Show STUDENTS STUDENT'S HOOf BODY fOUND IN LIBERTY Mo May 18 AP AP- AP The body of Glenn P. P 18 Tulsa OI Okla Ia William Jewel Jewell college freshman missing since last Saturday Saturday Saturday Satur Satur- day was found today In a storm sewer two blocks from the fraternity fraternity fraternity frater frater- house where he ho had lived Dr H. H W. W Hill inn coroner coroner sald said a p postmortem tem examination would be necessary necessary sary to determine the cause of death The body was found by two fellow fellow fel- fel low Iov students Lester Hoover an and Owsley Welch who had been as assisting as- as slating In the search for the young man 1 was the son of ot S S. S S. of Tulsa lI He was last I seen at 1230 a a. ant m. m last Saturday in I his room at the Kappa Sigma fraternity fra fra- fraternity house Companions Companions' had no noticed no- no that tha t he ho had been dejected re re- re Hoover a member of the same fraternity recalled today that prisoners prisoners prisoners pris pris- escaping from the j iI here had taken refuge in the large larg storm sewer near by and decided to in- in it He He lie and Welch found the body there |