Show San au Francisco o Shrine Leader e Pays aSIt City Visit sit I t Inspection of the new l Masonic temple a visit to the hospital hospital hospital hos hos- pital for tor crippled children and a sightseeing trip w were re included In l ded in entertainment pl plans ns for tOle Philip A A. Erbes potentate of Islam temple Ancient and Arabic order Nobles Not les of the the- Mystic Shrine of San an Francisco who arrived here Thursday tn en n route loute home from the imperial council meetings at Miami iTla lla Accompanying Mr Erbes Erb s Were vere Ern Ernest st C. C Hueter of San Francisco member of the board of governors o of the the hospital for tOr chil- chil i 1 Mrs HUeter Rueter HUEt r and Mr 11 MrS J. J J V. W. Davey They were entertained nt by bI J. J S S. S Hibbert p potentate of El Kalah temple Ie |