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Show f ? STILL TALKING LAWS ON. tkGoldfielcl Tiitnks Boston Copper Man f$fe. Now Owns the Ludwig. jyNow that Tom Lawson is credited Kvvith having purchased the famous Lud--ijvvig copper" mine near Yerington. there "mas been a renewed activity in that jfihich favored section. says the ''WGJhrnnielc of Goldfield. Several promotions promo-tions have been made, tho latestboirig ,;.?ftlie Goldfield and Ludwig Extension Mi-'iwme Mi-'iwme company, the claims of which SA'djom the Ludwig mine, which is edited with having $6,000,000 worth Jpi)f copper ore blocked out. jJyJt'A few weeks ago a prominent en-wfcineer en-wfcineer who made an exhaustive exanii-Sation exanii-Sation of the district reported that ihcro is 111 a single mine in the Yering-ait'pn Yering-ait'pn copper field as much in sight, prac-,licall.v, prac-,licall.v, a c'onsiderubjo greater amount of mineral wealth, reckoned at tho Sprcscnt price of copper, as Tonopah, yS.Goltl field and Bullfrog combined can -$3biow. The statement is rather broad, 4Mbut the gentleman is positive in his Mli&sertion, and says that he can demon-aKtjate demon-aKtjate it to any one who will visit ;J?tthe district, lie also says that it is as Iffgrcat as ICIy in tlie matter of copper JfeeaHh. |