Show S. S I Livestock Market 0 I OGDEN OGDEN May ay IS 18 USDA USDA lle Hogs Re Receipts 1260 1200 Including head for th the local loal market maket direct to local packers packer 18 In transit to Swanston pack packers r and to South Soth San Francisco market steady load lots good go and choice light and light lights averaging to pounds pounds mostly 50 few downward rd to 00 pocking sows saws Cattle Cattle Receipts Including 27 7 r Stead lead for Cor the local lol market and 74 7 In transit to eo Salt Lake packers packer very little I done today late laie yesterday 75 head light feed teed lot steers and heifers of baby beef quality were delivered to local loal packers packer on previous contract at St 1150 Sheep Sheep Receipts Receipts Including 6 1 head for the e local market k 1859 1833 I In transit tram tran sit alt 1 to Utah r range o n SOS to Utah h feeders e I and fr transit sA r to 5 C Chicago California I n Omaha m spring r and lambs St. St J Joseph Joseph Jo Jo- In I seph seh no sales sale here I NORTH OITt SALT SAIT JI I. LAKE I I NORTH ORTH SALT LAKE Slay May IS 18 1 USDA Receipts flogs Hogs Hogs Receipts 1489 including 38 Z I head for the local market 12 in transit I to South San Francisco Franco market to Los Ls Angeles packers packer and to Los Lo Angeles Angeles An An- An- An geles Soles market steady to P ni-P pound weights pigs averaging er lit pounds d eli i and packing kl sows cows I I Cattle Cattle Receipts 26 direct to local loal packers none this market I Sheen Sheep Receipts Receipts 1830 1050 10 all al In transit to Colorado range none this market i KANSAS S J. CITY KANSAS CITY May 18 16 USDA USDA USDA-a. USDA Cat Cat Cattle tle tIe Receipts Receipts tc-Receipts Receipts calves calve 60 50 O fully steady trade on the few killing cattle catte offered good god lightweight steers steer 1300 few loads light mixed yearlings 1265 1205 vealer firm firm bulk S bulk desirable able lots lot 1100 close close- week end cleanup on stocker and feeder classes casses Sheep Sheep Receipts Receipts spring lambs 15 ii S to higher od odd lots shee sheep steady western Kansas springers springer 1775 odd odi lots natives mostly few head upward to 1750 Hogs Receipts uneven opened 10 to higher to ta shippers shippen late trade S to packers packeT 5 to lOc higher than Thursdays Thursday's Thurs Thurs' Thursdays Thur- Thur days day's average stock pigs steady top on to pound bulk desirable able to to pound butchers 10 to packing BOWS stock pigs average average average aver aver- age cost Thursday weight pounds OMAHA mUIA O OMAHA tAHA 18 USDA May USDA USDA-atte USDA Cattle Cattle Receipts 1000 calves killing classes cases mostly steady yearlings getting best action acton stockers stocker and feeders scarce steady fed steers ster and yearlings 1200 1360 part pat load light steers 1365 yearlings 1400 heifers scarce bulk beef cows bulk all al cutters medium bulls buls load westerns practical top 1400 odd heads heeds Hoes Ross Receipts Receipts uneven steady to loc higher choice medium weights weighs showing the advance top 97 on choice chorce to pound 20 weights bulk to pound 20 pound lights and butchers butcher 40 bulk to pound butch butch- S ers era packing sows soles average cost Thursday weight pounds pound I Sheep Sheep Receipts Receipts lambs strong stron to big quarter higher wet et fleeces a factor sheep and feeders feeder steady So 15 5 per cent o of I car seven string grade good 1725 bulk choice 1820 1020 top to shippers 1830 1030 native springers sprInger two cars car fed clipped lambs 79 and 88 68 pounds 1600 I best shorn ewes 85 bulk lambs Iambs 1400 CHICAGO CHICAGO May lay 18 10 AP API USDA S Hogs Bogs Bogs' Hogs Receipts mostly lOc to higher top 1010 paid for Cor choice around 2 pound weight butchers medium medium me me- to choice to pounds S to 50 pounds to pounds 10 to pounds packing sows pigs medium to choice 90 to pounds Cattle Receipts Cattle Receipts Catte-Receipts Receipts 1500 calves 1000 steady strong market on all al classes casses except except ex ex- bulls buls latter later lOc bc to lIe lower slaughter classes casses steers food and choice 1300 1100 to 1500 pounds 1100 to 1300 pounds to 1100 pounds fed yearlings good and choice 50 to 90 pounds heifers helfers good and choice pounds down cows good and choice cholee 5 cutters cutter bulls buls good good good- and choice beef beet milk mik fed good and choice medium stocker and feeder steers good gool and choice all al weights 1275 17 Sheep Sheep ReceIpts Sheep Receipts 1000 all al slaughter classes active act e. steady to strong slaughter shaugh- shaugh ter tee classes spring lambs good and choice 7 1725 1025 medium 1 1725 5 lambs good and choice 92 9 pounds |