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Show . . . 1 I UYTON. UTAH Tllfi WEEKLY NEWS EXPRESS t e" ! OUR a .; Summer That Is Done in Shriplc Stitclr. .comic: section. ''r r -- . . cequlremests. . rstamps Send 13 cents td eolna The SeWng t (coins preferred) West I lousebold AMs Pepf.; Y York. N. Jew Fourteectb Street, -- lrv . . ' , of all the I'lltches jndeded; mtiteclat I f or Swagger - Knitted Coat or .Spring ITS 'BEING' DOrf.E . .Events in the Lives of Little : . . ., Men-- . HIS FIRST TASR . - A I '? . ' ., . tlr feren J riFry-riFT- rt'iA jour chniU. firming ritf t background, . rrrrrrrr ' wMilF "that tub of tmttef, all those hams, that toa of $ugaf-- " And be continue to reel off ttrlog' of Other articles. Good gracious f said the pueiTed widow who kept the shop. Whatever da you want with 11 these goods, Mr. Shes- mistress of alt she surveys- . . Jones?". hi you're certain- to be, to( If you 1 danno, Im infe, said the farmer, this swagg knitted eoat for elect is scratching his head, but, you see, it wear this like tiffs, 'ns the ejcecutof of your easy making and summer. and So to knit easy spring father's will, and tbs lawyers Just told stock-a loose with la stitch, simple must carry out all the oie that nett stitch for the contrasting borMagazine der, youll find Germantown wool knits tip eery fast. KNOWS HIS LINES In pattern 5534 you will find instructions for unking the' swagger coat shown In sizes an illustration of It and. txnte tnartf me. X3f- f Scatce. $lbfe $hfe I appose' I conld ff'fhal . fit, ga ' j explanation. ' Vo-u- farmer walked fhte a grocer's atop with firm tread. J want," fie said, T . - - J Crith just enough maturiAgeacS . week for family need all-roun- d 5 . : ' planting chara u Cas 19J6 Ff log.(frc on sequett) kU jow w hot to md vkti the seasonal Wk new (Jew e ' SEEDS I your . '. nearby Deaten Rot home latd (o supper? No. . .Its about an even break between stich tlmfs and those when nl . 1 get home and find supper let pCComt of thq bridge club-- . .. . fresh "Doesnt your wife coiriplrftrt w?in , . purebred 38-4- ;. .. jour 1 coar-plet- - moving picture with lower. With Ferry 'ticc4 ' you cm rotate your planting to Have rfoWen coming inev ' kleom continuoilily. Tender, frcjft vegeuble, Kn. ., your garden Footstools placed tinder the table will prove s source of great Comfort Mrs. Knowsall Who was this Joan to short people at meal times. SAfDII Hftrs SIND 101 of Arc that aavd France t iD FlowrCrdcM, Old FuIUomJ iW Nrw, ltr. Knows lb Von got them char.If yonr (loors sre worn, and wlllj. c Cwd. w acter mixed up. It was Noah of Ark. not hold wax. touching up the try Jonahs the" guy that swallowed (he woru places with white' shellac and I ' ' -- w whale . . then wax. The floors will be much Improved by this treatment. Mothce Nitan'a Fetch The elderly, sotAewhat If the pan In which chocolate lsi . Flirting lady caller was trying to make friends -Is lightly, buttered, U will melted rton-llke tt get C with Tommy, while hi more easily. pour mother waa busy (a the kitchen. i llir near-sighte- (f ft Vatirrs THE FEATHERHEADS 'day? .- . . - Friend Therea a grease spot dhinJ notice there J'esterduy. . 1 m pet LMU momsemse FEEL WiLLSfrU --TAK& .iHlfcSt, . Us AvJ-- l'P CHEAP TAKlf4JlHlEY WANT THE the libraryBooks back Tq ARB-twWEEKS I'fHEM BACK. erC &00KS FAK ; some OF 'THEM 'AM D (TODAY THEY ARE OVER PUB J THAT'S YJHY THE V fovAY FELIX D.lner (Just eutered) Iloilo, Toml the bill of fare to Anything now- ou ' New - o -- REMllTYifi I SURE WINNER A LI Fl N E $ 5- ARE OoiMCt .On jri Not His Debt OiWraa d ITj - My, tny, ehy .sald, couldn't yonr (V lien making uncooked froktlngs mother find a patch more tike your with powdered sugar, add s little trAusere?' Indicating the spot In ques more sugar than' recipe cn.lis for. Uon With finger. Is likely, to absorb moisture Sugar That ain't no patch," said Tommy, Jeff uncovered, that's me." wiggling, Capper's ' WeytJy. . ; House plant's will have to be wmore often pow tha.n they were tried ' A Tidy Bit during early wlntey moothA A And old. woman, on her first trlp fo warmer temperature and brighter the seaside, was greatly Impressed by will' dry. the pots out much, sunshine the sea and decided fa take feme of It more rapidly,. back with her la s' bottle.-Whoa she arrived home she proud-String snd butter ieahs will cook I showed it to- her husband, who asked; ?Why didn't you fill It to the mors quickly if salt is not added to'i ' the water In which they' are boiled top?" ' was the answer, until a few minutes before removing Weil, yon silly, . I had to allow for the tide coming from the fir. f 1 -' - y - . la."Tm-oot- Globe. o .0,11 ' A Peaceful. Frcfcrcwce . What do you do when aska your advIceW . . .a w;om-a- n . Switch off to tlm 'subject of her millinery.1'. , T HBUCJ SAMP J 'Yoil' TAKicf- -' .'U APYAM77V6E. , HAD VflMElSSTOO ? ThSs FAULT- so - NEWS . ' SPREApING . - BEFORE my Father IT JtlST BACK HE'-WeM- to COUNTRY . T THE', OLD T NEARS :A66 ' dont deny the the- Professor Ul-bro- while, but utes." 5 . lt'.sr I quarrel once In a ajl over ln-- a - "S t Oof After (i The champion athlete In bed with s cold wn told that tie had s tem Moss-i-O- Ol'LL TlST. SHTp; IN Af4.SEE t i HE 'Be u looks? Bella SOIPE VJHUT Pom'.wu Not a Model Artist V . ; AH' WHO iW0l(5HT. I tKAT BE MotfirtT oi ,A$K ? r??N ZJjpT that my IS : Why, Ive ' 77.- 0; hes given . llICIILt . From. ber dad, - ' t - , ( co-m- jr mule-t?nde- : tuahio rs - - i. ttds romfnete, witrk0chiir.!T& True, Sut- - - wbyi mak of diitrnction te Stop . at ihla beautiful ttoatelry" ERNEST G ROSSITER, Mgr. . ljni hes not druggist,' fiECOMMENDCIk Va aaa a)a appreciate Dumb MuU Great ?cott, Jlose, to be oil bunged 'up like 1 thopglit you tveue one of the best . , in the business. Iw Mosc-- So done boss., but got Id s fuulo last nlfeht v.bat didnt j know cay reputation. WNU oi NAPOlEOtf highly drainiblf, frimdly atmoa phere.Toa will alwaywfind Itinunac- -' falat, aiiprtvnrly comfortabU, anil thoroughly agryrahleJVou ran there, fara understand why thia hotel iai .Jos makI, a bust nates Sl.SO to $3.00 Th flart TcmpT Squat tia a' A Family Affair doos she get tier good MeUa : Temple Square tllaWhefe so handsome, ; HOTEL; Pinf .Keep your way (here you wiR - Uetin Nwpapr Ualee FAIR ENOUGH . n - pass s baseball- park,. . Messenger Ooy (hppefnHy)l;cs? ' .. Moss Well pass it, Mila : JY. fit replied' Miss CayonAe. fts ply o.f health' giving Fostum free- te Ik a lot of other theories, Jt; anyone, who writes for It Ady, . rather-adnif. them at once jthan go to the trouble of rending 'enough about them to qualify, me. to tuke part. In discussion of theiA." FOSTAL SCALES FINNEY OF THE FORCE; iostum paper. few min- all ovcr'the nVlghborhood." lea; Mead the offer made by the 0 On lobby 1 delightfully Air copied during the summer months Had1 tar tverjr ttaam JOd M?fmtgOa Bath Gompanyla another part of this They will send a full weeks sup, 'Hw. high Is it, doctor J" te. wanfci! to know; ' . . ' . A hundred and oneif . IVhata the world's record!" m .My wife and SiwtIc. KU Weelts Supply of Postufn Fre ' perature. !i 1 No, ITS, PEE.OUT BORROWED 5 .... IT MY AlMt EACTLy BOOK 16 nc of'' thg ubrar yr PAYV SEE WELL-Y- oU 'Of coufse, you ory of evolution?"-sai- ' Syndic!. W . si-- . . 35' TIMES DO CHANGE . Trainer encotirugliig bf 'Mnuscr.fr s (nan .who s.lwa'y youve got t(? 'doU to stick-telghj hU words, .Isnt he?" U snd go fo? em, ond ybuYt come i Yes,' hit It tAkip a dence of s' lot . flying cnlofs, through weigh Anything,. hf.'qtu Yesf Dub MdxCf (doubtfully J Artheyll .be t Th' XVy f Fans Bulletii .. canum lullior Well, sir, fbe'upstiot of waVthat It took, ma ten year to dl cpve'r that t hud Sbsaliitelf p talel for' writing flterature: Frleftd Yeu jfaveup? ; A ut 3 or Gil, ao; by thaf'ttns t;Vt rnanj-.Wh- si nt u-it- - .- 3 A ( i and Mr. ftWi They both want . ihelr sheets changed, at least, dnee . a month. , V Mrs. Lodger Very well Give Mr Grouch those from Me Urunfstved . and give Mr. Crujn hla. Mald-rMr.roif- ch are" kickin again . GOOD EYE log famousi ts That HAH-NAPOLE- WHY- - Vet; Nl'eF?:,SAw,, YH'MOM-N- o'I SUPPLE; VouVe Et 5EEfo EVUNTlNfS -- By T4e GREAT' Pont see real 1 MASTERS that y somethiM' THEY NiVER Dough In my day." yourdls- ? - ectrfc . .... . 17RIG LEY'S ' Silly Question Tramp Could you spare me something for a cup of coffee? Scotsman Iloots, moot De think 1 carry lumps 0 sugar around In my pockets? The Norwest Farmer. .' An Old Decision .. I Why dont you show Tour wife whos master, of jhe house? She knows." - cause." 1 1 ."Well," replied! Senator Sorghum, to be candldl that e.loiyience isnt so much tor the cause s for the -- CUM7 regard-a- ll m ew-fab-ged pliy of eloquencja a beneficial .to tBe feffect" "Did Tom marry Clarice for her taoney?" No; It was for her father's jlq, Theres tw.enff 0. them I dc 03. The brf'cb rod was good .Spectacular suppose you that school puttisg , H iM.-THE- Hlrana they are switch. Voyatetia YlritorVllowJ ftirU If t Wa'sig. ton? Nuliye Wa'al, I dont tightly knovt but ,1U trfll Eph. Epk'll know. Ll' traveUyk all vver. He' ga boe o : PltCHOORS OP as: TaUksta.Tlmc, " , TH " PERFECT GUM . iisi! - iv'imvo-- D 'I I . , |