Show j Prizes Offered a at r i Gas Ga Company's y Cooki Cooking School I May 22 23 2324 24 j fr J r f I p pL L y j 1 BARBARA BADGER p A A CE EXT is' is made f today d y f by he utah Gas Coke Goke pe the com corn pany- pany any of tIe the appointment of 01 Miss Barbara Badger as head of or the coman company's com corn pany's anys an s 's new new ne v Home Service lent i Further announcement is made mad that day c cooking dem- dem will be held under Miss 1 direction next Tuesday Wednesday and and Thursday May 22 23 and 24 which at which prizes arc of- of X r Jered red in including cash a awards v ards for or Dinners in ers in ina a cake baking contest t Al ll gi graduate of the Ut h tural t ral Co College ege Miss russ B Badgis ig r s a poPo op ular l r ra a and d known well welI domestic t s di- di din in i- i n n and l home ome econ e expert cert pert and andia has ia made a au a a as astin it tin instructor of dom domestic sU at ata a local high school She She has h s ranged a most attractive attl program of f demonstrations to feature the thre three day day sessions next week weel Prizes offered in the tho cake baking contest are the iO orthe best sponge cake 3 t for Jor fot t the the- second spon sponge e c cake le e 10 for for- the best butter butt cake S 55 5 5 for the second butter cake Th- Th only stipulation that all an cakes entered entered en en- in the contest must iut have been baked in a gas range range I. I i The demonstrations to which everybody is invited free of charge harge will wm be held at the gas cO company s S Auditorium 45 South Main May 22 23 3 and 24 rom 2 1 Plan PlanS now t dV S S I IA A I I Save Sav yo your r time lime and money on your our purchases purchase by tr trading hg with competition under one roof WE WANT YOU TO I KNOW ABOUT J OUR 5 LOAF OF BREAD SEE SPECIAL L OFFER SATURDAY ONLY I BREAD S wheat Macaroni I lb 8 c I With purchase of f 1 1 loaf 1 FREE 2 Ibs 3 3 Ibs lbs Li Limit t mit I Pineapple e Blackberries Dlack errieS m a o S S Solid pack pie fruit B ro k en S Sliced Sliced Dill Din Pickles S I. I cans I 10 fir sliced d I Puffed Wheat 2 N ar leer S bottles p Pint 10 I fl I fl A Assorted flavors ERA I JAM Ii large cans American Beauty Br Brand nd W We reserve right quantity S SS GROCERY DEPT I S S YI PO PORK R K Half o e 2 2 c HAMS Whole boe lb H Skinned Half Half 1 U H J ENS EMO No No charge harge Ih Ib k 7 i iU U H A for drawing I Wl M fl U 2 PUBLIC MEAT MARKET I Orange Sponge f Cake feul u S PREMIER BAKERY v STRICTLY PR 45 r SWEET C A JUI JUICY l p H I EGGS 2 DOZ 0 j doz Y ORANGES d 3 poun pound POUd SLICED SLICED BACON 35 FRESH LARGE lc 5 5 I eSc 2 LBS S CUCUMBERS each h I I SLICED BOI BOILED L. L D HAM M a Fresh UTAH 5 5 b bunches h I 49 It reg Ib b i aV RADISHES t t unc es I 0 U It 7 I DELICATESSEN I X N S FRONT FRUIT T TULIP BRAND RAND BUTTER Ib lb 39 S Until noon limit limit DAIRY DAIRY SHOP A T C reg McDonalds McDonald's value 2 Cocoanut lb Ib Smiles I ICa 5 GILLETTE S and and S STROP S CANDY DEPT of Sf per can n Malt M Syrup rup p 49 LUCKY STRIKE PACIFIC ii 32 RES C Tin CIGARETTES A ET in o of 50 STORES BARKING DOG OA CIGARETTES 2 for 25 S ii- ii n Dinner Inner Set x S g gOld gOldS ld S S Carton decorated 5 S. S Special 3 J 69 D ZO ZOES TOBACCO 1 FREE RDE TOBACCO 5 5 I I 5 TOilet pap e CIGAR i- i or I 9 REG Sc NA CIGAR fV- fV V.- V. it ita 25 sj a smoke FOR Y 9 having Cream BAYERS BAYER'S ASPIRIN Crego reg c a alze Se- Se 22 Teg 25 i Jj I ri hoc it lb an and w vanilla V Wafers io 0 72 2 I DEpt Y CIGAR VARIETY SHOP v R y P Mode Ba Banana na a la Ia I t IW fl Q S I I S Colville's Coville's E Bricks Warts Ice Cr Cream Crean 31 Y o i S FOUNTAIN LUNCH S S Ar S I S S M S p S 1 I 1 EI E V 0 1 Sl Smart m art Summer Styles Slenderizing lines that add grace to the foot SANDALS hi and low heels in all the popular 3 II 95 leat leathers ers patent beige white green and blue 4 95 S Indian prints pumps and straps 5 II 95 r 1 S A AThe S The popular T Too Toyo oyo cloths S S S in fl red green blue and tan tan tan- For Active Men Me O Oxfords that deliver deliver I miles and miles of good looking wear Tans and black blackI black black- I S SS S J ast st C ay Under Schramm- Schramm Johnson Johnson lL il P fi ft Just Out VICTOR Records Record No LI LILA LA Fox Trot HELLO MONTREAL Waring's Pennsylvania 75 cents i iZ 1 Z Mail Mal Orders Filled Promptly j Hear It Today The largest retail drug store business in the wo because we serve you better Stores in Citie Citi e Q e 7 Sap Safe LIGGETT CORNER 2ND SOUTH AND MAIN Plus I ge Salt Sab FRIDAY AND SATURDAY i It Pays to Trade at Liggetts Liggett's Every Day j SIZE J Hinds Hind's H. H A. A Cream 2 for 6 6 II SOc Gillette Blades Ss 2 2 for Jl 6 S a I D Df R. R Cold Cre Cream m 2 2 f Tooth Paste 2 2 for 69 69 5 SOc Oc P d ent PASTE TOOTH 2 f or I Ro Odo-Ro-No Liquid 2 2 for 78 l 2 2 for 8 tJ Shampoo 2 2 for 6 G SOc Glazo Nail Polish 2 2 f for or 6 j 50 c J Jergens Jergen's ergen s BENZOIN LOTION 2 f for or 6 i iJ J Gem Blades 2 f for or 61 SOc Mermen's Mennen's SHAVING X G 2 2 for 69 9 2 2 for 11 l lJ r Lavoris 2 2 for 1 11 1 SOc PJ PHILLIPS LI LIPS Magnesia 2 2 for 69 Bromo Seltzer 2 2 for 79 11 Sal Hepatica 2 2 for 79 19 I Listerine S 2 2 for 69 69 f L 2 2 for f or 6 60 M McCoys McCoy's C oy s C TABLETS L o 0 2 f for or 79 I X T JL O jM 2 2 for 5 54 60 c C CaldWell's Caidwell's a ld we II s PEPSIN SYRUP 2 2 f for or 79 I Syrup of Figs 2 2 for 7 79 SOc 2 2 for 69 Capsules 2 2 for 1 I Eastman Films Have you experienced that keen disappointment when yo you yon faced a B scene of indescribable charm chann and found the last exposure ex ex- snapped Be forewarned Buy your films to-day to for over the week end Wholesome Liggett Sandwiches Try lunching at the U Ll gett F Fountain in t t to 0 o-d o a Sandwiches Sandwiches- of hom home lil bread with select ta-s ta 5 meats and fresh ve bles A splendid va variS a i and prices most reas re reable able from the H Ham m 5 Sai Saili at t 1 15 i to I Chicken Salad at atA A steaming cup of offee offee Co fee with real cream SE 5 W |