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Show LAYTON, UTAH. ELEYEN "VOLUME imnuies 01 PHn I Utah 1? aiSstlrst ;& -the Nation V it'h inruns u Held Monday o! .. Minutes of a. regular-meetinthe board of Education. held at the ffice In the Court House in Farmington Utah,. Monday1 April 4, 10 a.' m. Present: .R. 'W ' at ;tFIpiai ; Fbti ; V'M 'KIimbeH twenty-nin- lector v. Wrevk"lV'' Turn To UrislianiV , Column for Insight . Adanis, John It. Horace Rampton, Ezra Van Fleet and DAvid E. Cook, tnfem bers of the board and Clerk ' William and. Superintendent Burton. The minutes .of the meeting held March 10th were Toad and unani' .". mously approved. . A committee from South Weber. Robert Byroif, William- Watts and. Joseph Staples, appeared before the board and reported that .they were here with "petition to the commissioners asking .that county - Electrified The city cl Kaysville will make are mul- an additional saving cf a substantiplying , when every nader tial amount f money per year on t'f the now asking whether the cost of electric power purchocsd M Utah Iowof is Right tild will mudile tluough by fordanca with a old rtanJut.U ; reshape it " course U'onlp,ny in .now which has contract ,n art. cf rules- -i the tuna t.jw ,ijrn,(!. jllst t Arthur Brisbane s Thl saving is brought about by column, This IV in this paper a Voluntary late reduction on th Though his opinions, bluntly and part of the power company, Kaystruthfully expressed, are ircognit ville owns its distribution system ed everywhere us being tntirely and lias been buying power wholehis own and not necessarily those sale from the Uah Power A Ligh of this paper and others for txhich company for he past several years. This arrangement, according to the ho writes, Hews In- city officials, has been very tel and editorial commentafront the viewpoint of tor, Brisbane is foremost in Amer- both service and economy. They ica. us long as he has been expressed further eatisfactian with writing he 1ms sought for the the additional raving under tho truth behind the new?, announced new contract. where others have hesitated, put I!:gM r..' , fa-rm- -- vlun crhe-- ; : Send toTaxpayers i i ; . KAYSVILLE SAVES Of tetter MONEY. ON NEW Copy Into World Affairs POWER CONTRACT Co. Commissioners . .Vtah now ranks first in the nation in the. percentage of. farms-which have dwellings' Valued 'at $505 or ever, electrified, it was disclosed in. the Edison Electric Institute annual publication of farm statistics for 1935, . ' The- institutes ' .report reveals that p4,3 per cent of the farms thus classified in the state are served with electricity. Arizona ranks second to Utah with 88 per cent o fits farm electrified and North and South Dakota with 3.2 and 4.5 per eent respectively, rank lowest. The repo.rt explain?, the new classification of farms which have dwellings valued at 500 or over is Used in preference, to all farms reported .by the U. jl. bureau of census because about 400,000 enumerated by the census actually have-fihouses at all en them and of the total farms in the United States, 40 per .cent have dwellings valued at less than $500. George M, Gadsby,' president of the Utah Tower & Light company, in commenting' on the report, praised the enterprise of the farm- -' ers in bringing about the high per centage of electrification' in the . state, . He asserted the rapid extension of electric service to farms in Utah has been accelerated by cooperative effort of farmers and power ' e Wf . ...Homes 1936, ' AlMI. outi-tandin- satisfactory, jm-te- railed the Floating Fish Fartory' Is The Trends traalef Neu-nlaon tha' treacherous Hepimcli rocks wrecked shown awash after she whs off tha Island f ILoy, Orkney Islands, The crew ot 41 was remied by a lifeboat from tha Ulaud aod h bug trawler pounded to pkwa on the facts into coordination like the 'ha rocks. , .''' Speeders Fay Fines For Their . Th folowirg Is a copy bf a lotter the county commissioners are trending oat relative 'to the . Mag tale of delinquent real evtatei . - Hear Tax rayet; '. Probably as yon underrtahd, tho law provides that property which taxes are not paid shall after a four year period b advertised and sold to the highets bidder far-cash. . For a number ef yeafcs' there was -a moratorium on this sale, and thus ' the county commissioners Kavje made no sales on property ''on which there wert delinquent taxes.' This moratorium- baa now been listed and the tounty eomi'nissioiH ers are compelled under thq law 'to advertise and sell f&r ba6ji all lands on which there are delinquent genrral taxes for 1828, 1929, 1930, 1931, and on Bonneville Irrigation . ... , pieces of a design and given Ain-in- i his unbiased conclusions, . C. More than 25 million Americans the state secondary. road running rend hi column regularly, llis imfrom the mouth of Weber canyon taxes for 1930, ;1S3L, 1932' and' . mense audience is us varegaed as west through South Weber .to the 1933. This sale will K. J, Calton, 909 Edison street, our national life. There is hardly i county line south jf Riverdalq be some time in May, but under th ; . Vu dt Lake Cil a hamlet so obscure, scarce a farm hard surfaced. They Asked he sup10 miles an hour, was fined . ing ; v homo fo remote that Brisbanes inport of the board in the petition on torfcur th' IV.c, . 7.50 of Turtle, hr Sheriffs' offica warns people of .Christopher Layton, Jr., 83, who fluence doesnt penetrate to it. account of school .children being li. II. IIolbroo, Thor,d,. the .coiihty from buying linoleum, had spent nearly all of those years There is a reason why the fa- was arrested by Patrolman transported over the road each day. John desirous of helping all those whose in Kayaville.-dieman two at ' through Wednesday from traveling mous column is read ao universally Viftser April On motion of Mr. Van Fleet the his home Mrs. A. of sold-- . under' daughter, the cdunty selling that commodity the William V. Hoffman, 513 First lands are forced to be, and why, right now, it is rtudied President was appointed, a comlaw this are as complaints have beeu made to B. Barton. II had only been ill a andt therefore, calling . with a concentration of attention avenpe, Salt Lake was fined $7.50 a special mittee of one to go with the. comin which the officers: that these men were few weeks.meeting they . mittee before tho Commissioners to He was. born in Salt Lake City unexampled in newspaper history. for Bpcdeing.- Justice Holbrook al- will allow, all taxpayers wh.o . cheating their buyers. They measto lowed him puy $4 and granted deaire to meet with them and dis- -. ure a space in the house the buy-e- a Jan. 1, 1853, son. of Bishop and The world faces rtaggering prob- him . represent the boards interest in 17 to clear up the until eus this tax "situation. This meetIhe matter, wishes, td1 cover;, then, they say Mrs. Sarah Martin Layton, mov- lems, Old concepts waver new remainder. April will be held at- the office of the they 'have, a 'remnant to fit which ing to Kaysville with his parents leaders arise, Clashing nations The bills that are represented by Charged with speding ?0 miles an ing . . . purwhen he was a' small boy. board of county commissioners on companies.the When offer Cheap. they to inin numbered hour 5534 to arid on the State highway, Dean R. .touchers parlcyand adjourn He married dano'Bodlly, Jan. 18, The report '. discloses ' estimates chaser puts it down, he discovers deadlock. Millions walk the streets Whitley, ltepurt-,- Idaho, was sen- Monday, April 13, 1936, at 10 a. at. '. cluding 53561 as recorded' in the received from 1875 Lake and in smalt Endowment too that If youy 'is Salt Comes under.' the it the. way power companies nai that of unemployment while labor de- tenced to five days in the county lands to property register, were presented to the t tonally indicate mileage of rural he. has been swindled .The Sheriff house. She passed away in 1930. be the county bold, jail and' fine.il $1.0. Thursday by Jus board and approved by the. memM. bates in circles. be pleased' to 'meet will lines to be built in 1936 will be requests that you report to him if Surviving are two sons, Frank Howard HelleweH'at Farming, bers. 'and talk over the Qne newspaper pen, in all this tice call at your home or you know Layton, Saff'ord, Ariz.; Christopher ton. Tho jail aenten'eo- tvas usspend-e- d you at .that time double the mileage for 1935,. but they B. Lake Salt. in .order to .de- - . . .The with of three whereabouts. their remains situation, Layton, yo.ti bewilderment, City; superintendent . reported because of leaner' forthright, on pqvnent of the fine. Whitley termine thfe interritory, not some ad-- -. or and whether, Margaret daughters: Layton to that he had taken op .the matter crease to the point. It was he was arrested by' Patrolman Brown straight number' of farms will, be Mrs. Leo A. Bird, Salt Lake City, whir .be made to prevent can justmcjit of putting a mail on the school the before .. and. Faulkner. 30 per cent greater than in land from being sold. and rMa. Albert. p. Barton, Kays-villf- ij World stated, years James R: Kcitzy, 1024 South your train to maintain order with Mr. only that was ina conflict War, ' 15 co'mmiusioners are compelled' . seven The : 1935. grandchildren, great Wiltsi and the Sheriff. In the disevitable, lie predicted four years Fifth East street, Salt Lake was under the .law, whether grandchildren and several brothers of they wish wnr and that American partici- fined $7.50, Wedmwdny by Justice to or not, to sell theca lands' and cussion it was learned that. the isfied itself that it will be an adand sisters. t A. D. Ford, .lie was arrested by sheriff is not willing to assume the vantage to roof one of the old the only way they can aid you in Funeral services will be held pation would conclude it, lie fore- Patrolman . Ben Lingcnfeltcr. ; , situation' in this r will be through some. . the Kaysville told the post-wamadness," the responsibility bub would deputize a' buildings and reconstruct it for a Joseph Le Roy Cheney, 58,' 3f Sunday afternoon Miss Mary I), Thomas,- 10G3 East in will be tabernacle in compliance with the . adjustment man and provide a bond and that play room. . fantastic prosperity, the Wall First South Street, Salt Lake charg North Centerville died at ft. Salt .. e will law mc ry which enable a postponed y . Street the raidroad, company refuse's to crash of 199. The prohibi- ed with reckless' driving, was fined ment A complete fiew structure of like Lake hospital, Wednesday evening,; for fend year to, be made. This tion experiment, he gave notice, $15 by Justice Ford.- Arrested by assume the' responsibility but will dimensions would cost eighteeri or after a lingeringdllness, having suf" ea nbe done .if a certain would be abrogated by tho people' atrolnian Bermion and Howard, tion. of the .only donate $75.00 towards' the salary twenty thousand 'dollars, Mr. Barn- fered a stroke of paralysis more tax is paid beforepor' it . a is year-ago- ; . she than to have driven her goes to . sale: ' reported of a man whom the board 'shall b es thought that this saving of ten abou 1933 or 1934. He forecast tho' ' . of Zach . . election of Franklin D. Roosevelt car in a reckless manher at' 70 for the work. The railroad of more thousand' dollars is worth '. He was the youngest sen Yours very truly, miles an hour. . was . Chefiey,.and eus, . A. B- - BARTON, company is advised by its attorney the consideration of the board, and born in 'Centerville,. Aug. 18, '1877, recognition of Russia Japans the county commis Chairman of that it is no responsible for the he believes the people of the com- where he had alwqys lived. except uggession in the East. sioners. . , Conduct of the students and should munity. Will be very satisfied with two years when he served a mission And yet Brisbane would be the i x , not do .anything that will assume the. structure, although the commit' in California from 1900 until 1902. man in America to lay claim last This is ths 'story of a prudent was all set .to live to be 100 yean ' wire a .received II. M. Robinsoh He married Alice Cannon, daugh ' that responsibility..' The board of. tee has not had a meeting with the into . prescience. lie never has an . from forraev Miyor C, S. Gardner man, as told by a Kansas news- old. ' education thinks' that the company public since 'meeting with the ar- ter of Angus Cannou Of Sait Lake that his' wife, Mrs. Mary B. Gard- side tip." Hu he knew these things Wedwas last 'funeral held The . paper: is responsible 'as the agent. 'of the chitect and .obtaining. this informa City .Nov 14, 1906, who, with.tWo ner, passed away very suddenly of would come to. pass because they hfs teeth twice 'a day, nesday. lie is 'survived by-1survive.' ons hnd board the same as a bU3 driver who tioh. ' a heart at f Jc, Thursday morning were on he face of tb6 facts of Wot'6 rubbers in. wet weather, did four health institutes, six. Left C. of are, They. Cheney home in Oakland, Calf the world 4s be eoiwlriied. thpm. at j$ paid for transporting student's,, The board then drove by the With Windows iis and numerous manudojjen, gymnasiums slept college, Ames, . Iowa; Mrs. She tyieir daily. She was found dead in bed. In the discussion all members Kaysville school and viewed the Verl Chehey Francis, Portland, Ore must and what foods and antihealth Facts, his actualities, of careful with died, facturers open, was had.beon fn poor health for a nun) will concurred in the opinion" that the building-beintorn down .and ' then Hal-G: Cheney, San Diego, Cat and ber of occur, are BrisbaripV strength had a medical examination twice a septics. . . . years. .railroad company, should assume returned to the office, in Farming: Cordelia Cheney, Centerville, lie is . She was He had 'forgotten to lookout for born in Provo, Utah and with his readers, profound expert year, never smoked, drank or In' ' ' also survived vy a brother and sis- lived at the responsibility of supervising ton. ; . Utah, before encc, incessant study of events and dulged in. any kind .of excesses, lie a TRAIN .at a .grade crossing. Kaysville, ter, Zacheus Cheney and Mrs. A. B. students while in bills .moved the .and if the . Mr. Cpok route, to They lived men, a pen that knows ro'.brolher .that Farmingtdn. moving '. of Centerville. about ten years be these are bis equipment'. His inpresent charge is insufficient to that had. been' approved . by the Margetts,' .Funeral' services will tie held in Farmingtonin 1928 to Oakland. for that pur- members be approved and ordered Sunday afternoon in the Center- ' fore moving. supply enough comparable clarity of stylo 'makds The body will arriva in Salt even a : pose, it is. welling to add to the paid. ' . . . a i ville Second ward chapel and complex topic .completely enroute to cost per mile a sufficient amount Mrs. F ; E; Wqlt6n and Mrs. Her? will Je in the Centerville Lake, Friday evening' understandable. . ' St. George, Utah, where- funeral or make the $75.00 per month-which eft'Haacke, .representing the Right now, therefore, when '' the an'd' burial will be conducted, Mon-da- y Mr, Wilts ie thinks it .is He: Havent you ever . .longed of Cehterville. school world tensely faces problems of un at 10 a. m. worth. The question was referred and the stae highway is now in the to see life I usual importance,' is tho time to to the superintendent to convey to possession pf the county and is She: Yes, Ive been- waiting to see som6 In you for years." turn to Bi'Lbant-- column in every the railroad company the decision tunning wild' with weeds. The counissue of this paper, . i3 of the board. to turn over the . propwilling ty The board adjourned to Davis' erty to the Board 'of Education-i' liigh schpol where it was served a it will accept it and beautify.it for delicious luncheon by the domestic the uSe cf the school science department of the school . 'RepOblican primary baa been The superintendent recommendVii- railed for next Monday April' 131 h A cpmmittee of the. Davis,' Count ed that the board accept the prop 8 p. m. in city hall for the pur at ty Teachers Association (the .offi- erty had plant and improve it as pose of electing delegates to the cers of the association: Lynn Hales expressed by the committee, and Keep abreast of world af iV5 state convention to bo held May 2 '.fairs' with this, most famous Charlei C. Gardner and Emil White Mr. Parrish moved that the board David Soffe, precinct' chairman. Q. 'of newspaper editors. In tides) met with the board to dis-- ; accept the title from the county as " i' lo' uss teachers salaries. After' show- soon as it is cleared from all You his- column, THIS WEEK, must spend George: several charts on and that the hoard . Brisbane Interprets the heart that' portray lipstick. ing '; In." It Davis district very' low in salary, rub in That's with Helen: the right,' pro'ceed, of. the wiorlds news, and in cooperation teacherthe to and heavy load, Words plain and powerful associaiop ample jebility to pay as compared with improve and plant thq ground. The Illuminates with strong light other districts in the state comper- -. motion was seconded by Mr. .Van the complex forces and acA Keresatf Myth) . . .. sable with Davis, Mr. Males, stated Fleet, discussed and carried unaniHe claimed tivities of modern eodety. In far off tiraO Our Fatber.and Our (Mother quarreled. . of sth'at thp association is askjng that mously. the , the . coming spring who yith has us Let said: His short, crisp sentences try he had Oup Mother . .the minimum, salary for a beginec ' Mayor Meber Sessions of Farm- the mostgreater power. Finally sure would shine weather tho days sre getting long-the whom to see rising tried power They are packed with the meanbe placed at $600.00 per year, tha; ington city met with the board to on firsts Though she was much shorter than .he was, it shone on her er and. all baseball minded citizens ing that has made his writ. our softball .. . .teachersvin the lower bracket be In ask for reasons why the city should first. whep inqfuriipg arq t No man in the history of ing justly famous and has people games Will start qgain; The next test waj shooting at p giant tree so thick that-eigh. ' .creased next year 4200.00 $acht join the board of education in the to throw " All those .vyho are interested in gained him the title of tho has ever' . that the others be given h $100.00 purchase of additional land for the could scarcely span it. Our FahCr said: It ip in my power newspapers tree the aide off one ohly, this tree down. lie shot and the btfrk fell highest paid editor in .the softball this year and those who . . increase, making .a total increase Farmington 'school gained such a loyal fd- -' '. . . etanding. remaining world. No wonder 25,000,-00- 0 season-arthfe ofin' Mr. Van Fleet explained the in the teachers budget Icqgue last abou; other has lowing-- no Let me try, Our Mother said. Her bowwd s the- rainbow and her played Americans turn to Bris$20,000.00 Members of the board policy of the board of increasing arrow the lightning. When she yhot it thundered-athe arrow uproot- invited to attend a meeting at eight .' ever the ' Wondered if the association and the approached bane to sift the news of the oclock tm April fifteenth in the grounds in cooperation with ed the treei Our Father fas angered because he was beaten. Meence of his column & Co. . superintendent tan. not office of Morrison-Merri- ll make a the communities to establishing greatly expanded world and Thfo they let their children run a race around the world. . outstorm a Mother caused We are very. fortunate to having interpret for them the . 'schedule that will be satisfactory community centers. He told that Our Fehertt children were winning when Our L he Sister swiftsaid: (thus our Stop, to all , the 'teachers and. that the the board has an application with and a fueht flood. Whereupon Our Father the presence of the Utah Softball standing events of L Let ua recall the .Ward can follow. In the discussion1 the PWA for building play rooms addresavd o-Our Mother) you are stronger than association, Mr. Jack Jones with ly moving times. Whatever children.meet our '. at it was learned that a schedule is at all the larger grade schools. If else your reading Includes or periods the deluge covered the earth and the us Wednesday evening Alter eight years In to us the changes dont miss his inferaa-tiv- e being worked out by several com- - that fails the policy will very like- people fled to the mesa. . The shamans were unable to stop it. The ing to. explain and rules the therules be in in seasons districts- and the ly carried out some other Spider sent the sun from north to south from west to east, and from last mitteei column. state with the hope that something way in the near future. It was sug- east to west, but the great waters surged on. Spider then placed a reed under which all the softball leagues will finally be found that is satis- gested that a public meeting of all on top of the mesa and ordered the people to escape through it to the will play this season. , FEATURE , READ We sincerely urge everyone who factory. But, on account of the citizens and school parons of Farm- world aboic& and reed the to was the last through escape Turkey earthly being NEWSPAPER has played or who is desirous of time it will take to Teach a satis- - ington be called and the matter disbefore he eould escape through it the rising waters reached the tip of like would who inor cussed. schedule If the desire to an anyone action will people playing, all, factory his feathers, which are white for that reason. Then after the waters to sponsor a softball team to be thave to be taken for this year crease in the holdings the board is had subsided the returned and repeopled the earth. people in the project. without the schedule. ready to join B. C. Baker was shaving a customer in his shop in Lepanto, Ark, present at this meeting. We should receive and this teacher The ered e, full have a few teams sponsored by when the customer gave so lusty a sneeze that Baker suffered., torso, a A committee of citizens of Kays-villsuperintendent reported a capital xmtlay expenditures. His show- recommendation is that beginner minimum. some of our business house in our broken ribs when he toppled to the floor. H. J. Barnes, E. V. Sanders tentative budget for 1936-3- 7 teachers estimated income an be and the of Amos ing city in our league. Odd, appointed by the And given $600.00 On account of the lateness of the Mrs. Alice Tipping of New Bedford, Mass, is seeking fcS U)&f Dont forget the date and place. In presenting this budget whole teachers budget be increased association to rep was left for a & Co. Btoje .her watchdogs license and tag from ita coHir, Office of Morrison-Merri- ll resent the public, reported that the and quickly running through the $15,850.00 not including substitutes hour was asleep when the things were stolen, - i.., . ' ct items making up the totals, Mr. and additions. The discussion cen- special meeting to be called by the Wednesday, April 15th, 8 p. m. t l.b committee had consulted an Bountiful Softball Association, :.The Rev. Arthur Webster of the Universal!: Church cf regarding the, old buildings Burton favored an increase in tbs tered on trainer teachers who work superintendent when he has a more under-thARNOLD BARNETT, Sec.., direction of an experienc complete budget worked out believes in chain letters. lie advices hit yaristtar.?ra being torn down on the school teachers budget which would necesed OSCAR YARBROUGH, Prea, chain to their friends asking them to attend church. teacher. Should they be consid grounds of Kays ville and had sati- sarily reduce the maintenance and Meeting adjourned. Layton, Jr., Dies at Home of Daughter Dont Buy Linoleum From Strangers - .Indulgence In Kaysville Warns Sheriff OR.-ec.ut-iv. - H1' -- - lo - . . ers - J, Le Roy Cheney Of Centerville pies At S.'L. Hospital I . ' - and-interme- .e;t Mrs, Mary B, Gardner Wife of Foirner Mayor Of Farmington, Dies - 1 ap-tin- and-Amand- a . . His One Oversight m '' two'-daughter- - Towa-Stat- . - ; . inter-terme- Whatever Else You Read . nt - Dont . . Miss s 0g0p f Republican Primary Brisbane - . . - Parent-Teache- rs A QUARREL OP THE GODS .... Softball Is In TheAir .mrnfX T .. . - - s - - . THIS - WEEK - THIS REGULARLY IN THIS IS - - g. $263,-100.0- 0. Parent-Teache- rs the-mat- ter f - - chi-ie- tj I |