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Show Girl' club official elected war Loie Laraon, daughter of Mr. and Mr. Harry Laraon, 47S . 3rd South, president; Molly Stone, 14. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H, GL Stone, 338 E. 2nd South, vie president: presi-dent: Joan William. 14, daughter of Mr. and Mr. B. William, 533 E. Sth South, dance manager; 1 Dorothy Mitchell. 13, daughter of : Mr. and Mr. Joseph Mitchell, 2SS I E. 2nd South, girl' athletic no I a?er Boys, Girls Clubs Elect Officers New officer were elected Tuesday Tues-day at KiwanU-Felt Boy' and Girl' club. Elected for the boy' club are John Pappaa, It, aon of Mr. and Mra. Mike Pappaa, 1485-9th East, president; Ruaaell Liston, 12, son of Mr. and Mra. Charlea Liston, 121-5th East, vice president; Jack Riddle, 14, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Riddle, 434-4UI East, boys' athletic manager, and Tom Osborne, Os-borne, 12, son of Mr. and Mra. Tom Osborne, 249 E. 1st South, Judge. |