates at tho Audi- torium Thursday night, Jan. 31st. I Fourteen handsome prizes will be A awarded, including a grand gato 8 B prize, consisting of a three-pieco t I Mahogany Parlor Set, costing 1 H S100, donated by the Co-op Fur- 3 E nituro Co. Each paid admission 1 B tickot will have a chance on this i ft beautiful prize. i B Eink open morning 10 to 12, i I aftenioon 2 to '6, evenings 7:30 B I to 10:30. . Music by Held's Band, f i t The UTAH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, 56-5S -W. llrd South St., has a PJIEE exhibit of Utah's resources and products i that is worth seeing. Call and see it. I : Modern Plumbing and House Heating. GEO. G. BYLE & CO. I'Uonai 1C2. 211 S. Stato St. Subscribe for The Trilnnie and I Ciet all Die News. I I yJ rtWMWKM 1 1 ' U8,ff 1 MEMCIIAMDISE THIS Hif BB1C I I The Rarest Eargalst Harvest . tz 1 Not Omc-Tenfh of tfflae Special Ofeings : I Is Mere for Your Gathering Monday , "AlMca ScBiedMled for this Week Are Named on This Page I ' 1 I I We C&m'i Name All the Good Things We Have t iter. A Few Will Suffice! I i Monday Morotag! S l FROM 9 TO 12 O'CLOCK. I One Case of j J ! Mew Zephyr j 1 Gfragghaim . I I Regalar 12s at 9e Yd. ! j Is tills the gala you've been wait- 1 r G j ing for? Our records of a year ij (j & ; age, wiion we held a Giinllar h g ; ovent, was onormous yes, o:c- 3 b' ? traordiiiary, selling. Wo'll bo I z 'i very brief and to the point, for h J ; a mere mention will sufilse to 1 X 3 bring a throng here Monday, i ij i v. 12 2c ZEPHYR GINGHAMS go j 1 3 Monday, from 9 to 12 o'clock, at J I j ...Zli... p 1 MoMay MraEK? ' 9 TO 12 A. M. I 3 1 1 In Our Ctoak mi I j j I Suit epsrfmeot 1 1 LAMES' TAILOR-MADE 1 j I SUITS AT j ,1 A nobby collection of jaunty 5 5 a H Suits in fancy gray plaids and i t h H mixtures, semi-fitted, 23-ln., or 'j '3 TJony Jackot oilccts. with pockets fe yf and velvet fcrimmiugs; full t B a K pleated skirt to match, Suits that i I "4 H sold up to 20.00, Monday from 9 B to 12 a. m., only at 5j ONE.T PRICE 'TO ALL NEVe'r UNDERSOLD S k IMg Scp aiii Sale o! WMe SiftfEmbroidcred Skirting Hanpcls 2000 Yards All New Heslgiis ! FAR, FAR BELOW COST.. Purchased from a. firm who closed up thoir plant and therefore sacrificed the Plannels which they had intended j for spring trade, They were considered the finost manufacturers in their line, and we don't think you've ever ; seen more beautiful white embroidered Skirting Flannels than we'll show and sell in this sale. TO OFFER t SUCH A LOT OF FINE NEW SILK EMBROIDERED FLANNELS INTENDED FOR SPRING TRADE BE- ' LOW COST PRICE AT THIS TIME OF THE YEAR IS UNUSUAL, BUT WE PAY NO ATTENTION TO j SEASONS. WE SELL WHEN WE BUY AND AS WE BUY. Bought at Half-Price -To Be Sold at Hall-Price Cut-out odgo or hemstitched white silk- embroidered flannels, value S1.00, in this J sale, a yard TlJ?" i 3 lots value $1.25, in this sale, a yard. . . 3 lots value S1-.75, in this sale, a yard . . . 87e B 3 lots valuo S1.35, in this sale, a yard . . . 3 lots value $2.00, in this sale, a yard . . . 99C 3 lots value 51.50, in this sale, a yard. .. & 3C 4 ots value .$2.25, in thin sale, a yard. I 3 lots value $1.60, in this sale, a yard . . . 80C 2 Jots value $2.50, in this sale, a yard . . . 1 Monday Afternoon! I FROM 2 TO 5 O'CLOCK. ' I $4.50 Couch Covers1 at j $278 Eaeli Not In many year's have we bei' 3 able to tell of so important 15' R offering of Fine Conch Covers. yr i pronounce them $4.50 Covers-.- I based on their worth some liu A time ago couldn't buy them toi j day for that. Yet 50 of thaj j aro to go Monday, from 2 to l o'clock at each I I' I llll Ill 1 1 I I 1 1 Ill II W'ljgjgXJJ-. umjwjiiwi 111 1 1 imiiiffggjg Monday Afternoon! 2 TO 5 P. M. In or Cloak and; I Suit Department j 181.50 BLACK SATEEN PETTICOATS AT- I (The Elite Make) made of a god- H quality morcerized sateen, witi I deep flounce, finished with 5-In.i I accordion pleating and two nwj 1 of shirring, separate uudorhy,. fjj all sizes, regular value $1.50, Spe- cial, Monday afternoon from 2 to. I 5 only at ; I 95c j j pednced Prices Agata Redneed in Our I JliL T5ic power of your money grows as the season advances. First was "Regular Prices Reduced" now 'tis "Reduced Prices Reduced," "J k f I " WW dCPth f RRflUCti0US speaks for itself from tllc following speciraon items. l r L , &j MS1 LADIES' EVENING COATS Tho HEAVY FLANNELETTE DRESSING I J 0 ? in I AffliL $35.00 and $10.00 kinds, fi-gp? LADIES' RUNABOUT SKIRTS in SACQUESrif on 7V 1 hi il ' p iPftt':ffl reduced to '....9J..00 colors or black, $5.00 ftJJ to dos at???.8 50C (Mmi mm HEAVY WINTER COATS-Valucs up values, at Q&.WV FUR SCARFS AND COLLARFTT'Fci & lilY? ImWln-4tm& anSSBS ' COATS In brown, castor or variety of styles and colors, aff vyvv iMt. RjmiWi I JffliK jvy. the 815.00 kind, gg og to close, at foSdSOOn01 S-R 1 LMIl aHILDPFN'q'"roAq"nf' nil LONG KIMONAS-Of heavy fleeced for m IM &mf iS sho ? 01 flannelette, marked down OjD WHITE SHIRT WAISTS Of heavy MIk t JLM JLiuerctown, J..oo values, g to OOC . washable Madras cloth, while qc' ffl -I they last 579 W I Advance Attractions In I New Spring . .A preliminary Show and Sale of rea- sonably priced now spring woolens. Everything stylish and novel, with tho j great feature of lowest prices in every j instance. r New Plaid Novelties j In every style and variety. Endless ' ja in color and combination.. Including I m black and white effects. ; fj -15-INCH ALL WOOL, (t-fl , ? M at a yard pJio3 f B 52-TNOII ALL WOOL, r-fl a f? at a yard 5lol;& New Hack Goods j E. PRIESTLEY'S CELEBRATED '' MAKES All the newest weaves. In i plain and novelties. Such as Empire S Cloth, Wool Taffetas, Albion, Poplins, Melrose, Drap do Paris, Prunellas, Queen's Cloth, etc, i From c$1.00 to $2.00 a a Yard. I Pongee Silks I Pongeo Silks, 26-in. wide, very stylish 1 m large and small checks, suitable for 1 a Dresses and Waists, also children's i a wear, regular value 91.10, Qftr on sals at per yard 0?C I , A Sale I Samples in Af a Saving of a Third to a Mali Regular Prices. A groat line of manufacturers' samples of Children's Wash' Dresses has boon submitted to us to make our selection for the coming Spring and Sum mor, and rather than have same returned, the makers intsructed us to sell them at tho most liberal discount. These drosses arc better finished and prettier than those generally found in reg- jilar stock, for you know that greater care is always given to samnles, and now :x7fxmy i-sto1-2 f"the reprices re-prices from fi $175 Each PEOPLE WITH IITHE MONEY CM BUY TIeSboES. Amd People Witfa PlemSy oi Money -3 Will Busy Ttaese Sfaoes to Save Money 1 BOYS' GAJjTQKTN SHOES with heavy solos: sizes 2V-. to to nt lBSttKilp. I o's! value $1.75. Thin week, the pair .... ! ...... .,.1.39 KSBttbg&ik TW? vfcekeciaV1132 RUBBEaS' a11 sizesJ value 95c. f ''' ijgc 3 I YOUTHS' GOOD GRADE RUBBERS, sizes 10 to 2; , H I valuo 75c; go at per pair . 55C ' aiSHeHft I I Now We're iurryino j Out the Balance of j BYS' 0EMMTS Ai SWEATERS i Tempting Bargains, the like of wH4 you'll not find again in many mod and it would not be fair to judge U importance of this week's o8eiWy the'se fow items.. Genie. Ytfang Men's Overcoats GOING OUT AT THE FOLLOWER GREAT REDUCTIONS. , Any O' Coat, worth $11.00, at Any O' Coat, worth $10.00, at Any O' Coat, worth $S.50. at ' Any 0 Coat, worth $S.00, at $5.00 j Boys' and Girls' Sweaters! MUST GO AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, AS FOLLOWS: Any Boy's or Girl's Sweater, i $1.00, at 3 49c j Aany Boy's or Girl's Sweater, K, $1.50, at . Any Boy's or Girl's Sweater, ortjM $1.75, at B Any Boy's or Girl's Sweater, $2.50, at A $1.00 and $1-50 A |