Show DRAPER MAN OUT FOR COUNTY POST to Seek Nomination Nomination Nomina- Nomina tion for Commissioner SANDY SANDY-At the conclusIon ot of o a meeting or of district Democratic chaIr cn Jm am Draper Midvale Bluff Bluff- ale Herriman Riv Riverton ron Union Murray Murrey South Jordan and Sandy S. S J. J a of Draper announced his candidacy cy Wednesday night for the Democratic nomination for count county I commissIoner The meeting was held a at the Indy city hall with fifty present The movement m t to Mr Mick elsen n as a 1 candidate was started st Sandy three ago He refused to declare h himself un until iI he haci hab con erred with district leaders and had learned o of their attitudes H His can can- was unanimously indorsed ed at the hc meeting Mr who is presIdent ot of the Jord Jordin n school board declared in announcing his candidacy that h he would not to promise promse reduce taxes ard 3rd would promise neIther jobs no nor projects in exchange for support lie He said he favored rapid reduction of of county debts debu and opposed the idea of refunding bond issues because of failure allure to reserve funds with which to o retire them Argentinas Argentina's public works program 1934 is nearly double that tha of last yea year |