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Show V toirbve s finum a ' s JrtV ,V 'ftnif olJ aab firOphsa. JJoeli fivetb toi- fiiculil. iters. khSto 82,Qff wyattbs Scale 0 was fount It fyklng lessons. qdt her, S 8iaipose. .'Now, tl!1 Xk fc toieoy ine fiellcttfa la hew don't tin any. iaz barnTssa li 1mA JgcofnlzeiV mr Vie xactl habignether(fljrht hard aiihsfwie Ofteais.a ; .anj ether ma .6 reejt wijl h cksglng fawHV toe.tnorle yrtfrya joTng RcfoWlatt. V., . fk wfltei. Xfte ffuff fllefeRT voy Yltftt l take, vy tJlmw wlie. dl. shift, or ft' tony; wrffie a fixed; PCales(ipe, tayj ."Thai ataYtefl lt; Jhe4 alw'ayi tilt erne BwrrJ had iivir3; birr A Ybftnes As almltacaje. . .WashJngMto Htsfi. Izefrtdi irl willee'fa dlemetto an hee IiarS quftvtloi Jkaf; Actually, fhe.scitle Yfi.fW iTitlleov lack, Tttt sy, gbe oltT 4h 0W tt Ihie-'w- , Snsucta, wa .Ant you cant tons Jyeh. hkdh wctuli'ed.tthlr ,t gnrstJe'krta ftIhav'tU state frlf rlny tin? , A shout ffbtt mi Msrylaiil,' itws pliable Ibldle. gafty4.qeatialMk Ms lit avwy AeJli?' I. anothrq wgigfjyiJ stile f evtss. They ahe fiKpreititma, . Ko., : pxetectlei M Is. this ettuf aftuot, Alt, Iw, When htl wtnt up'to lit fiot wsljally tonef fftaa ha tow wwd ftsVnplflity. it play e at pirtjvv Ha sai tseriweni. Iful tost toyrtVst-erltl- i ewv 0 Jbeql, ten. fTut tjva 1 ?kbe?lr llar-sarf- l, bis jsttoe toear alamt Ibv klngt, i.vevit vv IV 1 ttoaf, )rp rhcraltned itt risk ofT JScKl i'w tulnt. S'fi't hx'J ft stand Vn a s' halt Jach wtojiinf fill bln qlJowanct. OH m4 bfKxq.lt Hok. An, tne hf .bead." tlqv o . Uolexs toe was. sitting W ewt alghl she he wu. awfut rdnk. ht WTott tbt old cna' tianit ta a , The lKIy. wasa'fany(vl(,er yievf. check. Ik? tiled is get it back the dial. It as njs agalflst lit flmr' tlvxt flaj, but Ihw bank lad urStr t tb tutu. Til pap; mya It dnwnjmd'tht guy be4 gives Jt The'Jlllfilvio la thrmigU tliedliv to wns sorfc, lm? bad Jack arrested. Mg torus. I got. oht through he "Jack.hft sold tole seednd fiddle 'luill door,, f'le auwTnh. Y ow. 0J 1 fi to'viak good. t He sitver gotsoth-e- do ftiiit,' U Kelly woe king aulnjrt . . one. t The wlY. Inniv cjit Jack It?" -Ibosb. Ite .rqnw up (o Boston, with I invi tww. . a pewsunper .that printed The strtry Twd more tldnH': Tli. flgb'fs In tors Hands. 4'lf ji tew, Ue wns. were. Jmrnfnjj 'full pit when J left. , 'Itiuve dlsgraeed tu'e, .sod 1 qmild xyt Keflj shadow A fhe you'll ge Sa. (llegrncJos rut, tf ll blinds as i pbsel the house an 'rny lei you, I. wont. Tow can go where way horflf Were they atlllhurnlng' you like and' do w hat you please, when, the. toutleY comeMa .tli toeat but nob pith fiiy name, 'if yoti ever mnrnlngl' A nit, II ar.wlid tuceed . .. 'em 'viutt ." ust that agafn, yon cau starve , Wbfil'i the nthfr HeraT Ieggy tu tiwiil to tto window.'; The otlley Utm the .crhxof the Then,' abruptly, ."How art'we to gel iu (o te Mm" fhe wtoole .'business," Jack answered. axkeif.. . "MlUt i.rtiidied ttver. e'ut beenusft the -Yon'r 'ila .wife,' X.arry an phone fang, and the fellow hat' swefed, rang it .wns coining. oVv tt talk to ' ' . And yoiit" him. Did be' come? If tofit, . wby , Im .tola friend, Arpl tny jiamei not? And If.tjiat Yellow did Come, . Isnt it likely IJiat bq's tbt guy (hat Rfddey.'Kven .Teggy'a story, didn't quite killed .Kellyl .' prepare fhe Duke fow that 'meeting wlthi iila ether self, cmapteb He'd rather expected to ie one find! the of- those weakling IV AS long 1wtw ITwhea world h vast- conspiracy against they i .' Tpml'is, them. . Jolia Clarly ftldifer. Jr, proved ' r?xs'. was' at? fa sow. Barry to to merely a frightened young- splurged en to take toe? ster. . A tlltn, father frail lad tn "hmnt" tq the dlng'y boarding bouse hl early twenties, with soft,' dark where. the rtlso.Wned lUdde.r. lived, lialr, and targe; dark eyes,, and a la the epper Forties, ia npltb of Ills her protests Barry kept hla word peculiarly sensitive mouth. hands Were soft and sensitive, too, as t giving her mlmt of tlrat touiw' but 'there waa toothing effeminate (Jred and' fifty. rli lta'I tuloe," ht ' ' . . !' about ""t.ee, i'am glad to declared. see ybu, r'rg toe blurted eut. "I Well ea! logefher'sionday, after was getting a lltllc bit worrhv!." Ive talked to 'Wlpslow. .i'll be Ieggy'a presence reassured him. around about 'six' , oclock.". , Evidently, be counted ou.toef, and ' It wqa wa fioiv a warmish Sat felt Safe while ghe whs with hint urd;y afterpoon. Nearjy she said,, rjnletly and . "Jnck, houra before he could hope to find "Ive brought your friend, the attorney.' 'Any Inexpensive hptcl Mr. Kidder,' lies going to help us," would xjo. fie at one s. Thats great,"' tie observed,. . Tew blocks- from reggyV. "Bufry ' Fortunately, for tliehv, the guard Glfhert, he wrote. had other things On tola fuljnd. ' Ite I'roJM til .new xesldcnce; Barry kept .(llsn'ppearhig, and coming back, went to the Astor, ahd cahUd Mr. Kidder. . The' messoile read nd winkeyfht. toonl .altmwr eurronnding plal provjagalssktht wvitlrlnt elfott ef clrCuitf Ik ehspft,! .Tfasy. tonJala sstssflste i f Nwprvt wtoarla and tolyk monetxlue 1iti fro so .the fivt-fewiv- e M-dlln- . copyright, Changing pollock . 'WNU service . ...SYN0PSJ3L . ; . : e, hqme.fln SouthfimpCoVi, seeking, atlel-t- er from a ktorm. . V nJes himself at Koine., ila.ta startled by the rrlvfftt.of.a. butler, AVtlletta; an hu'rr?ur, Evanr. ile learns that the son of Jhe.ownet vt the house, Jack ftlddef, whom tha .servants bad paver 'aeon, ia 'expected, lie decide to Mult IV out.' Ilia a u'ppoeed parepta left for Germany. Next vnorolng he 'pens a. letter for .tola "mother,"' and find a neJaftRe frorrt the real Jack, saying to couU'wol edina, and re- turn lox e Mndred-dolltom. The father had pehalon'ett hilt Into ebarurtty. fjurry pockets the money, intending, to return It later, On the aray to Mnntauk, jvlipr ha intended to disappear,' ha njcct JndKa Mam- -. .. bid 8a and hla dim)? titer, I'atrlda. tie. ar hoy'jk ... 1tevlng tie aha U- - la Jftola illdijr,. vltea htin'fo dinner the fallowing thuradny. JUnrry rturoa to tiouth-- . mpton, deciding fo stay bit longer, r.' Rldder, Hr., through bla the Jlob, Recuses Judga ' Mamhtdga of taking orders front Tatpmany flail In a Rondelnnatlon , eievte-.pape- r, proceeding: . V Jaw, .prominent telle , njeeta Pater Wine. attorney', Winslow ..UUbry ilnrfy that Judge IIm)ldg had.eedn a accident In which a a taxicab. At home Barry fin'd a the wife of The reaVJack Kidder awaiting him. Her husband 'la. In JaU In New fork, charged with' the . mutdar e( Mika waa killed tty . , . .. Kelly, boas. ao.' ". Barry 'a wn ted,.- "Break: fast al sight, (1ihI sight, Mrs. K., - Hog-ers.- ' Mis- " .. "ioii night, Mr. Bidder smiled, a wan ghexi of a smile.. .Stantflng hoforo the dying firs, Burry exclaimed; "What a damned fool I sin 1", ami .Bluffed th letter Intir till )ftcket, ' The newspaper lay before Mm, and, with It, he came buck lo the hearth. "f.eta aee whiit its all shout," he aubt. ' , Tha story filled tha first page, smj overflowed onto the second and third. Judge .llanibldges eagerly-awaite- d dirclslon was crowded Into an upper corner .of the fourth page, h with a picture of the Judge. There was no cdltcrrlul Bvldently, there hadnt' been time for that .yet, Bor.aome reason, ".the. paper 'said, the murder was Sot' reported to the police until nearly noon."' .The bofly had been ound by the Filipino servant shortly Mer eight that Hike Kelly's kkult had morning. bee fractured- by a single blow' with a heavy whl&key decanter. that lay close by. Its contents still undisturbed There was no slga of a struggle, . . two-coitim- corn-jnen- t. - cut-glaa- w s Hie-boy- l, ' .;' n t fr The could, hedr the dock ticking As lliolr. train left yputtianiptoo,' Icggy lobked even' shabbljr 1 ier cheap black' dreSsand lief little fed beret. Her faow'wa very white, fer want of make-ber. .sleep.? wifi Where do w go from .here?"' fuuiiy," she said awkwurdl, '"tout .1 think, youd better .go to bed I sort of Tevl that twvrythlng'e go the DukeansijereiL . , Ing.to bo.nll tlghf nop."' . . .. ".Why don't jpu'atiiJ Uie toy nol , "Here? "Why not?" grlnnod .the tnkq. ,ont lierel ' . "Youve got ai ij hole lot ipore right t'T stay!; yolt meanly . here than I have. ;There's a guest- . "Sure. cqn;square It wltl room that Willetts alwujs keeps .Come .along,. .the cnd''of the . t ready." , week, ICggy. ,ATter all, U'a where ' The girl hesitated. . you,belorvi.teu know "What time can I get back to'New .."I bMong"' with Jack," she said. York? she asked. "And, anyway, lias It struck you t Theres a gopd train around nine that he old man .might come brack the hall.". , ' . . ... Then It two?. struck y .A1 right deggy "said, at last. Ilm gblng (o' play; it (? pay. In . . ' , p ,t & IrVli-.lett- V 4. -- i oclock." i "All right." ' unexpected? lies out" , been jnfldf slx years. Yliat's lie,g'olngtb,do when Barry opened a door the qther h'e finds out about alf this?" . . lde of the library, and twitched "Well BarYy hazarded "If weve on the lights. Tbef'iM'are,, be got his son" , said. "lie wont care," Teggy Interrupt"AH right." ed, her voice again hard nnd pltl "It Just struck me," be remarked. ful. "lie never did. "He smashed Jack's fiddle. Jack "You dont suppose your husband wanted to le a vlollulsU He might have given bis real name?" . ... - e. . is HO.'.He was el-ye- rl tdis-eate- af Partmhuh, traveled widely and engaged fa imyiimr.out wcupa-Hons- , la 1R95 tot'.toegas .to devote tola 'attention to' Sociology and, fO'feseArcto (I human putri-tlof?IIs. Vlqws wficemlng ttie of food gave rise to the cult of Ftetcbl?m. lit died In 1DIIA , pe-eta- lj k mas-ficatlo- Him let A?miiieM ' virtually every ess.' I tv' applications, range, .from' wrint Kafch'es arvd toeadg ,io. jfluwiv Ing trucks .ajid overhead cranes,, from bottle caps ami collapsible tulies for. tooriipasf to fnllrond trains and airplanes, from pots and franstgissloa lines of conpans . ... . trol stations, . jad "The .(fld nian'a gol . her- - bnffa-loed,- " l;t remarked; "jiame as hes ' ! got tverybodj else. O, K. bbve .wouldnt nsfd.mjflwrv name, anyway. Yettjng yau ifse lt.'a tMng, but Peggy-thlnyoure etralght, ajvd jeliea. never Been wrong yet Ita a queer game,.' hut Ill sit. In..' tVhat nex?" . Barry was relieved. , Tbe guard hftd betn showing. his imperJo 'colleaaue. .Quickly, he mapped ofit kfs plane sd far Aa. be had Any. Ive grff' a dune with Ibter Winslow jn Monday, And Im going to fer money. cqble yeur mother We've got.to have ttoah I hope lo soon, and make my get a own way, but, Jnst now, theres less than a Jiundred and fifty dollars In. the kitty, and Im going to give most of that to ieggy for current expenses. Youd better write your mother, too the kind of a letter youd write In answer to that, If you were la my shoes. Ill bring you the stationery, and. of course, I'll mall your letter from South- k' Job-prett- y forty-eight- rej-lstere- d - .. "Xtaklng Iroodeto and on, irbek of a. Job stop friend of vntnt niH.ln Floaldii lovkel up 'for murder dWln'X pommlt atop caa you ' arrabRt credit her up to twq Jbou wont use 'unless' and dollarb-eto- necessary, for fritnd and will return reec Winslow erery. penny lawyer far conflrma'tlon It' desired slop this U tny bla chance ta too. something .worth While atop writing' detail all's well' 4oA'(' hurry , back. t(Jp-vlr- toVa, John."' Tl! . that two thousand quick," Barry thought. "Wlnslowll want a retainer, and (here'll be a lot of other things." ??arry worn de'red whnt to da with Iris forty. fight hours. . ."I'll stroll dowu to Kellys place," toe decided, ,,anrd . . give H the From Sixth avenue, ho turned Into Sixteenth street, arul atopjied before wli'nl the '.tabloids word cilln'g "tire1 acene ef the murder."' It vns an red brick house, .with it bay window, find h, heavy front door, A 'policeman stood guard, and' a group of Curious loiterers in sear . Rf thdy flared.- . ftdw llepvarkabIf,Barry..(hdugh(, people cbnld .stand staring at anything Connected with a tragedy.. . . There .was another little fereup-at- ' the' corper, .where workmejy were putting In a new traffic light standard. Broken oft slior.t, its predecessor lay d n Jhe pavgment. Having notlilng better to do, BnrrJ askeif vybaCs fhe excltoiuent7 . . Taxi smash. Y WtietiTl' . . o'n'ce-flver.- ". '' Just . befor (Wo c'clbck yeikbr-da- y Kflled'. a - woman. 'Cruslled h'e rlglit up against that posh Broke t.utr ahork Dont seem .morning'.. piwvslble;' ' wwulei . i9 aef . . ; . (he Judge' waa ffup--, Curirfim, Barry (bought, 'these twa violent dentils with tlx a tew yard and a few. hoqra ot gactr other. AVfrlou's, too, that tire Judge's gtroI shoulij have brought him s near the tootui In Vldch Iell lay murdered, tout no! more TelnnrkaNe tlftm the series of jevepfsthat hftd Involved Barr In affair. "Lifes.' full o( colncldences,' Da fry mused ."jl's, only I.i ctloa that pdopld pay much attention, to enj. Winslow said the Jpdge weq? fof a walk, vnd thata- the simplest explanation of.the wholq matter. . He vas ht.'the Attorneys-offic- e before ten o'clock on Monday morning. IJe was ushered Into the pleasantly 'fura'lshinl qorner roonf tjiat waa Tetera ' The Iqwyer ros,e, as Harry .emteted. and Canje. forward, he hand 'outstretched, and the other holding a newspaper. ,"TJie early ' bird, eh?' I . (TO BE COST1WFD) tlie'.-whol- e -- Watching Fihe beneficial , , Watching the rhythmic movements of fishes and the rippling undulations of submarine plant life Is . beneficial to the overwrought nerves of patients, say the doctors. Dietitians agree that fish are ns soothing to the senses when nllve as tliey are supposed to be good for the brain when boiled. Iearsoji'a Weekly. LxnI I(8SiHi'rl-5IlssIsSlpp- Rivvf l, r.pp -21 souri ta th tnouth sippi. lj thq. longest pian sefc Is the largest Isolated sheet of water. en the globe; Lake Supef lake. rior Is the largest Mount 'Ererest .In thto Hlqialnyos, ?6.0fl3i foet, U the worlds highest peak. . fresh-wate- CtoaSn Vert ' Lennlne verse wns 'used Ihttoe Middle aged lit Latin .hymns dnd' In secular verSo,'. It is said ta derive Ifs tiarae froro .IonlH9,'a canon of the church' Ft, Vidor In VarK; In Bngl.lslr any verse 'which' rhymes middle and' end Is called a Leonine verse. ' Val.. e Srii L si f , aeaiewaii;k eiftwiiwmani nulcx1''jroce?i. Thtf1 Gtriuxw Jiwft5sof fylvl.u's f?Cl. ehtm;ea I T2X' looked apv P A ferintatitloa Xttoe sail itrj pan. fc.rynH Jpk. The Jtalisa 'f7J-Wdiscovered and the fligbitlva tslflrffitj fke yolveet rrtqerty ,f th gastrje Juice,. ahowfng that !t ikl scl eefsld thf tofly, and tj,at It caa o tfily prtveat'putrefarti.,n, Vtoen once - n. but will Inhibit Bpallear.nnt failed, lowrvrr, to rc. egHitt. fha add character .f the JoJnt vMch was yastrlt Julca. UrxingkCeut by thq Aeierlcaa pl.yt. J80' cdoglit, acruiis,-Fillsnz.a- 0 .? - ", IfiBt r41.Satr. , ..The National Bureau .id Star,;. Ards fl that if tli post U ahorr, Vqnal to three times the Jetigth aj prized afKtr.t. all epleea, Tlif most ImivWMBt 'early 'YlBgllslfJlulld.wAa the Bepperera Gull. . A I that flmq' there fs fiq difference irj.' the aplee was to .vahiakle- '.It "fre- ' thq strength,!bu( If the post is . to 150 time the quently look thg j)lape ef.mojiey; say. length Botolleri took i.t its raijius ef' gyration, the hollow bounty.-- ' People fefelted fesvardr for a gives leagth is stronger than ta.peppt', often 'paid ttuel rent. In tha solid .post becuusfl the' radius' pepper, and when a will wks read of. gyratkM ef tha hollow. post waited lt;uspena. to. hdar how (has the raJiu's of the solid tnneh .peppey the lad .tcck fiel if. per foot is the 'poel .. queathed. ' sanri for tatk. - ' part-.of.'th.e- . pt tr -- the-weig- Aw An v'slier Is a Ehv low; barrow, fit... Ftry Base wind-la- g Weight As late ns ,1004 Colorado toad a ridge of gravel and land. exam- railway thai. based its far on your . ple! of which are 'found In Scandiweight in's toad of Ihe distance you' navia,. 'North America and other wanted fo travel,' feo every, time ' eountTlek. formerly cevered' toy Ice.! you made tveu .ahorf .trip, yoq sheet..' Ksker aje fnon f.. te JO had to be Weighed, fhe tlckei-Kbllo- r miles loog and ore.dften front 40 on his-- ., . to 80. feet high. It Is.believed that these 'deposits were formed by .the action f .fctrentns "underneatk the glaciers whltli existed In the. glacial . period. . . Naming Howland- - filan Thjs Department of State says', that Howland Tsland tfris discovered . Netcber In lS42.and by Ceorge-Erevisited lh It. was officially; possessed In' the tiam'e of the United States ,ift" tSCT. The Island was , . J8-J8- named Howland from, the lookout oa Netcher's whaling vessel, who ' " . first sighted tt. Talli i Tal.k1e-talk- name' given (hq language of the bush negroes In Surinam, Dutch' Guiana. One bird an(h'pre t called the JarJuro is the other, the name of the ankle chain made from the puts of the tree, . etirri-eurr- l; wlst-wls- l. a Avademp Mceiharthlp Limited The Frehcti 'Academy ' (LAcs-demlFrancalse) was founded by the Cardinal Richelieu, In lKlo. . e . reign of Lonls XIH. and waa In 1S10, under Louis XVJI1. Its membership It limited to 40, '' ' . elected for life, reor-ganize- had to calculate the price scratch pad' and frequently, toy the tlihe thy trahsaotlon had top.en'set- tled.'.your trfila had' Munch. Oakland, Calif, In Colliers Weekli ' , .Fafanh Caw Be .Awm!tJ Tatents can be and hay? been an nulfed, ' especially in eases. In wh!cl fraud .was perpetrated in oh., t'alnlng .them. An interesting aide light Is that the United' States Su- preme court since 1SS0 has Invalidated 6.1 per cent of the patents In contested cases brought before It. Colilera Weekly.' . . 1 PaabTat Is the l Muka-muk- 'Early Floodlighting Floodlighting la nq modern Innovation, according to an authority. The pioneer ef it was King Anoka yvho ruled ever an .Indian empire 3,00(1 years ago, lie toad Ms temple at 'Buddha .Cay flooded with coconut ell. lamps. . ' . . Id the .Mlddlt Ages pepF"? of the. Misof .the Missisriver. The Cas- tnllea from the soqrce e , fiCcd WerliTt . , to proc- Metal-workin- The many targe' crater friive ia'thti? molltt eupeefswed flisir f walla Tbit pertains only ie tbt aide e (At aaoua eislbht Ires the tajrtk. . l- now aa . toeea Adapted Alumlhuta-toa- - b7 s Jfacace FletcheC, toiithAf, food and fecturer.vras 'hoe at , ..s' iiad-'tiee- ')rigiaile ftflelnli F4 n - !' p?sertt.tt.atesi ..'".' . L It saiw tile It flethjit. Agnlnst tt e go-In- it -- 'eyes. Tim nsw ggck Is f In abet. forhack yolsonare (ieeleca..fof fbeff wall ia nr . Its florae, ' . .. , bt.-saJd- . e scale f s IIft-hlOP- .. The girl, VeKKy.'tcIla Huffy how aha had met' Jack la Florid, and. married him, aa , Jay Kog.era, Jack lost 'hla Job, and . ; they went York, where ahe ot to;k' fl the COcbamtt Bar. There The ITHpInw boys' yarn- - waa ahe waa accused t'j trying to pick the, pockpt of, Mika Kelly, and waa straight en'ough.' Kelly .had' cotue Koine Just before eleven o'chwk. Ile . arrested. Her husband went to Kel-- .' lya ta Induce' hlru to drop the charge. was a little drunk, the boy juinlltS ''Later Kelly . waa found dead, hla akult finished by a decanter, Barry ted. He had let tiliiiHt'lf hi .with his and gone straight. to the ruggeale lie can holy as Jack Kidder, latch-key- , dining fopm,. where' be yang .'vio' The boy liQd' responded, lently, CHAPTER til Continue and got out .the liquor, and the. 5".What's the answer if tie don't?" glasses. The young man, toad -The answer then la that a noble called. Ills name was llogrrsi the '"young fellow, mimed John Clarke hoy remembered, and he said 'he and that' me Iaho Bench. Didder ; gets a had known. Kelly whole1 lot Interested la aa unfortuKelly had said, "All right f shpw -nate. guy named Jay Roger. Why? hint totto the drawing room," aw'd the had hoy (tone so, afu) brought Because lie believes him to be la- Innocbnt thut'a why, And, dont in, the tray.' The he' had gone .. make ny Mistake, a guy like Bid- back downstairs.' . ' A little w hile lutet, be bad toeafd' der believing It's' going to atari a . lot of other people bellevlng.lt, too. angry vol'cea In the dra'wlhg room, and bad listened outside, In the ; I write my mother that Iye got to have. money' ta carry on the. fight, tinli What he bad board was pretand I get It," because Hie old man ty much whaf. the glrj had repeated, decides I cant he eo bad, after all. but there were a few additions, in Maybe he guts hla newspaper Into the way of threats from the visinot for hla eivn ton. tor. The Kftlplno divided that tt . .the scrap which wouldnt help much, but for was none of tils business, and re-- , . stranger. . Whether that happens turnOd to his roofn,. Ten minutes er not; Ill 'get 4 JoU- - and- a lawyer, litter, anslotts tri spite of Mn'ise.Vf,' and, use tym both for you I'll use he,rcmoiiHt(Nt the back atnjrs. As all the family' Influence tor you. lie reached the .top, he beard the . And, when Ita over, "'and your tous- - dniwlng rflotri. door flosed noisily, . bandd acquitted, Iil bo In some pa- - and saw tlro'oailer burry, Into the sitlon.te talk, to .the uh ma for ball, and through' tlve front dflor. .. which he banged after him. ft was yon.. "What If he Isn't arfloltledY . . then nearly midnight. . The Kllb '"You've got to face .that chance, plho had hen;bu duty since seven Quickly Me Mapyc 0u Mia Ftapi.. that 'morning, and, reassured, be and looking away from them ( a either way."' " . Ieggy looked at hire with ha.fd tiptoed dowiv the atalrw am! went pa'iicr that eivnitone' bad gives him, ' to bed. That, was 'pll be knew sir-ti- und that avembd .. . . . , lrsltstlng; In a low eight hours iatey, lie ejme upon volet, .teg. outlined .what bad baiv . pretty 'amart fellow, "fhe said. Tretfy smart if you edn Mike Kelly's body lying face-dow- " liened, and the yonslusloci that hud . . me Into keeping; my month on the floor. , been , reached.' . Shut while yoa get the money, and The Buko was Just about to go The turqed ta ' Barry. . the position,' and everything my to bed himself, w hen fie. noticed a Young, frightened, end toff, be fcu?bnm ought to have." small headline.' ."Artists '.Wife could reason iuickly, and talk . ; . .Wlllhe ge It if I don't? Use Crus'hed by Taxi" Thnt.wfluld be straight, ' ..your hut, tTfgy. What do I gain? the aeddeut that upset Judge Mam-biilgtoe laid to "J tlonl untierfkmj ' . If ypu si'rlll 'the .beans tonight, what ., . , the Hukt. "If these people will do. good does It do: jouT And what "I might talk to tVlnsW at the for you, beoause they think haem does U' da me! . Maybe f go Ilamb'Ulges," lie thought, Sleeplij. thltoge yop re Jack Ulddec, why wont they to 'Jali for tswka But tt "But I guess Meggy's right. Better dil 'tin foe me, whew kuow I'm d'oht get ' your husblinil out of Jail, ace Jack first. Ive got a dote with Jafk' Rldderr . . they . dea tt? This way might, and its Winslow at tola efllce o.n Munduy "Becaust they tike Me. Theyre .. the- - only 'way. Think U over." The ball clock stfuck threev , neveir met you. And because my Will you 'Answer me epe qirea- - . Keu'rtheles.s, '.the Duke wns sp record's ildur. 'i hot accused eJ ' tlon?" the flrl asked, an bony before breakfast. . nulfiler 'under, elrfumatuncer that . ' . . lie shaved, ''and. bathed, and ; "Shoot" ; well, they don't sound 'yrvty, t rit yotfYt trothln fo gal'nwhy tossed a fbw things Into an. over-nigh- t first. 0 they?" -. .are ybu. doing; this . bug be'd secn In the closet! Sot, dt ." "They The tluko. ' pflclng'. the lilmergtiiR, . he Van Into Wllletia. "And, ef 'ceurst, 'Ib.c-rcfoot .. room, tje'gtopped abort now, and ' 'Bfeilkfust twd,' the Duke or- .mol her."- t , bls clynchd' bands Yell lltnp at his dered. '"Mr. Rogers and I aretak aensltjvernoudv tkMened. sldeq. .lng. thB;27 tn Kvw.Tork. gave him Abe inter lit had .Barry If t knon, lie respond- the butler. JovVcl at skoutr 1ejigy. lle'.'thought 'Pqmnfd -ed. . AW thala the truth." .. . lilm shunily, reaJ tt. The , shndt-'fre- f Na. But (hat's one vHn J want to get back. You better fome.wlth Th r tuR, Crry ClUbvrt, 'ft tlkntole me, .too, I think you're nr the levtd, Jobless n)' but l'm nftl sw sure Jack's youth of twenty-thregoing to broke, tnf(jra'n unocouplMt lamraef think' . . aft-'yonfjll- y diwtloiv, jl VVDpiJ : Tby."!.. EiJt Italy Wf Cp'gattia- gtxtlee was .ars ttgardti d , : . Cctait Dixvl Brt ! Eg?aiJ Great liones were first bred in. England. However. Horn . . aoma sources there Is the opinion these ' ' giant dogs came down from the Tibefan mastlfs, which In turn, are' ' massive specimens, resembling the . Danes bred In England, . Eermil la Wtat ClttKti' ' .' Natives of Tapna have to get per- mits to wear clotJies. A Iappan Must first prove that he understands the correct use of clothing, and the need tor constant washing to pre-.- f vent disease, before, the permit la , . '. - |