Show y YM LE I 9 M 4 o h Mrs Eldred will willbe wIllbe be glad to answer answer all questions perta pertaining per ta to babies and children A stamped and self addressed envelope envelope lope l. l ope forwarded to The Te Telegram leg legram ram will b bring a personal per per- reply NAIL BITING A NERVOUS NERVOUS' BAD HABIT We talked rece recently PY on the subject t. t of ot s os cause for for- many habits called bad because of oC their effect on the child Too much occupation with any habit prevents the childs child's enjoyment and participation in more more developing interests If H the child is a. a agnail nai l biter determine if possible what what- is the the- theca ca cause se of or his hIS' nervousness nervousness and nd see if it it his environment cannot be changed so as to end ft it It may be necessary to send the child vay away way for fol a time Sometimes moth mothers rs who themselves s are extremely nervous nervous find it if Imp impassible to be becalm becalm becalm calm and placid in their dealings with the thc child and ii he improve will improve in other surroundings as as' as ashe hc be never could at home v The silly superstition about not cutting a c childs child's nails may maybe be bea a contributing factor in nan nail nall biting Children are are- imitative and if If they see mother biting small sisters sister's or brothers brother's nails nail instead o of trimming them neatly with a scissors they may try the same methods themselves them them- selves Children should be he encouraged ged to toI h have a sense of pride in ht i their lovely I nails long ago we Ye saw ayoung a ayoung I young lun mother whose nails nails' were badly bitten despite their gloss their and g generally well cared for condition Her mother openly deplored this tendency of oC Anna to bite her nails nails- Later in the evening I sawAnna's saw sawAnna's sawAnna's Annas Anna's mother In Irv a moment of absorption put her finger in her her- mouth and chew chew- meditatively on on her het n nail nail- ll Now I w wonder where Anna learned the habit in the first place and wh whether the she will wm not also alEo be su surprised at the development of oC such a habit in her own child r Suggestions may work a cur cure when other methods fail At bedtime bedtime bedtime bed bed- time when when the tl e child is is going to tb sleep and is in his most easily suggestible mood tell him over and andover oyer over that he is is' going to conquer this nail biting habit If he forgets in the daytime and is js truly anxious to reform try putting small adhesive tape over the ends of ot the nail so that he will be reminded instantly when he puts his fingers In his mouth that he ho s should stop All such habits become unconscious unconscious' and the child needs some jog to his memory otherwise the nails nalls are chewed and bitten before he realizes re realizes realizes re- re what he le is doing Keeping the nails cut short and polishing them so smooth that th the is aroused to m for them and dislikes to injure them are two natural methods of oC freaking breaking up the habit but these should be I started early It be oe forgotten forgotten forgotten for for- for for- gotten tha t nutrition which u r a h n 1 soft loft easily bItable nails must be bc regarded as an important factor The average nail is tough and difficult to bite so that wh when n children start nail biting take tak a alook alook look ook at their diet and see see it if It Is all that it should be Tomorrow The Reasons Reasons- S Some m Babies Dislike ke Their Ba Baths |