Show Sinews of Steel At State Theatre The glare of the flaming fOl forges S- S the crash of th the giant steel hammers hammers ham ham- mers and b behind It all ll the enormous power pO of gold rhese These are the main factors In Sinews of ot Steel the Gotham photoplay coming con to the State theatre today The story revolves around th the lit efforts ef- ef forts fOlts of or the head of a steel mill combination to gO gobble ble up one ons o of their smaller competitors The smaller steel concern is owned by bya a n. girl who is making a a. brave fight light against heavy odds to carry carryon on the business left by her father The son of the president of the combine meets the girl who is not aware of hl his identity H He falls Inlove Inlove in inlove love with h her r and of offers rs to help her A pleasing pleasing- climax is reached Alberta Vaughn Gaston Glass Anders Randolf Paul Charles Wellesly Greta Orta Von Yon Rue Hue Bobby Gordon GonIon John G Gardner and Nora Hayden Haydn appear in the cast |