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Show s .. S - V.- . . : 1 . tAilCN, LT.il!, WKcf.T ..I :: ' v V; .4 . : KAYSVULE - AIIHL, ?, iv.-- .. . J rft-- TT : 4rf eie iP I for the f.wmrt it ivady for tho b ! foi of cvinvid. j lr fs ' Cakfarl U iuaeseuiy. ijwvhdi at Mrs.fvmr; f. Ur 'viiijbj, ff whsch, t""' Ihurxliy ttrr. . n. were served 1 ja n.--f Dofit-.hn- it ., iCetking. SatUfffay and Sunday; . . . .. Chiirley .CKairf In. il If t , 1't.p.l from the Bountiful See. Ewiery rrtcey Is preparing to f K. o. n!oW Cftif wif : JJsybr home. new . Aar! who a ta are luiiU Thurf tin attending of Themas ' Csvsl hR Mrl eitiaseuwa; and I llijrivy 'armingfon . -- V r . ,.,-- .1. .h.. Logkh SfiU hef daughter, Monday fvr tb.-i- heme in Idaho ; end The fur.era! held for Mrs. Wil- J. t.t B. Harry semirary in K 16th. SJttMi l)T Frice wr gucstl 1 .Coupcilman .. ; Mr. and Mr,.. I.,- Love announce ay, April . bold will v A. t!ie the ;'Trs..X)al Tolmaiw by SatiW liam Layton speaker in. flwmJ Wed. . : aiat Mf. SteVlfc lluhiil, Mrs. Alafl LtooJ enter- - the arrival f a son bom last week. Mtlodiai Bvdie ere ;. Mrs. G- R- - Chaffb toft with the following program: Fob' ly arMn ptOKtaut in the sofoiti iimfcrince. The thte end Mr, . . f eu hundjy cvvr.ir.g. There si.iUi-RA large nt.n.Up attended the .Wednesday martin thrff were given by David Cook of S.vrsi for Mr. Barlow, ia aU, atAte ;j ; .Stained e & dinner party at their o..l Vern La to Hansen. nu.u The mudeal and ruse LW fa hon Or. epteial . . u') . senator it Idaho. wedding ef MiftS Jlctl weiks visit with thriesofl, , koras, Wednesday 'evening, Higlr'' speaker were. Mr. Kay Nelson, Rr. Rwlt rente Chaffin, and family Cl I- 'ftlr.e t Misa Oitj4 'Ellison and Ge&fge Benr.vi and He.l Grant. Springs PMtt Fatlie : f T U Mr. C! vh ev Hrl of I'lvl.l and of t'ffv KoJif Hiviity, jiresiilrft . l . tas .Wilcot.V'ho. r- - 4 he ttarried Mr. and Vr. Wank iVitlinw Angele. S l.i ."lij'l.l V yu., iiai in 't'wn, the fiit I nyton, Cvrre llor.nv'.t I 'f rrr the f Rainbow l.ayton t ';ting coo a. Other- - gucsta .included Mr. Ur.deJ a fun-r- al ':. i ' . in FUddirg. West 1'i'int, William l'.! J , b.t I it.ii- d to vvek. LV&MbM'fa'niily gathered at from Ky.-v;ih; T l oan whr, io is .: pii.r ? the und h April Wed. t '. J.-Harold , end Noal Tanner. i day. I.i Thur., from ' '.the home f a son. IlcUer . I ri., Sat-.. MUm'h l The Kaysville publie sehoo! will Sunday, an-- i There va a large alter., Uve and I., s . I Cero 1Te.a et iiofliMofidSy' evenimr and held Itiph Tieasoa andS?n- Rainbow I', ri April clock, Ogdoa are ;i r. tin thi week with ..URJI. ll.r .! K - i meeting many floral offering ;. f Mr. and Rider. Fri. lat., i end Vf, present 0 epntata at. 10 With very inteieatbg fijniily the Thunder Night T. sml Weather Mrs. . J. Mr. h h tabernacle the in in Salt f lathe progress, their giar.diMdhvr, Mrs. Annie , (he. nieetbg v upday morning ;in V ;,!, t ,.f hi J l ,!i,.i,l Lowe. Reg Theatre. David Hughes' ami fdoyd Uas from Plain City wer visitors of ' , H .end at 2 helock. the Kaysvillc Cacort, L(J WE EDMOND. Wea.lu and uroio 1.. fine Mr. aisd 1'r It. Mr. IlatvJJ d ai. ai rton, Mr. Marinti Wright left for Ida!,', Mr. and Mr. Ike llodson nturfl rame in and rvndeml several ward choir will present contata. Knfcn Morley. Iadl 1 4.'4ogfa ton.'-i- l KesVr. i t! i feature from a Thursday. Another musical elw;tioni. thi week, Mr: Glen Robins is spending 8 ej home from I 'elicit, Sunday with l!nn O'ConrtoRy Gen Lockhart The family of Ace Asip are ff: j a , .r.r.J Pursdav nu:rn ' of the program was the reading of in Mrs. David Lawson went ti the Uinta Arthur a new with' car. ecarlet l Gray With days ' . l Ketdcr. and t;r fe". ty cf tha an eitraet from tiary . wdek to assist hi broth TARZAN i toning p kAVednerw . i uC' A Ink i'. dov.n Mrs. ; Sarah Coombs cf Salt Mis Alice White was epcratt.i YU young men Basin thiji Ogden. . Sessions which was ecm .. rigrine business. the dsi and . . . .Vfili&i in T cr Thursday It. lU.-t.-Jessr, n Friday morning for appendicitis .Mr. ad Mrs. Joh pahljtrcm ef !ke was a d.nr.er guest cf Mrs. piled by committee eossising bring ene ef them, (. lorpMotivc SOON, Waich for date!' ' Abram Hatch, W. Mrs. Jacob returned hoiiu from left on a business trip east, Mon-VHeber . Sessions and Mrs, Hannah Logan hvere Sunday gies of Mr. Clifford Strong, Thursday. Line li'hor.t and Mr. .Mm Stacsy attend engitwer on the Oregon S. Cumin gham. The extract wan the hospital Sunday. WH AT IS GOING TO UAITEN . Dahlstroms tnather, Mrs. Nathan r Via i retired was he before I'un.-rnd rt Rati the Tail huve end vrafs Me. and for Mr. ,f .Mm Hart, presithe" of diary historical the part ON . THE 'REX THEATRE. MON, Reeves, tuwpital. Mod. FARMINGTON dealt with Mr. Susiona leadership, moved here from M nyan. Vre. dent of the Rigby rtake who died die I at a Salt Lk in Bountiful but DAY NIGHTS STARTING WITH t .Miss Irene Swan U hoton from born w homo tho von retirned from duv Bati lie hen while 'in it ountliy cf jast and pioneering work. It also AFK1I. 20ih- -lt will F.U ro I ok-Logan for week, Roy. h! iam hospital with a new bai-t' attend eonfeietict1. He has Jived in Salt Lake for rmmy find nut. and ' his tained genealogy m !.. T. the . With taken l C!at :i EV I wu , WVatherinterested, Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Carton ef Mrs. Harold He f and Me. ne w.r lb,- i j litir g commit e years. ily organisation. Attending among j lt- be business, hospital Thursday the in in Ofiei tinsheep Fri and it'idu flk:visiud Mother which .hutch Mr, Sunday giaesta cf Mr.:1" flail City, t.uk member t' were, tnoon. He wasAbw for treatment he family .Brother who and Mrs. Milton Burton . ps?i.m b bud b.ld fur many tug president of Hatch about four months ago but got bet- - Mrs. William M. Waddoups,Island i day, 1U is Mrs. mov and dson Mr. company. grand-tsth.-livestock rarley Mr, Hawaiian the Vernon years. f'tucry'i, Strang cf tr and was bnught home, but cf are here from I' Mr. and Mrs. I 'I hr fuiu-ia- ! 39PP Frederick James Muir, u, held in latter partied last week to Wifon when- - they W.( T ue X Buhl, Ida., vers guoats of Mr. and late hi cond.tion had become so and who will leave thoSouth Jdied Muir, n home. Uo of racilicthavo brother Kiirhy. purchased ihe for much worse that he had to be taken of the month flf .Mrs;' Clifford Strong, Friday, in Imgan home hear; Hall bis V D. hist at returned Mr. J. rampbrll nn.l sin, day Mr. Gwendly . . Island where Mr. Waddoups ha Program'. Splendid home from back again. in Rouhtuu born was He She the mission from Die week from attack. .'Mis't;tHGailey was hnr as Modesto, hespital. Sirphrn, air Mr.. Anm-tOrme ef St. An- been called to preside with ?d fcoda " . Ixigah o spend last week-en- d t'abf., visiting with lur parent, hut ha lived in Logan will Al Mr. Fatty S, Scott ha a baby girl. president. is take here her with thony burial visiting where Mr. visited on Dora Bate Thur meet and Mr. William Mr. Mr. her nart;.U,.Mr. and Mra. W. E. This Spring Riley. of lioek Springs, Wyo. Mrs. Lizzie Walker. ha been mother, is held at a convenient day with her daughter, Mr, liray- - Campbell ha jiM been transferred place. . .Mrs. Loren2o Richard ing Marvin ft Steed ha ' developed V Holt. ' each April 6th as request tnadgldcn very ill .this week. , rase of smallpox. 1 Blanch Lend attended her Mr. before Mr. of tho Seaton a was tendered family Mrs. Glen Green The case cf Josse Gwyliumf L at the hmm- - of Mr. The Bountiful First yard M-with but Friday held club, A, and has .been I . . pleasant surprise Wednesday af- - W. O. Thurgmid tried i nthe Dis- died few in Layton. Dawson William the will s VI. sponsor splendid Following programvery eaception. hero was trict court 25 friends. her last . cf ternoon by Friday jf ward honor .night, Tuesday. April Elaine, daughter iff Mr. and Mr refreshments vreresvrvcd. ' 1, at 7 ;30 in the amusement Tutll ill the past The phillip camp of the Daogh continued to thtf next term ot court meeting, i? spending Ifnrohf Holt, has Coomb, Mrs. Lucy because tho judgo pronounced it to which the people is cordially ters of Pioneers met at the home misrial horrt(? of hvr daugh- week. On of other condi. the week at the The program to be present-- ; Lake of Mrs, Vaughn Sheffield, Thurt- - tiona out faccuutit in .Salt ters City, control of the 111 A 1 ; 1 M A A Y . , S d follows: of Robbins Kaysville Ithoda Mrs. y-: BOUNTIFUL' the date of the Flood EroOnn led after . home. to reurned .Community Carry : Mrs. jong; Saturday,' George Wilcox and daugh-- sion control lecture which was to ' ot Lo4 . F.i assistiAfiefint RoUvt Solution Lime selection weeks two hdre, jy Sulphur hy '. ieksonj atspending Nora teon and have been held April 16th at the ters, Eoretia, Be Hive Dan Mts. her . homo at readings, of the brother, ng rhorusj Mr. Murdocks brother from Cali tended a tea at the home of Mr. court house, it .has been decided to Miller, V Ardel Larsen; harmonica select on account of Mra. Millar fornia who had boe seriously ill i hold the lecture p in Ellison April nThursday E. ton, lay at tions, scouts; .reading Altep'.Call; . ;ndi'ra. T. 25. The general muhlie is cordially having undergone an operation a few wcik hero. He Is All Others for Um oa Tarm r Carden one act play., junior-girls- , e spending . Saturday. Mrs. directed Miller the ha' nospital improving rapidly ainri he arrived McLatchle invited to attend. t will be held turned home and is doing fine, Mr. Sylvia A'Rylq; sole'ctfoAa . Mr. and Mrs. Clarence 'y' . in the court chamber and slide pichere. ladies trio; .retold. story, Beatrice FERTILIZERS OF ALL KIMD3 At last report, the little infant and children of Ogden were Tues- - tures will he shown to illustrate Willism Waite ndn wifi were ftunt by the explorers., direct- Mrs. Bybee' Mr. son and CU; of Joseph riotvn from Burley, this week. day guests of Mf. and Mra. Amos the work done and contemplated is well at the hospital Hyrum trpiigh; instrument-- ' ' Odd,'1 Mrs.. McLatchle and children in our hill. doing very i lionu Mrs. Alma S. Fisher 'V where he is cared for in an incubaat selections Howard. Richards, n L. P. week with the from who was th rest of the Mr. Agnes Spackman. hospital 'are spending the Steve Hart and Wesley . Day and . ' ' tor. new baby girl. AH doing nil. Thi with her mother, Mrs. Alice Smith so dangerous ill last week, is showbenediction l. R. Tflinaq deer a Early Tuesday morning ' ' of is the eighth nigns of improvement and which - t : Iwen Christopher Layton died Wedues ing had the night spending Chalhcrine Stoker of Syrseem to have passed the danger Mr. home his of tho to, fields at in town below daugh the .day night decided, aof point. came acuse, ' former resident CLASSIFIED, ADS . ; ter, Mrs, Albert Barton, after Mrs. Sarah Stoddard suffered a take a trip on the railroad. It . 'weeks illness; Hi Bon, Frank M. serious heart attack the first of to. the Union pacific depot plntfornf Tlmlow of Mrs. Truman Mr. and and after looking' over the. situation numbered with the con I'Oft ALE First crop alfalfa,. Layton, of Thatcher, Arir., arriv- the week and is very ill at her decided ; Rurley to hitchhike across eouhtfy ference were delivered. Call Gerald Mann, Kays-yil- le visitors In town, this week. home. ed here, Wednesday, of boarding a train.. It left While 174-Former Mayor and Mrs. Nephi instead . . . g. they ai'e mil Ives of Bountiful Miss Soda. Hayes arrived home railroad for a' trip across, town the ' a to moved '' many Idaho, win-te- r Ralmer home good arrived V they WANTED Thursday the Girl to do light work , last week after spending Distributed by.,.. via the park and' on'- to- years ago., Their aon, Hampton Bar morning after spending the pat wards theLagooa marvelous oppqrtlinity to advance in Idaho with her sister.' . little showed hills. It dut U U. of Calif. four months in San Iqw, 23, is attending the for person with talcpt; small Vage SERVICE STATION signs of excitement and cpnie with- in Salt Lake City. He is the posBUREAU '.Mr. and Mrs. Henry Craham en-- ; They state their healthDiego,' FAUM is aome in to begin with-- . .Apply1 at.this' office. thirty feet' of a number of the sessor of a- fine tenor voice and is lertained at a dinner party Sunday what improved from their stay' ia . . ; FOR RENT A 1,hr.ee room. mod Kaysvillc. . were laid for Mr. tho warmer climate during the win section men and pthera who were well known in musical circles hav: evening.. Covers dm on th ' tracks. apartment. Apply to John R. ' and Mrs. Joe Ilarberston of Ogden, ter. Their daughter, Dorothy Ten ing studied from master in Chi Ram jhon, PhoneBountifui,17g-J- ,' 8 of CO. the.' original LUMBER & York and New and Mr. lives BOUNTIFUL at San Diego and they frequently Mr. ahd Mrs. G. E. Briggs and ney, Farmington recreation club met cage MAN WANTED, ForRawleigh over the radio. You may .hear sings And Mrs. Leo Green. of Layton and havo lived near her homo while Friday ; the . of ehomd at th . Bountiful evening of 800. families. Write today. route . next over voice KSL Tuesday there, Mr. and Mrs, TV. D. Thomas,'. first president, Mrs. Ardclla'WalBh his mod-erIs having Rawlcigh, Dept...U. Tr Ben A. evening. Hepworth fine musical progtam djid read. Mr. and Mrs. Theron Smart of . Kimball-camDenver,- - Colorado; - "." I IL U. P. null PRODUCE ice cream freezing unit install A The 8 FEED FARMERS ' Midvale 'spent Monday with Mr. ed in the UampUny, ings .were rendered and a luncheon meet Friday 17, at the homo R R EN T N iceiy f urnishod FO Drug Store."' 'April members-werwas. served. Thirty - tAnd Mrs.; John. BloixL Bountiful . , One of the largest crowds pf the of 'Mrs. EUa Ii; Smith. Mrs. Rose aphrtmenki all gas equipped,. Mrs. ' Mrs. George Wilcox attended a season viewed the hobby show held. iir attendance, including President Oliver Howard, Mtt. Maud Wrner Richard Stringharti, BountifoL A. Hess of Ashand Mrs. Horace . ri 89 Phone 84., ... . r ... farewell party for Grant Thurgood Tuesday evening at the amusement ton,' Idaho. The club was GopdfelloW and lrs. Nellie Brown organised in Clearfield, Saturday evening. Mr hall under the direction of the lo- a number of years ago but was Goodfcllow will assist a hostesses V. firebrick SALEFOR Modern with Mr$. Smith: A large attencal M. I. A. The moat attraqtive disbanded after' fi rqoms with Imhome, Thurgood is leaving soon to fill Mutual the bathliundry, displays were in needle work which provement 'association entered up- dance ib ddsirod 'a this is next to furnace and coal rooms; connected mission., . . . of the'season. . , included a number f very beauti- on tho last the meeting with gas; oak floors, attractive fir recreational program, and 'On . Wallace Stephens and, daughter, Gas or Coal . , All Makes ful quilts. A picture collection dis- noilr members Mopdayf April 6, .a meet twice each place; tile drain, inlaid linoleum the year are and ill. of mumps, Mr. Mary,' hair pound Bon was Lortrto lining Newest Typ played by Miss Alta Stevens was to renew old acquaintances.' ' in kitchen' .and bath;'-garagand " ' :' VACUUM CLEANER- Miss Ireiie Swan entertained also a fine attraction. 'Mrs. I,uccter Cox at Chico', Calif. . 100 henej with 1 acre for to coop . , enher bridge club" at a luncheon at David Highes and Lloyd Hess Mrs, Cox was formerly of this rich garden soil in young, bearing . Write or Thone for Estimate . . place. . . the ho'me- of Mrs. E. M, Bagley in tertained at the Lion house, in Salt fruit and. berries. .Bonneville paid Mr. and Mr. Byrqn Hayward Metal Sheet Lake City, Tuesday evening at the . out. Owen B, Anderson; Bountiful. Davis Salt Lake Wednesday. County from Brig--haand children were down PMW Bouatiful 105-- 3 or 10$ 9 A. Trump, Prop wek-en- q Chat. - tho ' is building a new City to spendAlleft IIodBUn FOR SERVICE One ' Chester . iO: house. The excavating' hag been here wipi relatives. white hog. Phone Bountiful 19.W DEPARTMENT - STATE BANKING Jl ' tV.rvi State Capkol " FOR .. SALE Unspoiled baked REPORT T . .RE ' SALT LAKE CITY, UTAI! ' 70 to. 85- - lbs. per bale, at R straw . , DEPARTMENT. BANKING STATE ' THE bales : for 55c. First crop alfalfa REPORT OF CONDITION OF banking, department . State Capitol $7.50 per ton. One and M biles : hay, State ' Capitol . Jr'W SALT LAKE .CITY, UTAH .west of Five Points, BountifPL COUNTY BANK SALT LAKE CUTYUtAH . DAVIS ' REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE OrsonTSllis. 7 CONDITION OF THE OF REPORT on business of of at the.close Utah, 'Of FARMINGTON, in the State FOR SALE baled Unspoiled ' ' . March 28. . , , ; straw, 70 to 80 lbs. 25a at STATE RANK; .FARMERS on , each. First crop 'alfalfa hay, $7.59 BOUNTIFUL ia tho State of Utah, at the Wose.of.busiiieso ASSETS . busineas . OB ' doae pf . " . March 28, 1938 Of WOODS OIOSS hi fhfl Stale ef Utah. 'at th, ..id pgr ton. One half block west of Loans And discounts .' ' ' . o',c . . . 28, 1930 March . .... 'A ; ;. OvGrdrufts Five , Points, Bountiful ' One . . ASSETS . . . T--: Ellis. United State's GOTrnment obligations, direct andor fully ASSETS . $250,434.0 . Loans and" discount- - a... :,.....$145,74p.43 012.05 discounts Loa-n"""'4910x7? and guaranteed Overdrafts alyat?y 1,604.58 . FOR SALE rYoung qow-pl. Other bonds, stoek9, and securities . direct'' andipr fully United Covernmenb States obligations, so err direct for tale' service. andjor Phone a. hog and fully . Fixtures J,04G,00 37,525.1)0 United StateV Covcrnment eWipationH, . . . Banking house., $7045.00 Furniture guaranteed -- . 7- Bountiful 177-.. ' house than . other banking estate owned Real ..V nd . irn Municipal Other p'rB;htld...--7-frv boqds,'stdcks, and $32,133.27 .County 7,325.00 securities Cashi in vault and balances with other banks and POR 35,775.32 . SALE . stocks', Good used Oaklaild ..... Other bon'ds, Bonds .?..... a. ' '' Outside checks And other cash items 7,787.25 car at a 500.00 18,500.00 .Banking house, $6,612.25 Fqrnlture and Fixtures, $1175.00., price. Inquire at 'bargain Furniture and Fixtures,. Banking house, .15,000.00 .7,800.00 the Union Furniture : . Real estate owned other than banking-housf- i hoyse ...f.i Other assets owned other than estate and. sold under Real Co.j Bount.34,018.21 iful with other banks . 6- Rc'al Estate Contracts 13,236.17 Cash in' vadlt ami' balances 'contract ' i 974.80. Other itpset 'C8, SALE Canning FOR batiks Cash other with in and machinery; balances vault ...$598,352.67 " . ; . . TOTAL' ASSETS 7 348.73 camera, cookers, Jkettles, S hp motor Outside checks andothcr cash items ' ASSETS .373.00 hydraullo proas, etc. 'Utah Fruit Juie TOTAL Otheh 'Draft assets Purchases Po Karwytlln. LIABILITIES . , LIABILITIES Government States BALE deposit; Or trade Fiv United FOR ,.$432,077'.38 Demand'deposits, except ' TOTAL. ASSETS .....z.... ...... . Government .United States deposits, ten acre robmed house and except public funds and deposits ot otheA banks Demand large ' . LIABILITIES funds Ana owyOnOavs of lard. East bgnch, . , Time deposits, except, postal .ravings, , public public Tunds Bjux deposits or dher bftRKs , Emily Hai. and de- " Demand deposits, exoept'Uiiited States Government dppsits, tTirhe deposits, 'except postal.savirtgs, public'fund deposits of other banks .: 4- . . sen. . or cthef school 89,221.58 .districts, counties, .... $111,856.91 of ., bonks funds and of other public Dther'ignks, , Public femds of States, deposits posits FOR SALE Seed potatoes plant .s u Time, deposits, xecept postal savings, public funds and de- - . . subdivisions or municipalities Public funds of Sta.tes,. counties, school districts, or dther cashiers and certified 39,977.54 ed 330,94 142, from ;ritificd eastern seed on Deposits of other banks, including 'subdivisions or municipalities posits. of o.ther banks - and ?,4uz.ua Public funds of States, counties, school districts, or other , certifiedcashiers griimd-las- t new oth'er . . Checks 'outstanding .......i.-- .' ....-' ..including banks, year. Right eiaa Deposits of. ' 2,990.94 'or plantin'?; Bliss variety. David . .Total of items 1 to. 5; . subdivisions or municipalities ,75733.43 . .' .. checks outstanding , ' Total of items 1 to 5i . loan andof ift- . Deposits of other banks, including certified and'cashiera'-(a) Secured by. pledge j L. Holbrou':, .V.'ocda Cross. Phona Non . . vestments ; checks outstanding 1,34)5,15 . Secured by pledged loafts- qnd,or in- -. 4- (a) ' '' ' . Total of items 1 to 5: . . vextments . (b) Not' setuyed'hy pledge of loaqs' nd(r. , , . ; 7AU FOR SALE Four wheel trafler . investments. "r (8)r Secured by pledge of loans andfon iif-. . I t v . H)- - Not secured bjr pledge of lqans andor ' , t track frame with 14 foot bed; good vestments .$ Nofts investments .. $472,902-53- ' hitch for tongue or for DEPOSITS . TOTAL DEPOSITS trong TOTAL (e) (b) Not secured by pledge of loans 4ndkr (c).. ' Discounts rubber, $65. B.' Y. 2,122.49 liabilities good track; Other investments Other liabilities Unearned i...., v 164 East, 8th South, Bait Snarr, . nn.' Capital acc.ount:account: . : Capital 1- Lake City. Phone Was. 8854. 25.00p.00, v Common stock, 250 shares, .par $100 .$331,267.43 Common stock, 500 shares, par $50 jler 6hare$ 25,000.00 . (c). TOTAL DEPOSITS v25,000.00 Cipital account; Capital debentures Capital debenture -ko,000.006,180.27 nett wMiftylfMMA.Mj , Common stock, 1000 shares, par $50 per qhare$ 50,000.00 Profits Surplus .r ...v.. tjndMded .! .'39,655.80 Undivided Profits ngt 2,500.00 TIRED, WORN OUT, retirement fund 25,000.00 . Surplus Debenture .. 6,191.01 Reserve for contingencies. Undivided Profits net 25,809.92 : '.f TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNT 68,680.27 100,809.92 .TOTAL CAPITAL account . : 120,846.81 .Mr. LarT Robbi spent last wtel Shanghai r , vj - .: - and Thutsday.' ; 1 tvu-jtio- I ArftaL5nli; , 'freaso'n Riders and: n ; , I- i-- - - .- -j H.-i- . j .i n Thunder l.-lS-- . :.- - itfT the Night n-.r- -is , - ights-VER- r. ... l it , m . - we 'I - N r, f. Planned For Ward e flat' Honor Night - '. - - Orchard ltn , TE It com-mitt- e, in-vit- ed. 1 , d yreat-grandchil- . i Bourt-.tjfu- pany l. . salt lake citv jtah " v - - . - The-membe- : SUPPLY r a & 1 . , e - D.-7-- S. Co; " , . : nin-on- , FURNACE CLEANING e , . e Clearfield; - - Works . . report I0 ... Bountiful State Bank m 8-- .. state .- : .'.. - per-bale- - . i 1. ... p3 f t. .' s $1-0- 0 J. r-- - ...--- t. ban-kin- . 1- -$ . , Wits; . 5 -- 'f '' '.. 30-R- 2. .- -: T . 1 1 '..,-.1.- - .'.;...; - .- - per-share- -l - ... 1 ! TOTAL. CAPITAL 'ACCOUNT TOTAL LIABILITIES no - TOTAL $595,352.67 LIABILITIES STATE OF UTAH, County of Davis, Iceland being '.STATE OF UTAH, Countyof Davis, Grant S. Clark being first first duly sworn according to law, deposes and says, that he is Asst 'duly sworn according to law,' deposes and says, th be isVice Presidentis Cashier of the above named bank and that the above and foregoing of the above named bank and that the above and foregoing report report contains a full, true and correct statement of the condition of the said bank at the close of business on the 28th day of March, 1936. a full, true and correct statement of the condition of the said bank ' 1936. at the close of business on the 28th day of March, LELAND H. SESSIONS, Assrt. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th day of April. 1936. ,, Subscribed and sworn to before roe this 6thiday of Apnl, 1936. FRANK CROFT, Notary Public. t DAVID MABEY, Notary Public, Seal j Residing at Bountiful, Utah. ' I i Seal Residing at Farmington, Utah j 1940. 12, will Commission Commission February My will 1938. expire My expire January 22, - 1 Correct Attest Correct Attest ' JOS. 8. CLARK, V CHAS. R. MABEY, i y JAMES A. ELDREDGE, J Directors. xn'Jsv WHITNEY K. ROBERTS, Directors, A. L. CLARK. : l: O. MUIR, EDWARD ' on. : UP UTAH, Office df Bank Commisioaer ' STATE OF UTAH,7 Office of Bank Commlsioner I, Rulon F. Starley, Bank Commissioner of the States of Utah, do L Rulon F. Starley, Bank Commissioner of the States of Utah, do and correct copy ot, the hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy . of the hereby certify that the foregoing is a truefiled in ray office on April 9, fnVfl ment statement of the above named company, bove named company, filed in my office on April 8, 1900 F. 7. STARLEY, Bank Commissioner. . F, F. STARLEY, Bank Commissioner. con-taii- r 4 ' J - 1 . -- -- ..toTalXiabilities $432,077.35 $246,538.36 STATE QF UTAH, County of Davis, R. N. Schluter, being first duly sw.om according to. law, deposes and says, that he is Cashier of the above named bank and that the above and foregoing report contains a full, true and correct statement of tho condition of the said bank at the close of.business.on the 28th day of March, 1936. R. N. SCHLUTER .. Subscribed and' sworn to before me this 6th day of April, 1938, . JAMES E. ELDREDGE, Notary Public. ' Seal Residing at Woods Cross, Utah My Commission will expire December 11, 1938. Correct 'Attest . .WHITNEY K. ROBERTS, ALVIN W. HATCH, Directors. . OSCAR W. MOYLE, . " ,1 STATE OF UTAH, Office of Bank Commlsioner I, Rulon F. Starley, Bank Commissioner of the States of Utah, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the statement of the above named company, filed in my office on April 9, ". -- V -- 1936. F, F. STARLEY, Bank Commissioner. (lunmon HOW maay acje jn dragging (beat- -, selves around, all tired out with peri odic weakness aud1 pain? They know that ItCx E. Pfckhama TsJh. lets relieve rtrl-od-ic paint ana Small sise only 25 cescu Mr. Dorsle Williami of Daav 'jw I had no Cllaois, and wai terriLly nervous. Your Tih lets helped my ptriodf and l- t er kop- Try them ih?J ort. - ateefcss"'" ; ; ' |