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Show WEEKLY- . - NEWS-EXPREj5- LAYTON S UTAlIj APRlfc 9VW30., lefinite am on ti bo ned, it is "to to ;? iate?ro-cvrtir.- g Jyv.lt ,p c? taci-juvland tasting ris More Than 15,000 ; Juncos Banded in In U. S. in a Year .mo L- -' coca-,'- rhubarb A boVty ... - is likel ! L- - to bo n popular tl at other favorrite, It is' made in 'the same way, using Wore than 15.000 juncos, ohe-'oshewed- or raw rhubarb.. If ?lthvr the most abundant of North Amer- -' he. latter, pripkle each layer with lea hb.irds, were banded by'volonurgajr, do with buttrp, and hake a teer, .unpaid corporators' last year, ittle- longer than when, the b Sur' irays tho Bureau of Biological Is already cooked, vey. From the harmless metal a1' f - rhu-tnr- . individual numbandsbers and the legend Notify' Biol, Surv'., Wash., D. G., .'the Bureau aidds to. its knowledge of bird, mi-- ; Rations information' of especial 'value iri determining hunting reg-- . ulations for game birds.Juncos are small American finches,1 found from the Arctic .Circle to Guatemala, p'ftcn in' large flocks. in northern of mono-- , They-bree'tainous localities. Th-- common northeastern America is the d snowbird; The Caro- in the southern found is lina. junco Alleghenies. Among western and Rocky Mountain species are the - that-carr- There is po known way to swept, en rancid fat. It Cannot be used successfully for food blit it neednt Se thrown awaV It will still make good soap, - 'V l juri-'.co-- of .slate-colore- has mare'vitam white, but'otherwise the is about the same If fhe grinding process i'a the pame.The white eormimai, whichsecms to.be the favorite in the southeastern state sand some parts of New Engl, land, '.is more hlahd Yellow popular- in northern states, has' more of the corn taste. Corn varieties characteristic of the south Yellow l in A than food value eorn.-mea- - r Oregon, Shufeldt's and west and Mexico produce ed juncos. The Junto is meal. found in Southwestern states and black, and red white-wing- red-backe- blue, d 3Joxjco1 : tk Bedspreads vary in length. The But Juncos were only, one of the length docs not allow for 378 species tagged, 10 of which the pillows. The 102-o- r covering were on the. list of banded birds, h length does, and provides The' 249,829 birds tagged included a generous luck-in- . 42,427 wati7owl, '22,315. common ' U 1 nly lw-.pci- 90-inc- , , trbai U the only 108-inc- . 'XV , herons of 10 species, inis, The difference between ft prime more than l.tfOO hawk's, owls, and a plum is that prunes are a and vultures 'of 30 species, and more of plum suited for drying. variety than 2,000 shore birds: of 24 specks Such plums can be dried without removal of he pit and the flesh OOO . . will not ferment during the process 2V000 Unpaid Yoluntccrs Are Aid To Weather Men .5?Eao TJoaQ . ' If medium-thic- k tuted for one-hapake or lf ' duaes the liquid honey is wbstitbted for all the suA complete picture of North If gar reduce the. liquid climate Is possible only be- the honey is very thin or very thick cause ;of the great mass of fund-- , this proportion' may have to be alomental facts furnished h? 8,000 tered . accordingly. one-fourt- h. . .volunteer weather observers. Each unofficial observer, says W. R. Ciregg,. chief of the. Weather Bureau, really, riltis ft small field station, at no expense to the govern-- . 's mint, except for the f?w instru-.mentand blank forms- used. ' ' ; This system 'of augmenting official weather records began ip .1891, '.when the newly created. ' .Weather Bureau wa.s charged w.ilh the duty of taking such meteorological as may be necessary to establish and 'record climatic conditions-in the.'Unitod States. Tho cost thousands' of stations to make thos'e observations 11 ove the country was prohibitive ; About 300 members' of the presfor ent Volunteer force 25 years or longer. .Three have teen keeping' records foil mor than' 50. years and. 64 for betwcoq 4t) and L0 years. There are 80.0 w.omen ob- 40 ftervers,. three with more-thaservice. To of break years prevent' In the corithuniity of the daily record?, each pbserver has ft substn itute, which .means 10,00.0 per- .give their. sir-- . that are ready to vices at. any time. , '' . us a fixed Every day-atunsct-k-th- o around observer ually . records , thq 'm'aximum and 'minimum temperature,' the prCcipita-tio'and such unusu'al ' conditions as wind, dust, , or thunderstorms, fog, and frost. At the 'erid of the month the reoord goes'' to t Bureau in' Washington, Ik C'., for tabulation and. filing. From millions of these records, . meteorologists work out the answers td courtJess questions on climatology. Recently these 'questions have dealt largely' with land policies for land is conditioned by . the sky under, which it lies' and by the climate which is proper t it, , s - n, -- More Soil Loss When. 650, Times . . sloping 'plot of ground ntat Ithaca, N, Y., planted last summer to pdtatocs in ro's up, and down lull, lost 650 tims as much soil and 14 times as much water frrim July 7 to November 15 aq two adjoining plots' planted to potatoes, oats, and 'lover in strips across The slope. The three plots at .the Arnof erosion experiment station .of the Soil Conservation.' Service were each 21 feet wide and Sll feet long writh a Blope-o- f 7 percent o'n.'the upper half aid i per cent on the At' ' , ' . The plot planted up nd .doWn 14 t'ons of and nearly 14 per the slope lost almost IIow Much Do You . fatL - ' - tow .AftlXtiiAt f The Mountain States Tetephone & Telegraph Co. is-th- e at LAYTON . - - . d two-vour- . "; .- - . Two Minute Sermon . . Miss Marie Flint of Salt Lake ilickenlooper. ; Mrss- Leslie Young and spent lat wekend With Misy Ma' 'arid Mr, I By Rei George Henry)' family of Salt lake spent Sunday mie. La yton;' . at 'the 7101116 and Mrs. John 'Miss Rnth Gailey, daughter of "LOYAl.TY-r-ThCra've' those (n G. Mr. arid .Mrs. Wallace . Watt, Gailey, and tho world today,' as always three Mr.' and' Mrs. Joseph Johnson Russell JSteed of Faxjnington, were great institutions: the home,. the and children of $al Lake re spend marric.d Monday ey?ning.'by Bishstat and the church. The first i4 ing this week, with Mr.' and Mrs. op Irvin .Call of West Layton A shower wa given lafst Friday the institution of love, the second Sandall. A, cl E, Christ.cnsen Mrs; 'Salt. evening in the West'Laytofi amusetif justice and the third of worship. Lake- - entertained Saturday for ment hall in honqr of Mr. and Mrs. A righteous man may be loyal 'to Merle Bennett, at future bride. Elden Simmons' who were1 recently all thrte. lie who it loyal to his Twenty guests- were married Mrs. Simmons was formpresent. home nd family is all right at ' Mrs. YV. E. Benhctt of Kaysvilfe erly June Adams . ', Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Ilirsehie announces the engagement of hor far at he goes he is d and Sunday in Salt Merle,. to M. Dell Grant, righteous. True. to his home nd daughtojr, Mrs. Char.-liof YYest Boun-- . Lake visiting hio country hb Is Faith son- of E. R. Grant, Ilirsclie, Sr, ful to All three h is, a fhlljf devel-uptf- j, ttful, marriage .to take place in the Now that Smallpox is Salt Lake temple Thursday. Mr. appearing bomplctely .finished, mah; Grant is a graudate of the U. of U. in our vicinity it would .be well for man after Gods own heart; R." Adams Cowley spent the week parents to make themselves suit without a fauiilyhas no Excuse end home with hi parents, Mr. and that their children have been vacand 'under such condiCowley. He is attend cinated. The vaccination is supposed to run out after seven years in tions' man would, soon' cease to be. ing the U. of U, Mr. and Mrs. Leland Watt of most children, but 'if it is 'done in .A famjly without religion. and a and ten again at 14 or' ndtioft that failed to recognize God Garland spent Tuesday with- - Mr. childhood 15 it Mrs. John for lift. Dr. and would s surely disappear! Loyalty Wptts parents, My. usually protects the G. Watt. Lftyton to those v'hom we love arid to the Ted Ssaith is again confined to school Friday, the 17th and will be natlpn tha.t protects' us , Remands his bed, with kidney trouble. He glad to vaccinate ariyone, young or loyajty to the God in Whose hands has keen ill and in bed all but two old. When this disease js so hasily are the issues of life; prevented it seems strange that weeks sinoe having ft com of anyone should gamble ofl the chance of having his face scarred. '. . Judge: Were you iober at the ' time this accident occurred t" . . Rememher you get a Yittcn guarantee on every used car that fteils for over $100. The Red OK tag ris year assurance of ft better car for 'bf-M- - one-thir- sperrt'-Saturda- r. .A-ma- n Mrs.-Wallac- We sell' e .used FOR LESS . .' ' ' Salt is not only a seasoning; in small amounts it brings out other flavors, as on melonuu:. grapefruit. A bit of salt improves cocoa or aenlate sauce, candy, ice cream, preserves, pies, puddings, and so on the natural flavor and fctsndfy'-nsweetness or eloying crsstShcj Cztness. Unless a receipe gives a y Mn-an- two-thirde- cars ft dandy. . , ; Sedan. Priced to sell. . ; Coach. Clein and good. ,' 29 Chevrolet Chevrolet Coach. Going soon. .29 Pontiac Coach. Overhauled and QK, 29 Chevrolet Coupe. I 28 Chevrolet Coach. ItA sure a honey. 29 Ford. 14 Ton Truck. Platform Body. 29 Ford. Tickup Truck and Box. 29 Chevrolet Panel Closed Body. 34 Ford. Fickup and Box. A Bargain. Many others. Monthly Payments to suit your purse. DOUGHTY CHEVROLET CO. ftft I , ' PHONE 80 ' , . . , t, t ear with SHOCKPROOF STEERING? low-psia- ed niE corf lute-pric- ed : BEST CAR TO BUY IN 1936 IS d AND Uf, UttJrknStfm$tlmthrACmnMalPtiM, Michitun, fTith hum pm, ,por rim and tin lock, th lit prita U f 20 udtlttiimal. knrt Actio e hltutrr Wlad4i nly l.'V tuUititmaL . Prion fiuKrW in th ii advrrtitunrnt mru at flint, Michigan, o r4 uthjeol la cU withptti notice, . hcentlt ftlOTOfcft e tit Motor U, IXSUUME3T Prisoner: As sobef ss your Honor. Judge: Six months," '' ft judge, Detroit, Mich, SUN-HONT- flTMlSTI RtT . MSIMR -- jas&r.- ' s larna aofent vaw TO SUIT YOUJt PUltSS TELEPHONE 216 .': The Merchandise Mart, Chicago, dedrecs green corsets for women,hue in foundation garments will sweep the predicts that ,nd the country,-- . - .. : - Training for bachelorhood has been started in Lacona, Iowa, highFilm comedians are funniest in .Boys are being given a course in darning their own socks. foreign lands for an Arabian, Ali Iluseirf, died while laughing uproar Bernard hempe of Kennewick, Wash.; claims the world's squash- -' iously at a movie being shown in growing championship. He recently .exhibited a squash ' ' ' the Cario theatre.-Thgrown on his farm- clergyman wanted to be sur lie was doing right in marrying Miss Fannie Brooker, 72, of Bamberg, S. C., and Rhbds Watson,' 24, and e asked the brides brotherin-lawho. answered . shes old - 104-pou- Spring Clearance w enough, to know. DOUGHNUTS $ ' gup sour rnilk, 1 cups sugar, 2 eggs, pinch of salt and 1 teaspoon of sod dissolved in hot water.- Roil out and let stand one 'hour before frying, ff you use sweet cream take 2 teaspoons of bhking powder. Guaranteed OK Used Cars . - t.- - M 930 19.10 - O CHECK UP on your House clean in needs.. We Carry cleaner . 3. - CHEVROLETS Special Sedan, trunk'.:. Four Doer Coflch, . Scrub. Irishes 10c Map sticks . 12c ..Brooms, 39c , $i & up, Good rakes, 98c . We also I carry lawn, Step-ladders- vegetable and flower seed's. . Sold bujkor in pack ages. BOUNTIFUL LUMBER & SUPPLY mpany Telephone? NNOUNCE The Opening of ft School of Dancing in Bountiful Clasp ana Private Instruction will be given in , . TAP, BALLETT and ACROBATICS . . Register TUESDAY, APRIL 21, 1936 fepra 4:00.p. of. to 6:00 p. m. at tht First Wa fd Amusement Hall (Right in the center of Towfi) Freda Wetherell Vernon, principal Schools Located in SALT LAKR CITY, SUGARHOUSE, PROVO, BOUNTIFUL new tires refinksh-cd- , 29S 1 jOg.OO I.O5.OO ,1929 Sport lioadster refinished 1928 Foiir Door Sedan, ood motor J.25-0- 1932 Jg.00 FORDS V-- 8 1.00 Detuxe Tudor Sedan, good'.moto? 1930 Four Door Sedan, tefinished 1930 Four Door Sedan, new tires ............. 1930 Tudor Sedan, excellent Condition 250-- 250 00 245.OO 1930 Standard Coupe, refinished 1925 Sport Roadster, aa is . 1927 Tudor Sedan,, a 0 X35.OO V1928 Four poo? Sfeda'n, needs some work for 25c Galv-- Buckets; 20c up ;.$J.00 .Sedan',-refinishe- d Coupe, te finished. . FREDOVA DANCES Its j LAYTON, UTAH - - the only complete iotprlccd cart '. IEAD ENGINE? V ALYE-tN--1 HIGR-GOMPRESSI- Smith Chevrolet Gonipany i i1 i What and where la Eljis Islaftd? 3LC y.'i wgaTO&yrocftf,' 5. Who was Socrates? C. What Rev. 7,o?rph. Barth of Newton, 'Ma'ss;;. spoke oply a five word ser-tallest building in hast .Thpu forgotten me? mon an evuning service. He said: the United State's? 7. Whe was .called' the Mali f The re.st of..hjs sermoh was interpreted by dancers. . ' . t . . Orleans?. , let fever this winter. invented- .incandescent 8. Who Mis-Virginia Barlow of Bounti. lights?' ., ' ful has been visiting this week 9. What, is the land of thy midnight Georg Wilcox of Kysville and with her sister. Mrq, Arthur Green. Oma Elliaon, daughter of Mr. "Stephen Call, .son 6f. Mr, and Mjss 10. Who in the Bible tats' called ft and Mrs. L. E. Elli&on; will be Mrs.,Henpy.D. Call, underwent an ' dreamer by his brothers?. . operation for appendicitis Tuesday . Sunday ANSWERS. '. " married son Philo Dibble, of Georg E. evenin' " ?. United States Military 'Acad- Dibble, returned home, Monday af Ralph ltickculoopcr- and' Beth emy op live Hudson River in New ter dovn'g. missionary work for the Call axe inew scarlet fever cases ' week. York past 2 !V- years " in Germany, Char- thisr Mrs. Spencer GaUbrailh and Mrs. les and Ralph Dibble 'met their 2. Franc'.. . brother '.two weeks ago. iri New Walter Flint entertained their club . $. Tiny Tiin.' v ; York.-ana new car, Friday afternoon at the home of 4. Immigration station New and traveledpurchased lunch around to parts, of 'in- Mrs. Galbraith. A - terest before returning home.' . York,. con was served ' to Mrs. Harold ,8. A Creek philosopher Whq' liv 'Lep Layton hps been ill for the Layton,. Mrs. Leroy Day, Mrs. cd about, 400 B. C. past week' with tonsilitis and,' flu. Lloyd WeaverrMs. Wilki. Barnes, 6. Empire building. Neve ' York Ray Dawson. of Ogden took over Mrs. Wallace Ramsey, Mrs. Myron ' Barnes and Mrs., Parnell .Green. the 'management. 6f the Farmers City. . ' Mrs. Wilford Ilanson and daugh Union fhe first of this week, , 7. Joan or Arc. ter' of Boise, Idaho. are spending a Mr. Bill and Mrs. and Cowley '8. Thomas A. Edison. , son of- Salt lake City , spent, the few weeks' with' her parents Mr. . 9, Norway, and Mrs. T. A. Phillips. weekend in Layton. 10. Joseph Gcft. 87:19?. k ' Mr-- and Mrs. Charles Packam of Mrs. Ferris" Whitesides arrived home Sunday frqm a three weeks' Pocatello, Idaho . were week-en- d guests Qf Mr, arid Mrs. Frank .visit at Los Angeles, Galif. 4. . Shortening PRICES - , f FISHER CBEykOLSTtfla oiir eompjete AT CHEVROLET'S .What arid where is West Point? 2. Who gave the statue of Liberty ' - only all these features ' 1. -- run--of- VW Is tli V, QUESTIONS,. to the United States? 3. What is- the pnnm of the lame boy iq Dick'ens Christmas Carol? wuf With THEREFORE, jadatf ! 0WC 0($ite cw? d t -- id 'i RIDE'f N No DRAFT VENTILATION? 0nfy aomptete bm priced corf CHEVROLET - tow-prire- kiNEE-ACTID- . ; I, t soil per ace cent of 18 inches of rainfall The two strip plots each lost only 43' pounds of soil per acre. The was 1.1 per cent on one plot and only 0.35 per cent on the other. The Aroot station, first in the ' .Northeast, has completed its first Ie$p money. 34 Chevrolet Coach. . year of operation. g let us know now! ... .Know?-- Wll Ift lb e Hows Follow Slope loWer. r us srfth GENUINE , TURRET TOff K emtt siy totnple le - : ONE-PlEC- Mt with IMPROVED GLIDING Vbftk l the only Lwfrfeid s; the next directory, arrange lor addi-tional listings or advertising, but please ; atudying the effect of clothing on the habit and behavior' problem of .. '. the!? babies, - . mothers JSixty lew-pf- cd : ar In Wyoming;, Vbftl U thft orl ed U4 tiiy comptete OLET- - , tow-pric- , ea with SOLID STEEL lew-pric- ed - Thcref$ still time to get your name in. f. nly vmmplet , CffD'kODT-.t- h . $6 little. You can enjoy its convenience .and protection for a ievV cents a day, Am-"r.ic- an ric-hal- :X CIfFK0tri ( tA Telephones does so much and costs . y- i .'' , re If recipes, . ' SDodog S'ooa! .. honey is sub nil the sugar, in quick-bread fiffeclichiry , 10, V ' I oat with NEW PERFECTED HYDRAULIC BRAKES? d 0 245 . i Q.OO others;.:"- i y Pontiac Four Door. Sedan .1928 Pontiac Coach ..... 1929 Graham Four Door Sedan J92S Essex Four Door Sedan ....... - ', 19128 gg.OO 5X5.00 Jq.00 Jqq.00 ' 3.00 Qg.00 75 TRUCKS 1931 Chevrolet Long Wheelbase Truck 1932 Chevrolet Long Wheelbase Truck 435 550.OO 1931 Chevrolet Short Wheelbase Track 1926 Ford One Ton Truck 250 9 50- - Smith Chevrolet Co. Telephone Kays vilie 216 1 jq.00 1931 Plymouth DeLiixe Sedan, like new .. 1934 Plymouth DeLuxe Sedan, refinished 1930 Fontiac Coach, good condition LAYTON, UTAH I OFFICIAL INSPECTION 8TATION No. 125 t. : |