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Show v : i. v apereta m !'. It Special arrewgament wKb tact! Jvtheritiea t l A timat4 ht mere than '9.0C0.0Q9 BilatHt? (h recce last yeea ireyAvuMa, gentrairy aoaaldlrtl th tasteat et ail animat at any dlatsMf up I 553 yards, nsfural If fir grfsrpid U whfppeta' v rirhunil A wnrervv.' t e .."...Box Score Is Miim on Cards Wanting Reserve Infieldcr . ' Card womiij nil te (t (preferably Walter, r eeesrv inflelier .for Hallahaa) : (Jimmy Jordan or Woody fcnglieh). uch $ deal would .strength" tht She ne ".'Cat House gangster ", point Wher they now a fa easeful-weak. , . Although he elalma he ia happy, At Lspee took thin 'end peaked and hie Friend insiet the former Dodger tateher would leva to tie traded to dome ctu with ' ehanee. , , , Charley Reman, the J9t-c- r farm in umpire, hat 50 te 500 . . Kentucky. . Ha quarter hertee and multe a wait a 59 to M milch cow en it. ... . Cf I'crklns, the Tiger foaeti. Is .' the tjeat piano, player amirog the athlete now. stationed la this state. Ethan Alien and Pitcher Fete-Apleton fney JaMofiawskl)' are ths . , Brave Field (or , runners-up'whatever they enlt the present Bp-- . ' ton Beehive) is the toughest of all Mg time 'park 'in' which to catch fout halls. That t because the wind plays queer tricks While whistling through the high stands. . Coma of his pals. Insist that Hank ' 'Greenberg' hideout waa partly Inspired by the rule which p fa we Me first basemen from I vA a fof S- redded, the pwple In the devastated Thfotigtiont tfir poster B.h4 5fe RngtahJ etate. B the great lrtlter!slU', pre tier jirw regions speedily te.ga& the bard task ef cleaning up ttvclr cities Mid town. In Johnstown, fa pente. -t- YiA worker clearing (4ia oiuij add wreckage fsom atreete In I'ittshnrgli. ae eltlren were digging out the debrlw J linn and wife ta a l'llbburgli suhinU doing tlu-l- "epting Lou eleaI)lns sflef the watera bad k'fl (hel bungalow. Is Rewarded for Heroism Morgan Sergeant MMMMtMMMWWMMi . '' WMMeavwaaara. Alaskan Flier.-- . Showed Hravery in FJuM ' ; , .. . Epidemic . ; wt.vw ... I v trtnj' award,, was ' , eon-toanda- nl .Otto Miller prohabty 'la fixing to get himself tossed out cf the "them was the days union. The Dodger coach says'that it Is much harder to . tut now than when he was a. star. Claims that the pitchers mix in too many curves, screwballs and k sticklers .along. with the- fast opes. Lee Gall'afant, the newest, ef National league umpires, ia ' snappy .'young fellow but player are coni-- . dred.. . They say he passes' JydQOweii P, Smith Invented the me. vnent tjv curve ball toa quickly. chanical rabbit whereby dog racing' was made possible a e public . Drcaf!6n,.Can! Prcxy (and big betting). Ipectacl. , That' was 4i 1920 and the first Has a' Meflagerie ; event were held at CmeryViile, Calif. , , , The biggest of al( bet' ' Is addition to pwulng'the Card's, ting nights was at' 6pringdal, Ohio, t Sato Breadon 'also has title to half an outlaw ' track wear Cincinnati. a dozen saddle horses, 12 dogs, More than t3?5,0DCl was wagered, flock of guinea pigs and a Incidentally, owners flatly deny '' snake, , ., The. Brooklyn tralo-- . the widespread story 'that e grey. score pjrd lists eleven 'ing camp which has caught th's rabhound ' officials. . club starting eft with bit' no longer Is. any fcood Tot racwinding .lrexy Steve McKee'ver-anin fact, '! p.ractlefflly bro-ing' ' and, up with a scout Aamed Melville J. at 'the deceptloo thkt . Logan. V V Ben Geraght j, the VH- - lias, been practiced upoa hjm . . .Janevt basketball captain who Is , one of ..the most promising of pod-'ge. Vlien Johnson rookies, 'studi.e'd Journalism at. Recalling , Bookies, sc vejfal of ' college. Ketchell whom operate' It the. New York Kayoed Stanley . . rings, are still being shoved around , .Thpre Is Not lnth bo sedre; by the Miami Pinks. . fiome tyttle discontent .at the Babe . but there e . 'Tqke It or leave-It,- . Ruth- homestead .because so tew people who. lnsls( thjit Tete. ' photographers 'drop, aroqnd this .(he. millionaire, steeplechase ' ' I rear. ' . rhlor, 'wants, to buy .Brooklyns i, Koda; the .very goo-- Jap- - Dodgers , . Ftancfs:AlbrtanI, . ' Torch retire, Madlsofl Square Gar. nnese golf pro who has be'en so pop- den pugilistic publicist, once 'way a ilat twlfh the galleries .during hl3 (Ie wbn he q worIiy&champIon. Is feet five tall only present tour, .a Jn typewriting spebd. contest andVelgbs only 125 pounds. , t , thlr.ty-flvyears Charlie o'lteafa. Vie Tale bacfcwho 'at thq ol(( Garden. Johnson jack After! ... ,hgo. I on WalV stree.t, .' sow operates .'knocked out Stanley Ketcfldll, 'two . 'the' closest pal' of Tom Yavfkey of Ketchell's teelh wore fo'pnd the youthful P.ed Sox'Mldalv. . in Johnson's glove , MacS-for Connie . There. Us 'Guy' Mr. S.tnfdy, ihaaa.ger.of the BalOllegrn (o be Jealous, though, timore Orioles, is one, of the most to . ball sell t players has po the tlajjebafl men . Although one of- hi? sons te only qccojnpUslied jof , and in Florida. now Ashing hunting . three ear? .old and the .other sfv. Klsslmmse. in He lives 'Lind Freddle en, the forehanded , l New York .Even the ,6trom already has. registered them for. future admission to Notre Jockey club sometimes makes mis' Dame. . ., Mickey Cochrane says takes. Recently a war . k Is tohghet to find good catchers registered as Sophia Tucker' when than any other kind of ball. play-- It should have been Sophie. Slml ers nowadays. larly another thoroughbred wgs of set down as Ruby Keller most talked fidally the Joe Dimaggio, when the owner meant the name to about (and probably the best) ball . . . Jorge Bresca, the Keeler be player In the South this spring, has ' Louis Soreel, his heavyweight; to about worry found something and bis train DeFoe, Billy manager, been ha has time first This is the In born same were the all far away from tha family fireside er, March. no month, symp and although ha ha noted Washington may get a franchise toms as yet he fears that he even homesick. , In the Eastern Amateur Hockey , become will tuatly Tha Phils turned down Burgess league next season. One of the " Whitehead before the Cards traded clubs is planning to operthere. a ate farm Giants. him to tha 84 Bo'st-wlc- - UnesOverlandXrall fransirofts from Chicago to Sajj.' Francisco. It. was her first, flight ftn(I.lheflkefllt so jf 'that well ted shfc Immediately formu-- 1 plans foe flying across the which she cijossoc) back In cpn-tlnen- t; 1S(T7 (a at covered wagon .at the age of fifteen, tjvo yeah after the Civil war wgs over and before .thy com trig of the. ealLrptids fa gunny Cali' . fornia. k, - v - . View Plans foif Perfect Air FicliH. ... . . tw. . . h bu-tl- 1 tt some s'liuU, .. '( tkeur are Aifgloiifuolac ' . J. BUNION Pain!. ;c Thne soothing, healing pad give yon tnt relief from painfi bunion; stop shoe preMure, cuihiao nd shield the sore spot. Bold at all drug, iboe nnd dept, store. and we have politicians , Stop England-has- . . ' , 'ra s l Congress Discovers Leif Eriksson v i. s e H , 1 1 e e s SCALPS' Cutlcura brings .soothing, p Buy todiw Sotp 25e. Ointment 2S end 60o. FKEB ampl tf you write Cutlcure," Dept. 8, Meldn, Mu. rROU.HIRL ID and the Germon-'eannplife Bcfthu" .Jhrowlng at 1'nrtw slH (hat might, well havd'wrecktid .Netre Oaifie, the ladelebje pr fhe n 'bujntw Cbap.elle.-Is as' yuflilcss, a ,Wa woe nu-- , lure the earthquake tWdestroyed curbed raj, ef. Lisbon. . die grl-a1 t TVhen l'ltlsburgb te through with ' the disaster that has almost the clty, a monument etjolild e erected In a fnlrk, or on Jhe mountainside, .In honor of the courage alid recuperative energy of thd great Industrial city. With lights turned off, water flooding the streets, many men and women calm-2 continued their work, wearing Jy g coal miners' caps, like so many gigantic glow worms. Americans still possess resourcefulness and can do what they must do. oyer-twhem- twi-year-ol- d , - el L i YiOl.lAH Favorite Prescription and ((gained my normal health. I had no more periodic pain. 1 got more nourishment from my food, aqd 1 developed Into a normal. healthy woman." All druggists. -- cw lre,ttaba. SO eta. Liquid $1.00 & $1.35. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Bwaovw Impart Color and Beauty to Gray aad Faded Hair toe tod (LUO at Drarritta. ( 'bora. W'k,., Pttrnoffne.N.T Ideal for nsa in FLORESTON SHAMPOO connection with Parker Hair Balaam. Make tha hair oft and flnffy. 60 eenta by mail or at drag. Sista, Hiscox Chemical Works, Patchogua, N. Y. Mill? Oil i) 03!03il?'y light-bearin- "To him that hath shall be given," even In Wall street speculation. Beginning May 1, If yon buy 5100 worth of stocks, you must put 555 - This gift of the Norwegian friends of America to the congress of the United States, Leif Eriksson America, a copy of a larger painting by Christian Krohg In the National gallery In Oslo, was al the hcr day in Statuary hall in the Capitol. Later it will be hung In a gallery In the senate wing of your own Into the deal This will compel small fish to operate on a small scale and get rich slowly. If at alL C King Fturea Syndicate law WNl) Sarvlo. .- Mre Ines Llddle of U97. Wi Cedar Ave., Denver, , Colo., ald; At tha time 1 Into was developing womanhood I was listless , and weak, suffered from dunet tonal disturbances, and would have terrible , lalna. 1 used Dr. Pierce's - Hlpewhere, aids in removing dandruff the. Soap kesps theacalp clean-and pfomotes hair beauty. e t .wel- come relief, The Ointment -- ultra-carefu- e Uie'nld story'; tweriJ-y-thiV- : blg-tlm- - . I.fg btlalneKi, like tittle tiqslngqp, has' hipl trouble, but hero, anil tllere it l stlft big business. , Io fill g.lmual feporC fur General MoKfoiku', Jr., reports tors, .pot sales lusjt year amounUng to il, 155,041,511, ngaMst 52,072,070 tha year betyru ;. a gala of 'more 'I' ,thua twd' hundred aufl nlqety-twmillion dollura That lueuns uulny new curs, add- famine's mafle hapT'h ctyupahy paid out Id pier. wugeg more thun three hundred million dollar, out and Including wggcje paid jndlrectl le ' ttidhsunds of workers producing mi ' . ! I f tft world !a ? rial terla-l- of whlb eutoaoblle's Pyiadelphla W pointing the, way fop the re uad . what-wllIa the' "perfect air 'transportation, wit work being started m . j tferralnusl .Facilities Tor air, rail 'and water trarmporUltoa and accomSixty af Mussolini's phinqs Aavd ' modations foMhe mooring of llghtef-ttian air craft Are plenned Mayo S. lidvijf Wilson of Ihlfadelphia, .rllif. Is ; here with Admiral King, Wiped out llarae, Ethiopia's (sdcond biggest 'eity, one of 40,000 Inhabit' center; head lof. the navy flying corps, and Mu). Al Williams, the navy .Civilized" EucopC, 'England aqts. n plans, speed ace, the) Jispectp(jthA ' ' ' . . . leading,- - bemouqs tlrts fjel that Mohoniinedna vmsque, the Coptic and a Cathode diurch ca(hedrpl i- . . yer blasteA wliat Tbey forgqt happened la fhe ' 4 .big waf.- at ,Uhelms, Jouvala and -- ' ,1s' elutettmt-n- e. ... - - tt-tl- d VFf Yhiry o d '. YEARS , six-fo- . 30 (l. ,. - CONSTIPATED 1 o - I'areftlut love ujlvgubled din. be an joiillu . '. I " - trorpyour dealer (ke ,- Indlan-lnfestei- card trick. I iff hed ytere ahronto contiipetfon. Sometimrne',1 did riof . dot four or tjve.dave. ( I f Mwtul hed bloat iluiuaands aroHiu) the prhto'u elo headachei ja agd pain Million ef sliiiei in secomk The yi, in he "back. Adlerikm lens pimped illlky (Vuy above your halped riiht away Now i aat iiui ate, bananaa. cuA eua is one e? bead, , p ia, anthint'I yant aod"' aoundly all night thirty (lM)Usnnit Rllllio Specka of'1 mavatddlt beNer. Mr a. Mahal Schott. end enjoy .HI a. Ithep 4 ones fevolvlw 225,000,000 Sght,' f you ard suffering from constipation, l years. . Na limit to bigness j sour stomach, and gaa sJerplenesS, Uml to smallness, apparently, . bloating, therq is Quick relief for you I lji Adlerka, , Many report fiction in 3hai tiava) eohfoyenca . one dose, jg rpinutee after taking end quite to the atlufact-loiof Adlerika give complete just actidn, clean England,- with the situation about lng yoflr bowel tract..where ordinary. as ft wu when illmra Johnson ej f laxatives do not eveneach. California put the'BUinitfim Jn.theve Dt. H. L. Shoub, New York, reporter , tcW 'words; fit addition to intestinal cleansing, Great Britain builds aa slio pre AdleHka checks the growth o .in- ( fore; he Unlte'd Ktutea buljds as testinal baetbrja and eolon bacilli. J Great' Brltulaf 'permits.' Give yonr ytbmacte and tovlely a re&l , Englnyu! actually . ay Ao the Cleansing wUh Adlerika and see .how United States, Yoja most .build no good you fefcl. Juafone spoonful relieve more cruiser with eight-incGAS ftnd chronic conjtipation. Sold by guns we. do not like them. . And t,ho al( drbgghts and drug departments. United Ktatcm IliiTOhiy any, 'All 'anys" right, then we shall not " rae-ih- DHMMMarl0lpal seuleif Awltlvs, Nature te both fust and elow'j tlie.eki-tro.In the. atom revolves Tatcj Trip at FRUlfS yfGETABUS-lSHRUBj- ' bo-dl- n flOWERi ON douhla star li found, ami tliut.' ts (he big news. Twin suns' .close (ogelhrr, lr (he: roiuftellatloB of Oirhluchua, revalve completely around.- each, olliee lu twenty iwonths. The shortest period of revolutlou for any 'etliir "binary star Is five year.' Some reyolvr ml uuee ( huhdrrd yeara. - ..." That's fhe Penalty provided by hl sea tom 4 the .rule-- . dm'en'j!. i KILLMNSECTS The "fnrtrst highest peace-timplaned ft (he breast ef Master Scr geant (Stanley Morgan, Alaskan flier, by Col Henry 'A, Finch,' f Fort Lawton, kVasiilng- " (oi. Morgan received ' the decora , tints for Ms ber6lework during the influenza epidemic that ravaged an Alaskan settlement tome time ago. lie also aided In the recovery t cf the f'Wllej ot and Will liogera,' ; e' eiecpUmi extra fifteen hnmired tnllllow dollar for protection. But f the German propose to throw ui won a plllhox to guard '(hole famous cities end tholf greMtcvt Industrial arc , , , (hen 'measure h,uist he IonrertoiV Irotweon the general arniy staffs v Britain and France.' 1 v daring. sl-- is hitter (n Ms of the suggestion tlia F.nglend he dragged int apothe war. France, says he, caa en(J y.'Kit.fUVUO on the ereetloa of huge fortification. (V van tote plans which Involve expenditure f en ., f V The Soldiers niedat, (he . . he f.Teyd OHtfge iew . 15 foe M prep ration fof the d Ataet aeaa fens tf fhelf uA sol against a foreign invader, 3 . ta-so.- . f. IllacA : . tuake r ''At i i nd Teuton fogsot il pounds I ths dog, but First" Air.. racing weight for there have been winner all .the Across U. S. way from forty. tevtn te seventy four , the start of the Age of the weight of each dbg I recorded , , , When competing in a fees hie. weight must not vary 'by From covered wagon ficros the more than two pound from theso l plain of the Midrecorded figures , , ' Similarly dle West to luxurious air line (ravel. only pound and a half weight Ve- Is far cry and covers a lot of. time, nation I permitted from hit las tot Mrs. J, II, tleVsoa hn enjoyed . that experience. J celellratlon f weight, ' Tlill is to prevent cheating , , , her elghty-fourt- l blrtliday Mr, There was a day (It stilt exists In tlersog flew onq of the United Air g too many places, as most dog unwhen exprerts wllj admit), scrupulous owners would fill fhele favorites full f food or watef before raceL. Used tp celebrate . Other owpers AnJmnle tVeek.by Be Kind-tsand papering the popw pads of ' wns a very fine! ft feet. laf'.dog.s means f' winning bet on loog shots, as you will dlscowr if you try the trick on your own tootsie and then attempt (to sprint a hunslity-fou- ur fwr t t flu' it vibeys fhe rulps that" nya (Ternlaw tuilsh those srt make Wawse tifc will get. a,' black Ideal , - to , , oH. ceuts, Slaty Mlf-.wauk- oe fW. hirfcue favorite Prescription make weak .women stroijg. No. alcohol.' Sold liquid,-Adby wtlggist tablets e llletlUs time - 2S 4s to- - . V: te overfly net their, gloves thla Season. Thty pay that Hank never was good field r until this gad get was Invented and that ha knows " .he will slump with. ' eut It now. 6e he Greenberg asked a pretty penny' in Order that he might be In good bargaining positron In Case his fielding was held against him. Harry Geisef, the. American league umpire, knd Mel Harder, the Clev land pitcher, can (and loved to) do : rrd-w- - those attaching Solved shall send young piei When !q training th dogs are fed only tce a day . . . On days whei they are pot racing they dine at si 'o'clock . . . On workln days (Florida tins matinees ns well as evening perrorntahcfs) . they must wait until after the races . . . (f you have a greyhound to dinner yoq should give him raw hamburger, ground coarsely but with all the fat removed, pearl.- barley, splnch, tomato, oatmeal, dog Meruit and botnlny grits . , , You ml alt this together and. If It t a very apeclnl occasion, you add a few spoonsful of cod liver oil . , , Tha .ordinary portion weighs a pound' and a .quarter,- although some owpbrs. dlslj out rations el two' ''pounds . . . The heavy average dally gost for A dog's board . llnglaui .fiingfrously" '. - - n- GreylioumlY Pinner Will Cost You a Quarter p with 1'rauiwthis time, )r yeara). Meadows and Playgoer. erol lllrmeviceata, eyraiMthetlg . for breeding furjwtMs. BIod lines rt a lmirnffant a among race hordes , , . War Cry, owned by W, B. Burnett, the thor. Is the Stan o' War of tha Aalile from rturrtfif In dogs movie, tie won 41 rsuvs In n'ne year and was out of the tuobey only four times. . , Other great lire tre Traftie tulicer, who goes back threw dog generations (12 The the Jorha... . iinmclsody had him arrested jaald lie was tMthtling ordinary red hnlons. Jle admWed that, hilt tire Judge 81- hkegci) Id in, A a eglljruia tepa lily . declare 4 tha euirL Is akonpia. eoinfyuter, relate In full flight rt JjTvw.York Terry lively f business elllum ceim JHIes to home-gofo- g selling adngft an fceur. . They am need t;Mll the? m fonftwn rmnriia M , . , Billet causlly continie In cwnlwfl-tlofor thrv yms, while ruirt uaually Csmpsign a year if tiofe Thvn, even thmigh they etlfl fetsla their apeed, they am reilrrd IS mile ; wheeled then to .vtstlo, end. di WHEN kidneys function badly end W you suffer nagging backache. with dizziness, burning, scanty or too frequent urination ana getting up et night; whtn you feel tired, nervous, use Doan s Pills. elf upset Doan'i are espeeia ly for pooily working kidneys. Millions of boxes are used every year. They are rwcsK mended the country over. A at yc3 nelghborf ... ; |