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Show NEWS EXrKEft. f .AITOV. T'TMl "m; tttlfrlvLY Smart Shirted Sleeves . Have a Piquant Chnrnt XKay Burn Hazard Is Kctliiced by New Baltic Mclliod r. si M f v; . . ... . A ' .. V.-- . v. v . I YFT.r nf It .in !.t Mndvnnee Vimy be 'placed WQlkli'J OLDEST BUN rf tflijsv Vtli wish to tils-- ; V.'hat U averted to be the oldest it-Fi- - ;. tiM rnstmif IhMs kind. t bun in Tti worliT was recently showp lt't mark the end f o fhe jiin-Mof Antiquaries fn Pin- - . In Maldon castle, win I,, b'liti-- ti the he- - dm. It ;u hiii of tLU edifice ,.f a .4.v ,.j-ij 110 fivii if Fngland, mil part v dato bitek Pi 2'XJU . . . :i, ' ! I'lrii-iittior- R-:- . .!. I jp ' I t i t v I .fj .i,t I,.;, is .'i, t 1 ' i- - i; t, j .l ri-ft- i- - Treating Caiiccr Enlianccil hy' Increased Hadiation t n 5 NEW-!-YORK- - . ! ill ttu V.I 1it U, jr vrjf. nt Vv i IVstjiite A'.'rc'w. method of decreasing materiat-- y turn the. vlanjefOvis y which have' long hcn a hayafd in the treatmrnt bf cancer and other malignant growths hy X-ra- - 7r; I TiVT iyoiU'm kW (,j 5N'TVFFE thi: Tc kill L!; HE'S ON JACKSONS SWELL, CWliktNS 01 T Or 01 VAO, ok i'll Kill EVERY l.V,r THE for ,iv.j lODuF,.,. MOO ahead YOU'LL k v. LCVf. WRING THOSE , -- AND JACKSON'S, TOOrt V v k a.:.. 4 l. C.WKU Wanhington. W - - " . . Vi- - Survlcu. though Isolated In mountains north border of India, nml almost untouched by western civ lllzatlon. Is remarkable In a mini, her of ways. It can boast of tin-- . rivaled natural scenery, of the high-- . esf and most fascinating tnoun-.- . tains; of unique architectural monuments; of an Immense army quite . tiut of proportion to the population; of an excellent and enlightened system of government which and prosperity to the ' brings peace little kingdom, Even the chosen few who gain tie-- . cess to Nepal may not wander at An Interesting way to up-- . wilt. prouch. Nepal Is through liuxaul.ou ' the frontier of India, . .The most agreeable way of reach-- . , lng Itaxaul Is by way of Patna, the ancient capital of Asoka.. From . i here thq pious Buddhist emperor . himself set out. In 250 B. CL, on 'Ms religious pilgrimage to Nepal and other, tarred strongholds of his At Patna you board a paddle . . faith, boat and cruise five of six miles up . the Canges the distance varies ac- to the height of the river cording and get Intoji waiting train on the : .' other aide. Next morning you wake .In ttaxauh ;$ ' i.v . ; . . e rhino-haunte- d " "nte sub-trpplc- of pal trees with long, tljh bl.lck trunks, tand' huger leaves starting .very near, the base. Were and thefe a giant 'teak. with Its beahtiful crocodile back, soars' upward,, ytatp ly ajNberect: All v this thriving growth la In , ' lerrupted.In certain. places by tlie passage bf wide 'rlvef.bods. Have long be'?n destitute of water, ; apd their Jbarreap white sands contrast smooth ropnd pebbles cege-- ' with the luxuriant ftrangely iatlon on. either side. . A tiges "shoot In Nepal ,1s conducted. od novel lines i the tiger Js to a klll'amj Is thensur . founded by a ring of elephants Slowly the ring closes lja until the angry beast, well aware of what Is going on, charges. .. On a shoot you may ride some two miles from the train to the , kill, where you Join the ring of 00 elephants surrounding It. v Lurking somewhere within that wide circle Is the tiger. The huge animal upon which you sit moves stealthily forward. Yon look down the line of waving trunks and swishing tails ; there is not another howdah elephant, carrying rifles, for a hundred yards. sought would the l'be -- . Per-hap- s break through the Infm using, armed ranks? The Tiger Charges. But you have little time t Consider this possibility. From a neighboring dump of banana palms eoiiiea series of snarls, and before jou quite realize what Is happening a huge bristling mass of Maek Jitid yellow Is hurtling toward you. It is a wonderful thing, the charge of on' angry tiger the hteaki from cover In a crash of thunder, the mighty hounds toward the foe, the gleaming teeth, the flaming eyes, ami roars of savage hate. A companion fires once, and the elephant turn with one accord, for none will face a charge; twice, and the tiger turns with u hitter snarl which subsides Into n last groan of defeat as lie rolls over and lies dead at the bottom of a little gully. After two days shooting In the Taral, you push on to the railway terminus, AmlekhganJ. From here you continue the Journey toward Katmandu, the capital of Nepal, by motor. Some thirty miles of narrow but excellent road load through wooded foothills to Bhlmphodl, where the ascent of the first nuiuntolu pass begins. Here pontes end dandls take the place of cars. There are two different types of dandl: one ts a wooden chair with leather cushions, the other a canvas hammock, slung oo long poles. In which you can lie full length. . Both sre carried by teams, cotton of six coolies la bright-bluuniforms. Bhlmphedl lies . Two miles from the little mountain village of where travelers customarily spend Ihe bight, : The village. Is complete with Its garrison f Gurkhas a foretaste ef the tremendous within the military power active ; kingdom.. Over Ihe Pass to' the Vallvy. After rising early at Slsagart) you clltdih the few remaining feet which lead to the top qf the first pass, approximately 8,000 feet high, Directly below you lies a smiling valley, while beyond U a turbulent mountain ocean rises and falls In colossal waves of sunlight and shadow.; far out ta ,'sea".the waves are gapped by the glistening white horses of the eternal snhws. ' Then the desgeht begins.- Tile path Is e longer smooth; It Is exceedingly xteep and Incredibly rough. It consists principally sf solid rock and along Its Jugged surface large loose bpwlikTS are ' ' strewh St randdm. six miles next you elde For the of fields flourishing through buckwheat, goldea Mustard, and ripening rice. The snowsi no- longer visible and the eu shlops brightly everlead . teaveA Ihe i Thq path eventually over and fall foiling fields to rise eotne glassy downlahd. Then to the foot of' the Chandra girt, pass, From below, the.road before. you resembles the 'shedr, wall of.. pfecl J4ee; butf your ponies tdakeVght - tow-lyin- g re T X-ra- y V Loads. J e - Slsn-garh- l, . - brown-hgade- fl e - . . Th4 .view ffcom tfie top. of the ' Chand'raglrl pass is o amazing fhat you cannot .after'wacdl.ij!lleve It. exists. Below lies ' the circu valley of Katmandu, Tar bathed In the oraqge'gloW of the ' evening un. Rising out of It, away to the right, in a medley of miniature pagodas,- palaces, am towers,' Is the magnificent capital Surrounding It, In a black city. and purple wall, are the mjghty mountain guardians. At first you are disappointed because the snows seem hidden. Vain ly do you try to penetrate the misty white banks which cluster around the rocky belghts. Sadly you aban don hope and look up Into the sky to see if the moon has risen. It Is difficult to believe what you see, There, In all their glittering splen dor, are the Himalayan giants, leap lng to fantastic heights above tha rlce-cla- d - , clouds. ifw - oRf kJt, X-ra- y . On one aide tie the unbroken .. 'acres pf the Bihar rice fields, ye!- the sun; on the . lowing beneath other lie .more rice fields. In the sequestered kingdom. You strain . your eyes toward the eastern horizon and dimly perceive a dark green ' . . belt. . This flat, tract of cut- tlvatlon and Jungle, lying between the Himalayan foothills and the .'.'.border of Bihar, and .stretching 200 wiles from cast to west,' Is. known . at the Taral. . .From April to No-veraber this part of. the country Is '.'Infested .with deadly malarial . Tever. .Thus the' stray visitor1 to 'Nepal wisely confines his visit. to . . the winter. Beyond the. Tara! again rise huge . ''shadowy forms, Ihe. Himalayas hid-lnIn the tndrnlng mist, - . : Through ths Jungles.; . From Itaxaut little meter-gaug.train sets off across the Taral. For the first mile the railroad leads . through the main street of the city. with shop and house .fronts on clthef side. Then U comes eut Into the .op.cn rice flehja and so Into the Jungles be. . tiger and And wha! Jungles f Halfway yond. up,-th?r your trnja draws throoglt ' . all 'passenger get eut, clamber the backs of waiting elephants, and pad; silently off Into the WJ'- . , . terlqus. depths, .The Jungles, of the Nepal Tafal; and 'Consist chiefly .are wily-creatu- .. r s a X-ra- y X-ra- y Animal's Ears Arc Bcsl Mikes' Scientists Find ' Iallrm No. Find Sex HormoneWill Influence Egg - - WOODS sttOL'E, MASS- .-! fiex- glands , of. unhatched chicks 'weye caused to develop decidedly female. characters by. Malr - Injecting. the fqmale sey hormone sobstahees .thfeelin . and theelol through the eggshells, .in .experiments reported before Jhe meeting of the frenetics Society .off America here. The research was' carried on by D B. n. Wflller. of the University of IWhestetf and Drs. .T. k. Pallagher aiid F. C. Koch the University of Chicago. Th4 theelln and theelol were Injected In rathef heqvy quantities. From dffy Yo day, eggs were removed .from the lncubatdr, opened, ahd the developing embryo iilssected. The ovaries of the chjc-kthat would have gro4m up to be hens were not affected. Neither were thp left sex glands of the chicks that might have b'een roosters. But the rlglit sex glands' developed, suTronndlng their characteristic male tissues, other tissues Just aji characteristically female. HER right EATING OUT OF THArJ '' WOMAN'S ' wand; T WNtl K.-- I V TAKE A TI? FROM. ME o day; later K DOYOU LIKE THE LODGE, HE'S HAVING THE TIME OF HIS LIFE, MR, JACKSON coffee t THAT NOW IF you've got -- Nerves TRY fOSIUMA lr. well, peter, HOW Peter gets. YOU'RE A. MEMBER ? A THRILL OUT OF EVERYTH IN (J !, George d ,.r 'Jx - Children should mvct drink coffee . , . and the caffein in coffee too. If you are. dliagrees with many grown-upbothered by htadaches or indigestion, or'can.t sleep soundly ; t . try Postum For 3Qtdaysl Itcontains no caffein. It is simply whole wheat and bran, roasted ancf slighvly sweetened. Easy to make, costs Jess cent a cup. Jt's dcliri&us-- , top . . . and 'than ene-hatnay prove a real help. A product of General Fdods. ' s, SINCE HE SWITCHED Tf POSTUM, A m Pit Car- penter died in Ihe hole which he bored In a colliery refuse dump at Wrkhllngton, England, 1(1 years ago, following .a quarrel with Ms wife. Carpenters burrow was about six feet wide and fotir feet deep.- It was kept wafm.by the heat of the dump, which 'bums all the time through spontaneous combustion. The loan obtained food by bartering coni picked froin the refuse,' lf fREE -1- ,(11 u, aenil u: . 61 e. p.cokp,- - WNtJ Creejc. Mich. Betid ate,' without obligation, a week's Supply of Postum. 'Obnbhal Foom, DatUa V aK- Sl.m khsL J ' - - . ' i - ii ' i State- i r ' . - Fill in ctmpIMely, print name and addrata. .If you live in Canada, address: General Foods, Ltd., Cobourg, Out. (Offer eipirei OcS. 31, 1936.) J& Tv. . WT - m.Kf V you your first week's supply PMtumiweRlniply mall the Coupon. t& cmm P0Q7OO"iCmC3 - 1 LISTEN TO . Seventy-one-year-ol- -- WONDCRSI ACHES, AND HE CANT Man Lives in Hole 16 Years After Quarrel With Wife - POSTUM WORKED lS self-fabri- C 6oit Fynfllcitf rRINCETON, V. measurements on the ears of guinea pigs show the- animal ear to be a far more effective microphone. than a those constructed mechanleal-Iy- , cording te the announcements ef Trofs. Ernest .G. Wevef and Charles W. Bray, of the rrlneeton University Department of Psychology.. Small currents arising 16 the cochlea of the lprjer.eaf and measured f an oscillograph provide aq accurate .measurement- - of the re; eponse of the anLmdl- to sound', and the result of recent experiment (show that the animal Js capnble of responding te tones of wide range of frequencies, 'even though those tonosbe faint, whereas ltI a fact (hat uiechanjca) mlcrophoset must sacrifice, sensitivity er range, ... v H - it S. COFFEE-NERVE- -- BUT SWITCHING TO HEAD Lovely shirred sleeves t'mLlied off with wide contrasting cuff nml a jaunty neckline lire enchanting features of this dress. Carry It out In a becoming polka dot of crepe, silk, smooth rayon. Lv the lawn, of way.tta very easily made because the dress Is nil one piece ulth two pleats and stitching In the front skirt, and a flattering blouse that's trimmed with square buttons. It's accented at the waist with either a c or purchased belt. ' Barham Bell Inttevn No. IMff B Is designed for sizes 12, 11, Id, IS and 20. Corresponding Lust measurements SO, 12, .31, lid nml 3S. Size 14 32 requires 4 yard of S3 Inch material plus yard for contrasting neck band and cuffs. The Barbara Bell Pattern Book featuring spring design is ready. Semi fifteen cents today for your copy. Send your onler to Tbs Sewing Circle Pattern Depf MO New Montgomery Ave.. San Francisco, Calif. u D- - HE'S 0 IRRtTAElC lATTLY-H- UNDERSTAN- Doctor called PUDENEbS- -1 IM-!- I I MR. JACKSON HAD THAT TROUBLE ONCE OUR PE1CRS 7 ' t PLCACE CVFR LOOK ' elec-tricit- Carry NEPAL, high . - V I prtpsred ty KaMnttal GmjrrapMe Snetcty. up 't- 7 V. . ? Nepal Porter " ' ' f- FRONT IN THEIR (, p&ttsiSi s. V v jsA ,V V - : I NFVggf OET - I HAVE NOW DONE THAT after membership - SHOULDN'T BET HE KEEPS UlS LITTLE FEATHERED FRIENDS HOME !ND VOURE UP f'tJE OH, PETER, VOL) A THINS OR TWO' THE MEMBERSHIP committee FOR , Y I TOLD JACKSON V -- these' piercing radiations, was described before the meeting' of the American Physical Sixlcty. here by. pf. O. Fallla. physicist f New, York.; ; One possibility qf the pevy Method I Unit better treatment of deep, seated catu'ef will he achieved. C: poet or Fulllai .because cording limitation .of the tins present amount of radiation which entt be given a patient Is deterpjlnod by the burning 'power of the rays oft the skin.- Any method to reduce the win allow skin burning froth more potent radiation treatment, ; Damaging Electrons Eliminated. poetor Fallla, tong known In this country for tils basic contributions to medical therapy, told how lie U now cutting out much of the ' secondary electrons which art an beam, essentlid part ef any It Is these charged particles of which actually split apart the atoms of the skin and produce ton It Is lotilzutloA Izrttlon' a them. which causes the skin reddening and damage even though seemingly adequate protection Is afforded by leavy shields of lead. The lead shield, Poetof Fallla points out, protects other parts of the body than the point where the radiation Is desired, but, of necesalsity, the opening for the tn also beam the lows any electrons t com thyough. ttov New Method Work. Poetor Fa Ilia's new method take advantage of the fact that when electrons strike matter they are de fleeted at large angles. By setting up a system of baffles or stops beam of containing only the desired gamma ray type of radta tlon can be attained. The deflected electrons are caught by the baffles. The advantage of the ws of beams stripped of seeondery electrons, said Poetor Fallla, Is apparent tn therapy, alace the Ionization te reduced. e-- X'tL Wn3 granny miras MELVIN PURVIS, formerly. America's whadr ce rected the capture ol q, n N.1 Dilljoger. Pretty Fice Nelsori, and others. Mf. Puryis reveals.faere the methodsvscd in capturing criminals. Napes and places have been changed. In todays story Mr. Purvis telly ef the hunt Cor the McMadus reTrain Bobbers. The that the gang had ceived a "tip-of- f .headquarters etear a small Wiscorw-sittown. Purvis had'jdst located the end had sent Wires gangs hide-outhe OMen, when, calling Boy Sy rieyd-Be- p-M- ) t, rJt I BEEN AT IT BOYS, ANO CANT CPT THE HANG OF THE THI NO it Which, when decoded 4g tha alternAs 3eieK wtihod, ryad: HAyElOCATEtAlCAMlUJ hancoutVieetme'vyith. WENXtffEN'TONICHrtURVlS . BOYS AND GIRLS!-IL- SEND YOU L nGCJ8 SRZI this RiguuYion SiZl BAOCI... INROLL YOU ON THE SECRET ROLL OF MY JUNIOR BorsBsd.e (left). CMS Boys Cry Babies as Much as Girls VrttlTINOllEF-OtftNSI...OTUt- BELOW MOW TO jeilff ANB CEB EMS the ywellest breakfast "U JLJL treat you ever tasted, aays YORK. Little boys Just as much as little girls. So Dr. YOU A BIS IXClTING BOOK THAT TELLS YOU ALL ABOUT CLUtl, SECRET COOtS. INVISlILS iNSIOt INFORMATION THAT ONLY Division Bsdas (above). Polished etched and eaamelcd in bluk. NEW Cattherine W. Brackett of the Child Development Institute here has learned by timing the crying of youngsters. Between the ages of eighteen months and four years, the average child spends 225 per cent of his dayi or nights crying. That makes an average crying time of 30 a day. pre-scho- min-ute- junior AND SEND THEtl KNOW,;.AlAD OTHER FREE PRIZES! ANO MY the Better Corn Flakes! And join the Junior Corps Melvin G-M- Melvin Purvis "a big bowlful pt. Purvis wants you as a member! ' TO JOIN, send coupon (at right) Post Toasties!. . 2 Post Toasties s him! to Fof with And youll agree Melvin Purvis. send Hell the official from made are Post Toasties box-top- . me t fc'SXSfSi corn, where most of the flavor is. And each golden flake is toasted double crisp so it will keep its crunchy goodness longer in milk or cream. Get Post Toasties now bg catalog showing many mon A I and a OTHER PRIZES, MADE rINPURVB, , p0l, Tonslles, POST CERBAL BY GENERAL FOODS J s;sr wu Buttle Creak, Michigan Please aend me the Official Badge, Instruction ame Addresa Sul ! |